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Everything posted by Ssnake51

  1. That's weird. I've no problem with the site or with placing orders.
  2. Agree. Other than the VKB and Saitek pedals you mention, I have all the other pedals you mentioned. Even though The Simped pedals are the oldest, they are still working fine. I've gotten so much use out of them over the years that I'd rate them my all-time favorites. But as far as present day pedals, there is no question in my mind that Slaw's pedals rate number one.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I did not try calibrating axis in windows. But am now getting 'pcb device error' so not going to be able to try that. Have tried shorting out bootloader pins but still not able to get rid of device error. Fortunately I was able to use grip on a t50 base instead of the warbrd base. I am using the latest version of VPC software. Whenever I close that program I get an "Exception EAccessViolation Error" message. Don't know why, but in any case the stick seems to be working fine on the t50 base.
  4. Getting back into simming after a long break and tried setting up some of my Virpil controllers today but am having an issue with the the Y and Z-axis calibrations. Am using the original T-50 grip with the Warbird base. When moving along the Y-axis the Z-axis also jump up to 100%. If only moving the Z-axis there is no such interference with the Y-axis but I don't have full range of motion - only goes to about 50%. It did take me awhile to figure out how to use the software. It is not the most intuitive and my old brain cells don't work like they used to so am wondering if it is something I'm doing wrong in calibration rather than a hardware defect. Also, I did install the latest firmware and am using latest version of the VPC software.
  5. That Kanttorin throttle console looks incredible.:thumbup: Thanks for the info. Just placed an order for it.
  6. Totally agree that CH Manager software is excellent. I've not encountered any problems with it and Win 10, but seems to be an issue with many others.
  7. Does depend a lot on what one's desk is. When going from the wheelstand pro to a table mount I decided on getting one of these : Bush Business desk Very solid, the desktop is thick enough to get a good clamp with the Monstertech's. Monstertech mounts are better than Virpil's. And they have mounts for a wide range of Hotas products. Of course, you will have to pay more for them, but well worth it imho.
  8. Yes, that is another way: just plug in the controllers and not even use the ch software except to calibrate them. Combining the controllers is necessary for those sims that only recognize one controller. I still prefer using the ch software when setting them up as separate controllers.
  9. On newer sims I usually set them up as separate controllers. That is one of the adantages the CH software has over TM T.A.R.G.E.T.
  10. Guess I'm just being anal about this. Wish I had tested it first with default cams and springs. That way I would be more confident that I hadn't screwed things up when configuring it differently.
  11. Yes, I believe so. Installed just like pics shown on first page of dburne's excellent review in this forum. Will double check it later to ensure my memory is working correctly. The 'click' happens precisely at the middle of the Y axis irregardless of X axis position. Not sure 'click" is the right word here. I can feel it even when moving stick very slowly and there is no clicking sound.
  12. Yup, it is very slight. Guess it is more noticeable simply because motion is so smooth on X axis. By the way, I ran into the same trouble you did when trying to attach grip on. Had a helluva time trying to get one of the pieces into the hole so I could screw them together. Wasted almost an hour on it. :mad:
  13. Finally had time to unbox and setup the Gunfighter Pro/MCG Pro I got recently. Kept the 10 Cam on and replaced original springs with a 10 and 50 spring on each axis. Noticed that in the Y-axis there is a very slight click when moving through its center. This occurs regardless of how fast or slow I move the stick. X-axis is perfectly smooth through the whole range of motion. Is there something I can check to see what might be causing the Y-axis click or is that just normal behavior?
  14. Same problem. I've got lousy eyesight and have to sit too close to my monitor to position the Track IR sensor on top of it. Picked up this small tripod from amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D2BCR2K/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This cell phone tripod adapter works well with it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RFZTUWC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 Very steady. Once positioned properly haven't had to move it.
  15. Couldn't agree more. Bob Church's programming skills were top notch. :thumbup:
  16. Even though I am looking forward to getting my hands on this new throttle, I don’t think you are pissing on the parade. You’ve given good reasons for your view. And you make a good point about the Warthog throttle. Excellent point. Be great to get some more high quality throttles out there.
  17. That is not what Karon claimed. You really should stop throwing out insults so quickly.
  18. What kind of simming do you do? Do you only fly jets? Or do you also fly helis or space sims? The lighting is best for jet sims. If you play a wide variety of sims then the T-50 would be a better choice.
  19. Betwee those two better to get the lighting. It is basically an updated warthog.
  20. Combine them into a single controller with the WH stick & throttle.
  21. Just placed a pre-order at B&H. Estimated availability is Aug. 13th.
  22. That would be nice. However, am sure Monster Tech will make a special plate for it if not. So no need to buy another whole table mount.
  23. This. And what I don't get is why bitch to the manufacturer of a high quality item to hurry up with production? I'd prefer the good folks at Virpil to take their time and put out a good product rather than rushing it.
  24. I've gotten into the habit of doing that whenever I make adjustments or changes to anything in my computer or flight gear. In my seventh decade and my old brain just doesn't work like it use to.
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