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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC ×
Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by Lucas_From_Hell

  1. Hey Pete, has the issue persisted or did it only happen during that mission?
  2. Yes. Here's a comparison made by another member of manual data versus the old performance in DCS, with his caption. All credit to @rossmum for the work, I'm just quoting. To keep it short, Heatblur did a great job making your product a better simulation of reality, so pop open a beer and let's drink to that!
  3. Are you using the band selector on the ARK panel or the one on the left wall panel?
  4. Взвод «Град» ведет огонь в разные стороны по одной команде «Огонь в точке». Первый отряд стреляет более чем на 90 градусов от цели, а второй и третий стреляют во время движения стойки, разбрызгивая ракеты повсюду. Здесь трек и скриншот, показывающий разброс. Спасибо! PS: Еще один пример того, как это выглядит. Grad_Bug.trk
  5. Нет, педали, газ и джойстик у меня отдельно. Вот вырезка из трека, где проблема более очевидна, с положением джойстика и педалей. Эффект элеронов действительно ощущается только тогда, когда джойстик находится в крайнем положении (то есть за пределами положения, в котором находится ограничитель, когда шасси убрано).
  6. В текущей версии (DCS Open Beta), если крылья оторваны из-за перегрузок, самолет остается управляемым. Более того, летная модель по-прежнему отвечает на элероны, даже когда они отсутствуют. Это происходит от низких до высоких скоростей. Можно даже посадить самолет. Гидросистема и закрылки также не пострадали. Можно выбрать положение закрылков (несмотря на то, что их там нет), а также многократно выдвигать / убирать шасси и воздушный тормоз. Вот несколько скриншотов. и трек-файл F5_Aileron_Bug.trk
  7. Руководство пилота будет готово до или в конце периода ЕА?
  8. Minor, but still inconvenient when rearming: If you press the keybind to release the chute on landing, it will remain held. The same thing happens with the chute release button. A follow-up problem with the chute release button is that if you click or press the keybind while it's already pressed to reset it, the chute will be released if you have reloaded it, making the player have to rearm again.
  9. If you jettison the brake chute and take-off, the external sound of the wind against the chute will still play. Video: https://streamable.com/rfu182
  10. Лично я предпочел бы с проверками.
  11. This was one of the reasons why the development team working on the Mi-24 decided to forego the PK on the Mi-8 - you lose a lot of visibility for a gun that will be shooting at bullet sponges, no point doing that until there's a rework of how infantry and bullets interact.
  12. Nope. Valve is peculiar about having a date at all listed, but it doesn't have to be met.
  13. I think it was said on the Russian side of the forums that the Mi-24 would not be going out to content creators before release, but they will do some videos internally for it.
  14. В стрим сказали что в общем нет. Петрович у нас серьезный парень.
  15. It can hover in combat weights just fine for enough time to locate and engage targets. The aircraft's tactics manual covers ambush attacks from a hover position dating back to the Mi-24D.
  16. Not the case. The Mi-24 has no issues hovering, to the point that in a cold day you can stay in a hover on continuous power all the way until the fuel runs out. The Falanga, Shturm and Ataka can be fired in a hover by the Mi-24 just fine, the only reason why you see fast pop-up attacks as the norm is because they are inherently more survivable than sitting stationary within range of main guns and ATGMs.
  17. это зависит от скин, а не страны. Если создатель включил текстуры для экипажа, то они там и будут. Если нет, игра загружает стандартные. Это так в почти всех модулях. В восьмерке строчки в description.lua написаны как "pilot_MI8_body" (форма) и "pilot_MI8_patch" (флаг). Например...
  18. Tangentially related, that one time Russia was part of a NATO-led peacekeeping mission
  19. Будут ли у Ми-24 подвесные топливные баки, как у Ка-50 в DCS?
  20. I would really like having that. For the purpose of campaign building, it would simplify the placement workload a lot.
  21. As far as I know the Mi-24P can carry up to 750 round, while the Su-25 has 'only' 250 in its related gun.
  22. Hmm, perhaps you can get it done with a script that allows the player to spawn an invisible FARP and the static units required to talk to the crew and rearm with an F10 radio option. Worth investigating.
  23. Wrong way around. There is no solid evidence of it happening, so unless someone is able to provide a source proving it and also explaining the procedure (which munitions could be carried, how many rounds, was this done with the engine running or not, etc.) it won't be added to the game.
  24. What you're describing is setting up a quick FARP using a large cargo helicopter to take the supplies, not having individual Mi-24s carrying reloads in the trunk and landing in the middle of nowhere to rearm. Broadly speaking, Soviet Mi-24 and Mi-8 units in Afghanistan operated from airfields or from Army forward bases. The ranges between those and the troops needing fire support were usually acceptable.
  25. It'll probably be like backseating for the F-14 - not for everyone, but fun for those who like it.
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