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Everything posted by heloguy

  1. So, this seems to be back now. Loading hangs in the mission editor when loading iraq.ng5. If I ctrl+alt+del, and "end task," DCS gives me a pop up asking if I want to quit. If I click it, DCS closes.
  2. I guess disregard this for now. I ran a repair, and haven't had any issues since.
  3. Maybe because 15/33 isn't a real runway anymore? Either way, doubt it's there, as you allude.
  4. I haven't seen any other threads about his, so it might be just me, but I have not yet been able to open Iraq in the mission editor. The splash screen shows about 60% on the loading bar, and just sits there. I opened Task Manager, and see my physical memory sitting between 75-83%, with about 13gb worth being DCS. The last time I tried, I let it sit for about 2 hours while I was away from the house. Came home, no change. Have to "End task" to close DCS. Other than this, I've been able to play the Iraq instant action missions for the 64, which is the only other thing I've tried. Any ideas?
  5. Resurecting this thread to see if anyone has a solution. Forgot I'd even done this thread, and spent all morning trying to get Knobster voice to work, only to discover, I've been down this road before. Getting old is stupid. Anyway, I don't really care if it's Knobster voice, I'd just like to use the thing with DCS.
  6. Got it, thanks. That worked for me as well.
  7. Confirmed, I don't have Bob bound to anything, so, not a factor. Re-confirmed I have FFB enabled in the settings, and trim option for the CH-47 is set to Default.
  8. I assume not, as I don't even know how to turn him on. Unless he's on by default.
  9. Nah. The force gradient should go away on the Rhino while I have the "CD Release" button pressed. I have it bound, and I can see it animated as pressed, and the force gradient remains. If I move the stick to a new position, and release the button, it does not re-reference. It centers right back to default, which is wrong. Hopefully it's a local problem, and not a bug, but, after my repair is done, I'll report back. Has nothing to do with DASH and LCT.
  10. Huh. Well, I'll try a repair then, and report back. I tried using the trim in the UH-1, and AH-64, and everything worked fine. Just doesn't work in the 47 for me, for some reason.
  11. Native FFB trim doesn't seem to be working with this update on my Rhino. I have the "centering device" interrupt bound on my stick, not using TelemFFB, only native FFB, trim mode is default, and I have the trim hat bound for beep trim in all directions. I can see the correct buttons actuate on the 3d model in the cockpit, but force gradient remains when I press the CD interrupt, and the stick does not move when using the beep trim hat.
  12. Fishing for others experience here, as an hour of searching has left me with conflicting answers, mostly buried in endless Reddit posts. For reference, I run OpenXR, and Quad Views with eye tracking turned on for the performance boost. I've had my Crystal for a few months now. When I first received it, I watched this video: If you watch at 2:38, there is now a voice over that wasn't there the first time I watched it. Originally, the video explained that you ONLY plug in the blue USB 3.0 plug if using the provided USB hub, which I am. The video furthers specified that the USB 3.0 plug must be plugged in on the side as he demonstrates. Now, there's a voice over that specifies that the USB 2.0 is OPTIONAL, but if used, must be plugged into the provided USB hub. I ran the Crystal for awhile according to the original video (only the USB 3.0 cable plugged into the hub). When I attempted a battery swap during play, I followed these instructions: short press the power button, wait for the screen to turn off (almost immediate), then swap the battery within 60 seconds, and press the power button to turn the screen back on. I conducted the swap within about 10-15 seconds, as I had the new battery waiting. Almost as soon as I removed the battery, the headset shut down. I could hear it disconnect from my PC. DCS froze. Once the new battery was in, I short pressed the power button, and saw the screen turn on. When I put on the headset, I could see only a battery icon, indicating a full charge. Further short presses of the power button did nothing, and Pimax Play indicated that the headset was not connected. I long pressed the power button to turn the headset back on. After about 10-15 seconds, my computer crashed, and conducted a hard reset. After the above episode, I had a fellow DCS player tell me that you are supposed to run both USB cables plugged into the hub (not sure where he received this information, but as we can see in the above video, it's optional now, so shouldn't hurt, right?). I've been running this for a couple months. In that time, I've attempted a battery swap twice using the same procedure I outlined above. The only difference is that I have both USB cables plugged into the provided USB hub. The first time ended with DCS crashing. The second time ended with another computer crash, and hard reset. At this point, I'm trying to confirm two things: the correct/optimal connection process using the provided USB hub, and the correct battery swap process that will result in me continuing to play DCS. I have already submitted a support ticket, and will report back here when I get some guidance, but again, just wanted to start a conversation here, and see if anyone else has experience with this.
