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Everything posted by DoctorStrop

  1. I have worked out that I got the viewDx and viewDy values incorrect. These should have been increments of + or - 90. To get the correct view I need to zoom in, but DCS zoom seems to me to be difficult to manage, it does not allow fine control. This is what it looks like... low resolution images recorded while testing.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0EkDchXHtQ&feature=youtu.be Anyone able to answer if I can set a zoom value as a preset?
  2. Hi, I am trying to do a 360 video. I have everything set up in Blender, but the box projection monitor set up does not do what I was hoping for. This is the image I am getting and the code I have come up with. Please can someone see where I am going wrong. Maybe I have to do something with field of view? Thanks in advance _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('Box projection'); Description = 'Configuration for Box Projection' Viewports = { Top = { x = screen.width * 2 / 4; y = 0; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 1; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; }, Bottom = { x = screen.width * 2 / 4; y = screen.height * 2 / 3; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = 0; viewDy = -1; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; }, Rear = { x = 0; y = screen.height / 3; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = -2; viewDy = 0; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; }, Left = { x = screen.width / 4; y = screen.height / 3; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = -1; viewDy = 0; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; }, Center = { x = screen.width * 2 / 4; y = screen.height / 3; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; }, Right = { x = screen.width * 3 / 4; y = screen.height / 3; width = screen.width / 4; height = screen.height / 3; viewDx = 1; viewDy = 0; aspect = screen.aspect / 4; } } UIMainView = Viewports.Center
  3. For those interested, the YouTuber posted this response.... I captured hi-quality video in high resolution with special monitor setup for box projection in "DCS World/Config/MonitorSetup/" and it looked like this https://www.braynzarsoft.net/image/100046 . Then I did remapping from box to cylinder projection, and it began to look like https://area.autodesk.com/dynamic_resources/area_learning_tutorials/1223/content/11505525841.jpg . So you can feed YouTube such projection. The original video should be in a really high resolution because it undergoes severe distortions after remapping
  4. I have been messing about using Blender for video editing. Here is my first shot. Full flight of a Harrier 3 ship. We are still evaluating if we can make a display with this amazing aircraft. Mistakes included :)
  5. Thanks for your ideas. I think I will have to have a play about myself with this. If I have any success I will be sure to post back on how I do it.
  6. Hi, Any chance someone can write a basic tutorial on how to get a basic shape such as a cube to export as EDM using Blender. This really interests me, but cannot justify buying pro modelling software. These parts I do not understand. - create animation arguments and so on - create LODs - create collission shells I am not asking for any help with creating the Blender 3d models. I am interested in modelling some assets that are not available in DCS. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi all, I saw this video on youtube I wondered if anyone has any idea how this was done. I have tried some things but I have not achieved anything. I have contacted the video author as have other viewers, but no replies have been posted. I would love to use this for video from the display team I am in. Thanks in advance. Andy
  8. I bought the Gazelle on steam at release. I copied the code from Steam and registered it for stand alone, and used the Gazelle for many months. Now it is asking for activation again. Why is this?
  9. Personally I doesn't bother me either way, I wouldn't buy it, but because of the amount of vicious rants I have seen in in-game chat from experienced players at noobs due to their noobishness, makes me wonder why people don't support the training aspect.
  10. HI, Has anyone had any success getting a TM Warthog grip in UK or Europe? I have a VKB GF pro, and want to use it with an A10c grip. TM are not responding to my emails :( Thanks Andy
  11. Is this an offer to exchange a VKB KG 12-A for a thrustmaster a-10c grip. I also am waiting for the MCG, and combat is not a thing for me at the moment.
  12. This could be a good idea for those who like me, forget to close their canopy.
  13. Thanks :) Good to hear we encouraged you to fly again. AO after restart at 23:00GMT seems to be the time to join. They took smokes off and lag seems to be heavily reduced. Makes for really good flying. If you are over 20YO look out for MrMaverick, Fab, Borg, Zap, Aurora, Skelet, Vanquished, or Aubergine. We are all from Europe, various countries as long as you speak English. Yes was really fun. We were chilling out after our team practice. I will see if I can make a video of the crash from a few angles if I get a chance. It's a lot of footage to watch through. The original uncut flight was 40 minutes long.
  14. Thanks mate. We don't often get flights like this though, usually too much lag for people to get close, but when we do get them, I will make more :) When DCS works, it's awesome.
  15. A short chill out video I made of a flight had Monday night. It features quite a few pilots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LzlvxrXH8I&
  16. Any ideas how this can be bound, and to what type of switch? I am guessing this command cycles the through the "near" "far" and "off" states, so am guessing it can only be a button with momentary action. {down = iCommandPlaneHeadLightOnOff, name = _('Gear Light Near/Far/Off'), category = _('SimPit')},
  17. I added them to this file... D:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\Input\Aircrafts\base_joystick_binding.lua ..now they can be seen by all my FC3 aircraft.
  18. Hey thanks for your contribution. I noticed you do not have the "value" properties that I have, so I have taken them out and it works. Is there anyway I can add these commands to separate file and call it from the default.lua in the path you mentioned.
  19. Hi all, Hope someone can help me, I have lots to do with my VR simpit, and need to sort out my switch bindings. I fly around in the MiG29 in VR. Reaching for the keyboard is a pain. My flight stick has few buttons, so I bought some On-Off toggles and wired them to a USB Joystick controller board. As expected the toggle switch replicates a keypress down, so I have to switch on+off for on, then on+off for off, which is not good. I need to have the on off replicated. How do I get from this... local diff = { ["keyDiffs"] = { ["d175pnilunilcdnilvdnilvpnilvunil"] = { ["added"] = { [1] = { ["key"] = "JOY_BTN4", }, }, ["name"] = "Navigation lights", }, }, } return diff ...to what you guys have mentioned as on off? Thanks in anticipation. Further to this I find this... local res = external_profile("Config/Input/Aircrafts/base_joystick_binding.lua") So I got there and find this.... local res = external_profile("Config/Input/Aircrafts/base_keyboard_binding.lua") and in that file I find this.... {combos = {{key = 'L', reformers = {'RCtrl'}}}, down = iCommandPlaneLightsOnOff, name = _('Navigation lights'), category = _('Systems')}, So I go to this... {down = iCommandPlaneLightsOnOff, name = _('Navigation lights'), category = _('Systems')}, and add it to the default for the Mig29C ? Now I am stuck... I tried this but it does not work as intended.... {down = iCommandPlaneLightsOnOff, up = iCommandPlaneLightsOnOff, value_down = 0.0, value_up = 1.0, name = _('Navigation lights On/Off'), category = _('SimPit')},
  20. Hi I was in the Mig gate-crashing the party :) Loved that flight but had to split as the group I am in was starting a flight. I can send you my track file if you want to see what I was doing throttle and stick side.
  21. I set a rudder deadzone in MIG29a in Nevada but it is not realised in game. In Caucuses the dead zone is fine.
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