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Everything posted by Jackjack171

  1. I'm sure that had something to do with it. I swapped controls from my Winwing F-18 HOTAS setup to my Winwing F-16C setup to fly the Viper and something in there went crazy. I still don't know what exactly, but she hums like before now. Thanks!
  2. Ah, I see. I thought the servers had that capability!
  3. I'm a bit confused. In the ME, as @fagulhasaid, you can change the entire helmet, cosmetically! That squares it up to 2 different ways to have it off, the switch and not mounted at all.
  4. The issue has been reported and fixed internally. No need for insults.
  5. I served from 1997 to 2018, how about yourself? Yes, it is hard to get others to understand some things. No stars and no moon sometimes. I do think that the small boys in DCS are a little too bright at night.
  6. You'd be surprised at how many do not like a challenge! Looking at the DCS picture, the deck would still be illuminated without the unnatural backlighting. Overall, it appears to be an overdone light effect. I hope they fix this someday. I was a yellow shirt for 20 years. You cannot see the hull number at night...unless you look really hard and squint. And you can barely see the island from the bow. The shadows and lighting sometimes drown a lot out. The further up the bow you go, the darker it gets. I had to lift my googles to put a bird on CAT 1 or 2. But I'm preaching to the choir here!
  7. I will check and produce a track.
  8. I have this problem. I hot start, everything is already on yet, my INS drops out of alignment. I see the VV in the briefing screen but as soon as I hit START, I lose INS. I get an associated WARN caution in the HUD as well. Everything is on but there's no VV and my DED which had radio info read's: INS INFLT ALGN COMPASS HDG *** FIX NECSSARY And this occurs at the start of every mission, airborne or not! If I recall, that didn't happen before. Am I doing something wrong? Inflight should already be good to go without me influencing in a hot start scenario, or so I thought. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Same here! Was going through final checks when I heard an explosion. Had to taxi past the wreckage...wild!
  10. I agree that the DCS carriers' Island lights are incorrect. Definitely better than pre-Super Carrier though! Just a quick note, the light pattern used for launches are not the same for recoveries at night. I imagine it might be difficult for ED to simulate this. When the launch concludes, the Air Boss or Mini (can't remember which) will call to his sailors to rig the lights. We had a cheat sheet for it as it was kind of complex. Also, the rotating beacons are missing. Should be a (working) set forward of the island, amidships and aft.
  11. USMC F/A-18C ops out of Kandahar it is. This will be fun!
  12. Cool. Thank you! Would the angle adapter base be a thing or is that overkill? None of the grips are available so I'm thinking of purchasing the base and dusting off my TMWH grip. I understand what you said about the programming. Probably why they are never in stock. Must be good equipment!
  13. May I ask, did you purchase the grip or the base or the entire setup? I've been wanting this setup for a while but it's always out-of-stock. I currently have the WinWing F-16EX and it's almost overly sensitive or not enough. Didn't meant to derail the current topic of a roll problem. Thanks in advance.
  14. No one was rude at any time...normally I would pipe down, but the OP is no victim. He was offered a plethora of advice. Thanks for welcoming him to your community. That's awesome.
  15. That advice and then some was given to him earlier in this thread. He chose to check out anyway. It's all good!
  16. He doesn't want help and plenty of that ilk don't. OP stated that himself! The OP also said he wanted to go to WT, and I agreed with him. Pretty cut and dried.
  17. We offered help, the OP refused. Not sure where the "look down the nose" part came from, or any of it. I'm far from elite so...but if feelings are involved, it is 100% on that side. This is not an emotions-based debate and I nor anyone here is responsible for how someone else may or may not feel. There was no hostility at any time. If bluntness is seen as hazing, we have a lot more to worry about and that's a topic for elsewhere. As I said, we are here to help but if one doesn't want it then...
  18. Was thinking the same about the twisting...thought I saw it, but you just confirmed it!
  19. Some people want to ice skate uphill for sure! You are correct, this is an endless debate. I'm not citing anything though. You've seen the comments just as I have. I'd bet that they (the comments) are still there although locked. This topic screams ineptness, entitlement, and a failure to plan. And somehow, ED is supposed to fix that...wow! And this community is one of the most helpful out there. A plethora of knowledge, experience and help. The OP thinks otherwise. My training wheels and helpers are my hands, feet and eyes. The sim is cheap and ours to do with as one chooses, all day. Practice makes perfect and there are many ways to learn if one WANTS to...but sadly, that's not the case here.
  20. I care because it's a forum where people talk and exchange ideas, no matter how ludicrous they are. We all have the ability to throw our 2 cents into the hat. Training wheels are temporary and meant to teach! As the OP stated, he's not for learning AAR, he wants it done. This is a time and ineptness issue. None of which are ED's problem BTW! If memory serves me correct, the majority of users asking for this state or have stated similar reasons. That in itself is enough to squash debate!
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