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About sebihepp

  • Birthday 04/27/1987

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World (F/A-18C, F-16, A-10C, Ka-50, F-5E, C-101, Persian Gulf, Supercarrier soon)
  • Location
    Heidelberg - Germany
  • Interests
    Flight Sim, Computer Games, Programming, Archery
  • Occupation
  1. It seems you have CSS Autopilot on. It is visible on the left DDI as an advisory A/P. Do you disable the autopilot modes via the paddle switch? If not, this is the problem.
  2. How does the Offset function work???
  3. I think realistically you would need about 16 harpoons, 16 JSOWs and 8 decoys to destroy ships with basic defense capability. Admiral Kutznetsov should need more. And one document someone mentioned was about the AGM-84E - we have the D model in DCS. All the fantastic upgrades are not available here.
  4. @bunraku: According to your video you need much better throttle control. You don't react in advance and your throttle movements are either to small or to big. Trim: In landing configuration trim for AoA and then never touch trim. Everything is done with throttle. Throttle: If you see your FPM falling down and you want to level out on the horizon, then you need to push the throttle before you hit that horizon. If you descend, you don't need that much power. And you need to use the throttles while you are doing all the rest. Don't ignore throttle while you are manouvering or setting up flaps and gear. Maybe it is better you first train maintaining a set speed. If you can control this with only 1 or 2 knots deviation, you will be ready for landing. For me it helps when I configure for landing and then aiming for about 130 to 140 knots. Then I can do little corrections to fly level - and then I look at the speed and know my current Final approach speed. I try to hold that speed and I will be always level. In turns you need to add a bit of power. When climbing or descending you need more/less power to hold that speed. You just need practice in using the throttle.
  5. Were you in the zone? Please list everything you were doing.
  6. For Takeoff you need flaps half. Otherwise the FCS is thinking you are still on the ground and doesn't trim at all.
  7. I can also affirm that the hornet is different now, at least the throttle. I wasn't really good before, but now the carrier landings are horrible. Could it be, that shes accelerating/decelerating faster than before?
  8. Even if I add them manually to the Speech Recognition, it is not able to differenciate between boar and ball... :-( I spoke both commands 20 times now. I only get "ball" sometimes when spelling it wrong, with a sounding 'a' instead of a sounding 'o'.
  9. I purchased VAICOM and VoiceAttack and it is simply amazing. After training the Microsoft speech engine it is working much better. But I still struggle with some words, most likely due to my German accent. Problems with words: Ball, Boar, Dodge, Crew, etc. Any tips for that?
  10. Hello Pilots, when to do the FCS Bit test when starting cold and dark on the (Super-)Carrier? On my checklist it is part of "After Engine Start/before taxi". The Problem is, I have to unfold my wings for the test, which in turn is problematic because there is not enough room at the spawn with other Aircrafts. So when is it done? Right before the catapult, when the yellowshirt tells you to unfold the wings? Or do you begin taxi forward until you have the room to make the test yourself? Bets regards Sebi
  11. Wegen der Wirbelschleppen: Flugzeuge der Klasse Medium müssen zueinander einen zeitliche Abstand von 2 Minuten wegen den Schleppen haben. Nach 20 Sekunden würde ich mich da noch nicht auf den Runway trauen...
  12. Wie weit verfehlen sie denn? Welche GBU nutzt du denn? Nur die GBU-10/12/16 sind lasergesteuert. Die anderen GBUs sind GPS Waffen. Hast du den Laser auch aktiv bis die Bombe im Ziel ist? Was auch sein könnte: Die Bomben haben einen Gleitpfad und nehmen das Lasersignal erst auf, wenn der Kopf der GBU auch grob in die Richtung schaut. Wenn du sie zu spät abwirfst, dann "über-fallen" sie das Ziel; Zu früh und sie landen davor... Wie wirfst du sie denn ab? CCIP? AUTO? Hast du einen passenden Target Point?
  13. Oh, yeah. I know this too good. I am working in the biggest software company with its headquarters outside america and I know these backup things. Often enough a system needs to be restored and suddenly the latest good backup was from a month ago. Although we are taking backups at least every day. Sometimes it seems that the best backup mechanism just doesn't work...
  14. You all know you need to be in a "stable flight regarding the target", do you? It means the dot in the reticle is only valid, if you and your target don't accelerate in relation to each other. So it is essential to first place the dot on the target. If you keep it constantly for half a second on the target, then you can press the trigger. (or manouver exactly like the target)
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