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Everything posted by diamond26

  1. I was expecting that when you choose OpenXR API in rendering option, you force DCS to run with OpenXR. (Like the switch in the command line) It’s not the case with MT off. OpenXR is possible with ST and Oculus as long as you use the switch
  2. I search registry using the file name of the app. It will bring up DCS updater ones but you only delete those with V2 in the name
  3. it seems that the VR Rendering Driver is not working. I choose OpenXR API but the game launched with Oculus (No multithreading)
  4. I had to delete some registry keys related to the new app to make it work again. I now run it as Admin and so far it's working (2 succesful launches). For some reason the VR settings always start at PD 1.3 and the screen resolution always at max despite the different presets setting
  5. Unfortunately is not working out of the box as expected. Crashed in the first try of launching DCS and then wasn’t able to set it up. After crash you need to restart windows to get it to work again. After second crash I can't setup the app anymore
  6. It's definitely more lengthy for me too. Haven't measured the time but the authorisation process is taking longer compared to last OB version
  7. You have to leave dynamic bitrate to default (0) in ODT (since I cannot recall the exact name by heart, try to leave bitrate options to 0 to be sure) to make it work properly. In my case the performance is almost the same as Link. I don't see a reason why QPro will be different with Airlink BTW you don't need the VR enable option if you have the VR setting enabled in DCS
  8. I don't know if you are using MT and if the freezes/crash happen when you put the headset aside but here is what I was experiencing with a Quest2 and how I resolved Another possible reason for the system to crash is a problematic cable. You can eliminate this by checking if crashes occure while using Airlink
  9. More or less yes. You can also check the OpenXR toolkit log where it shows at which resolution it renders. You can also play with upscaling getting even more performance
  10. Unfortunately Quest headsets are sold as standalone VR headsets. PCVR comes as an option. But I use a good cable from these guys and I am extra satisfied. https://eu.vrcover.com/collections/all/products/premium-usb-c-cable-for-oculus™-quest-2-2m
  11. Yes it shouldn’t be good for connectivity (at least the Q2 one wasn’t)
  12. This is not what you want to see when you test the link cable. You should see USB3 and speed above 1.9 gbps. Also when you see these 3 dots, try: disconnect Oculus, power off both PC and oculus and start up again. Sometimes you need to reconnect the Oculus cable on the fly to get rid of this problem. Most times I’ve seen this behavior was when I was switching between different Hz settings (72,80,90) It renders a smaller area on your headset and thus increasing FPS performance. Usually you don’t see the black bars around the image until you hit 0.75 but each individual sees it differently. As with most settings in ODT, you need to put it before you start DCS. To get a feeling what it is just try an extreme figure first like 0.5 (it should look like a tunnel view)
  13. I'm using OTT longtime now but I haven't seen this feature. Where exactly is it?
  14. As a Quest2 user I’ve seen improvement in performance with MT and OpenXR but OpenVR at night conditions is still better.
  15. Hi YoYo, what module your test track uses cause it's asking for activation
  16. I have a 3080 12GB and Quest2 (details in my signature) and I'm happy with performance. Either on 72 or 80hz. In difficult maps, like Normandy 2 over Paris or London or South Atlantic over towns, ASW kicks in without many artifacts. In MP scenarios depends on how heavy the server is, situation is a bit different but in any case I'm always able to keep FPS above the minimum of half requested rate (36fps for 72hz or 40fps for 80Hz)
  17. Things are very simple. Try to run MT without or with any argument you prefer, if you see in DCS.log anything other than OpenXR then you have your answer. By OpenVR I mean the Oculus native API. In ST regardless of having Oculus running as the OpenXR runtime you can have either Oculus native API when you don’t have any arguments or OpenXR if you use the OpenXR argument. In MT you can’t have this option.
  18. Unfortunately as I am using MT, OpenVR ( or native Oculus API) is not compatible with MT. With or without command line, MT runs OpenXR, which of course is fine for Meta Quest headset but is limiting the options.
  19. To my experience this is the case. No OpenVR for MT How do you run OpenVR with MT?
  20. Just default now. I'm also thinking about QPro, so this discussion is really interesting. Currently using Q2, I'm surprised that default encode bitrate is not giving you worst visuals compared to 350 or more. In Q2 there is a clear difference to the worst if I use the default option (more blurry). While Airlink requires default to work properly.
  21. From a Quest 2 user ( I believe the software is the same). I have hand tracking enabled, so need for controllers, Then I touch the point on the bottom bar where the battery icon is (that has a tooltip saying quick settings) . That brings up the option to connect to Link. After that I launch DCS from PC ( not from the link inside headset)
  22. eager to hear your detailed analysis on the use of QPro. These discussions have been really made my wallet worried
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