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  13. Very nice. Wish I would have seen this before I threw down on a SCUF Envision Pro. This is cheaper, and it would be awesome to have the level and gain knobs where I don't have to take my hand off the controller.
  14. Appreciate the work on this. I'm trying to get the elevation data, but this link"https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m." doesn't seem to be working anymore. I did register on the NASA site, but I only get "404 NOT FOUND" when I use the link. I also don't have a telegram account, so I don't seem to be able to download from your page. Edit: Disregard. The link indeed doesn't work for me, but if I do a web search for a 30m SRTM tile downloader, I'm able to navigate to the page. Thanks again!
  15. Funny, this discussion was just being had in a Discord channel. MGRS accuracy is based on how many digits. A 10 digit grid is accurate to 1m. An 8 digit grid is accurate to 10m, and is what the 64 receives on the KU. Whether or not you decide to round depends on how accurate you care to be. Example: 37SDA2667733703 is the actual location on the ground you want to nav/slew to. If you round, the grid would be input as 37SDA26683370, which is 3m off in northing and easting. If you don't and just truncate, it would be 37SDA26673370, which is 7m off in easting, and 3m off in northing. Obviously, if there's a 5 on the end, it's pretty much a toss up on which is more accurate, but, my OCD makes me round.
  16. Got it, thanks. Probably try without speeding up the time and see if it happens again.
  17. Thanks, I understand that. I'm wondering if the fact that the sim's 3d world froze, but would still let me access the menu via the escape key is related to the bug mentioned in your previous post that the original poster was talking about. Basically, is it worth continuing to play, or is this going to happen on every mission until the bug is fixed?
  18. Just started this one and played through MSN 1. Had a pretty big FPS drop when the bomber formation spawned that lasted until after we turned back to base. After dogfighting, and getting a couple of kills, we were formed up and RTB’ing when the sim froze. I was admittedly accelerating time. Oddly enough, I was able to hit escape, and get to the menu. After trying to ‘RESUME’ a couple of times, only to have it freeze, I ended the mission. My kills were registered, but I only received a score of 50 for not making it home. Is this related to the issue described above? Or related to me using time acceleration?
  19. First of all, thanks for sharing this. I'm having a hard time getting this to work. I'm using OMM to install. I have Quaggles injector installed in \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Input, and I have your default.lua installed in \Saved Games\DCS\InputCommands\AH-64D\Input\AH-64D_PLT\joystick. I'm not seeing a "Special" category, or a "CPG Con" category as shown in the .lua. Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. I was installing the mod to the Saved Games instead of the main folder. All good now. Thanks again!
  20. I've tried several times now to load up the KW at night, turn on NVGs, the ODA in the right seat, and then enable the HSD on the co-pilot's side. Every time this results in a CTD when I press the HSD button on the left MFD. dcs.log
  21. Since the last patch, really appreciate the smoothness of the TADS and PNVS at night, but it looks like the original bug of them being roll stabilized when you tilt your head is back. See attached track. You'll notice that when I look at the extreme right or left with the PNVS, there's a point where the behavior is correct, but then it reverts to being roll stabilized. AH-64 PNVS_TADS Roll Stabilized.trk
  22. Really would be great to have this effect. It's a game changer, especially for any cargo/utility/assault aircraft. If anyone can't land in the dust doing one of those three missions, then they are basically useless pilots in the desert. Not too far off for attack pilots either, if they have to go to a dusty FARP.
  23. Yeah, that's the one you use if you have a FFB stick.
  24. I had to go to "FFB Tune," swap the axes, and invert the y-axis.
  25. If it's working, then you installed it correctly. If you don't have it installed correctly, you will not see it in the game.
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