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About Mustang

  • Birthday 11/26/1975

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    Chelmsford Essex, UK
  • Interests
    PC's, Flight sims
  • Occupation
    ALDI Chelmsford RDC Logisitics
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  1. Maybe trying some of the graphics.lua settings shown might help too? I've bumped many of the parameters up for testing purposes and have yet so far not really encountered any strange glitches like you're seeing on those maps.
  2. Awesome! ED could probably fine tune it a bit better with their knowhow but yes this is great thanks Nineline
  3. Edit the terrainoptions41.lua as shown and the popping will go away, this is 100% fixable.
  4. Hi all, thought I'd get something going to see if we could get ED to add new visibility options to DCS World. The process of adding these settings are known by some users in the community but as of late I feel that these settings should be fully exposed and available for all users to enjoy in the base version DCS. Making the changes are pretty straightforward once you know where to look - firstly you make an edit to the optionsDb.lua file and create new entries that will be toggleable in the options screen Next you need to make some edits to the graphics.lua this time creating new entries for the new settings and their corresponding values under distancFactor Lastly an adjustment is made to the terrainoptions41.lua by increasing the size levels of the Instancer buffers, this is required to elimate any popping-in/out of scenery objects/forests etc (I just brute force the values by adding an extra 0 to each amount) Once the sim is fired up the new options are new available. Beware of making any edits to the terrainoptions41.lua, doing so with trigger Integrity Check fail on connecting to most online servers.
  5. DCS falls under 'Digital Combat Simulator : Black Shark' as a profile in nVidia Profile Inspector (unsure if it applies to the current DCS which is DX 11.2 and this is an ancient DirectX 9 era version profile)
  6. Amazing work to all involved with the work on the new fog/dust effects, they are truly fab well done ED! edit: wow also the rain/cloud effects look way better too, I love the shadowing and illumination effects.
  7. This may or may not help but see especially around the 16min 16sec part, I have affinity set to FF and DCS runs way smoother (12700k CPU)
  8. Mustang

    DLSS "update"

  9. Haven't posted any screenshots in a very long time...
  10. Thread bump, newer nvngx_dlss.dll in latest nVidia 566.14 driver, I have extracted the dll and uploaded to Google Drive if anyone wants to try it out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NNS843Vqem5xda8aqpTHVmwzCiWHdWZM/view?usp=sharing
  11. Thought I'd throw this link in here, useful tech forum discussing all aspects of PCs (I tend to head over there for driver information) https://forums.guru3d.com/
  12. You can mitigate the disappearing objects by making an edit to your terrainoptions41.lua - under the instancer section add an additional 0 to the buffer amounts (this breaks IC)
  13. Editing the clutter does nothing beyond 1500m render distance, unless someone else can figure it out.
  14. Yes it does quite significantly, at least on my end preset F and DLAA looks great.
  15. DLAA is the best setting if you have the hardware.
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