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Everything posted by wraith70

  1. I'm having the same issue.
  2. Could you share your updated CSAR script?
  3. I've actually done it different and I think it sounds better this time. I've included the Audacity project, EQ template to import, and detailed instructions on how to do it. Let me know what you think. -Wraith UHF Voice Overs.zip
  4. Very nice...thanks for sharing!
  5. In SP. But thanks for the heads up for MP
  6. You can do it with MOOSE. I've never tried it though: https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS_DEVELOP/Documentation/Ops.RescueHelo.html
  7. Turns out they work on some tracks in Normady. In east normany, the waypoints don't follow the track...they are straight lines. In Cherbourgh, I used the left tracks and it started working. -Wraith
  8. I've set up a simple mission on the Normandy map. Setup a locomotive with some box cars in Cherbourg with waypoints heading south. When I start the mission I see no trains. I say a youtube video showing how it's done, but it's a few years old. Has anyone successfully got trains working lately?? -Wraith
  9. Are stats on medical supply runs on the 'to do' list? It would be nice to see that along with the other stats. -Wraith
  10. Issue I was having was different. if you use the '\' backslash key for Comm menu, it only works on the ground. If you use RAlt-\ then the comms menu works in the air for the Huey. Problem with RAlt-\ is that SRS detects it as a transmit button even when it's not mapped as such in SRS. -Wraith
  11. I tried every Huey slot and still no menu. I hopped back on the server later in the evening (EDT Toronto time) and the menus were back. -Wraith
  12. Hello all, today, there doesn't seem to be an F10 menu option in on the server
  13. Make sure the task for the tanker is set to REFUELLING
  14. I'd like to try the SP mission as well.
  15. I don't recall seeing this in any of the recent changelogs.
  16. Yes, I noticed it too. Thought I was losing it
  17. I'm not an expert at this, but do table indexes start at 1? Past programming says it starts at 0 so hence t[0] and t[1] maybe??
  18. I don't see it either
  19. Try setting the trigger type to Mission Start
  20. Check out this video: The trick here I think is the condition should be "Coalition has Helipad"
  21. You can check this out: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2534793 Involves editing a LUA which would likely get wiped out every update.
  22. This is where I am confused. You are correct about the "M6 Linebacker", but for the Vulcan, it is this: GT.Name = "Vulcan"; GT.Aliases = {"M163 Vulcan"} GT.DisplayName = _("AAA Vulcan M163"); OP said "M163 Vulcan" worked for him. So you can use GT.Name or GT.Aliases?
  23. What worked for the M6? I'm trying to figure out where these are being derived from.
  24. In mission editor, make sure the the Mirage skill is set to player or client.
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