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Everything posted by Swson

  1. I confirm that ….unfortunately…..
  2. This interphone label happens with easy communication activated, I deactivated it then arc210 is labelled again then I activated easy com again and arc210 now stays labelled so I don’t know why this Interphone label appears……weird
  3. When radio throttle button is pushed FWD, the label on the radio menu is Interphone and not ARC210 as before last update
  4. I finally found a way to know if the human player of an aircraft is still piloting or has ejected first you need to get the player Plane Id from export.logetplayerplaneid() then get the object info from export.logetobjectby Id(player plane id) if not object info then the pilot is out the aircraft this script is working in a hook script where you can’t manage events
  5. I am looking for the Argument Id value related to the KU display in the pilot cockpit ….I had in mind it was 15 but seems not that any help would prevent me making a lot of trials to find it….Thanks in advance
  6. thanks a lot but i'm looking to code able to be working in a hook program launched at every kind of mission start and running on every frame based. Unfortunately, i've discovered that most function and particularly the world.xxx ones are not allowed in hooks scripts but only into mission environment. So i'm now looking to different side ways like getting the getlife() fuction (not sure it works) or creating a generic mission mod into the savegame/mod/folder....
  7. Hi, i would like to write a script to return in a variable true or false the result of an event check on S_EVENT_PILOT_DEAD and S_EVENT_CRASH in order to stop immediately the export of data toward my 6DOF motion platform driving software to prevent excessive moves. i know how to stop the data export so I could do if I had the information but I don’t know at all how to manage the events in DCS scripts to create this information….any help would be highly appreciated….
  8. thanks for answer 3 - all controllers are working fine with all mods except M2000 throttle which is warthog but I’ll check a possible conflict dedicated to this mod I have added a wwPO2 and a Virpil Apache collective lately, I don’t remember if the problem occurred after or before….anyway it’s true DCS creates often axis garbages when a new control is added…. 4- I will check but I made hundredth of M2000 flights and never noticed this behaviour before… 5- yes I think so I need to investigate on that and make a ticket for now I’m in .lua developments to limit the aircraft crashes on missile hit, ground sea or CVN effects on my 6DOF platform so I’ll come back later on these M2000 problems… By the way did you noticed same behaviour on this mod with your setup?
  9. 1- activate the pilot body in the cockpit 2- use your HOTAS throttle control to make slight adjustment to power 3- the vitual pilot arm moves with the virtual throttle like if it had a Parkinson illness then it stabilizes but could as well move alone during the flight with impact on power 4- randomly, the altimeter needle jump from several hundredth of feet up or down then return to the good value Radar altimeter activated or not it’s the same however this is very random and occurs not too often 5- starting a instant free flight from Normandy map I was unable to zoom in/out on the map which was possible with on other module or on another map with the 2000
  10. It’s a pity that such a nice module being fully abandoned….in last DCS update I noticed always the instability of the pilot left arm and relative throttle, also the altimeter seems sometimes living its own life…the Normandy map is impossible to resize when launched the free flight mission in it….we pay for this module we can expect that either Razbam or DCS being involved in maintening it !!! Or refund the customers.
  11. OK so provide us a mean to adjust the position of the IHADS display in VR because I need touching my chest with my nose or nearly to see the azimuth bar on the top....whatsoever perfect being the calibration and the adjustment of my MD on my face
  12. Where are stored the personal profiles you create using the + and how to reload them ? Use of previous next ?
  13. When we start a free flight mission (Caucasus or Syria ) the aircraft start a strong roll to the right in place starting level
  14. When you cage the HUD visualization it remains a velocity vector display at the uncaged position but without the central circle. dont know if it is normal or nor
  15. When pushing the jettison button on my collective the function does apply but the button is not animated as pushed on the left side panel while it is when I press it using the mouse.(visually going down)
  16. In the cockpit if you launch the quick mission in flight in Caucasus or Gulf, the pilot is by default in the cockpit but his left arm and the throttle are not stable and jittered when you adjust the throttle. I use a warthog and the last base of TM AVA
  17. Thank yes the Otto switch cost is the one of a whole joystick sôI opened the serial switch and used contact spray on the central small contact push mutton printed board that solved the problem for now….
  18. I mounted the AVA in place my old warthog base so it appears in DCS with the name AVA Base and a new number, the old folder wit Joystick - Warthog label has of course disappeared so also all of my programmed controls of all my modules using joystick buttons as well as modifier on But 4 ….a big mess’
  19. I have to change the radio 5 contact hat on the throttle whose middle much is not working but the Honeywell 1TW1-5 does not seem to fit at least at Mouser shop. do I need to keep the original hat probably mounted with a tiny screw ? Or could you give me a reference ?
  20. Men you are discussing without end about 20 bucks while you are ready investing hundredth or thousands in your rig, setup and controls and wait the release of a new stuff for months ….. stop kidding! buy the whole map for a very good price and wait the full release …..stop complaining ….full stop
  21. During the small phase duration between being hooked by the holdback, launch bar pushed up, engines at idle and before post combustion is applied when ordered on a CVN with supercarrier, I noticed disturbing oscillations of the exported telemetry longitudinal acceleration value. This was observed on the raw input signal of FlyPTmover software that drives my MotionXP 6DOF motion platform and leads to very disturbing motion sickness effects while in VR. This effect is not existing as soon as PC is applied nor before being hooked to holdback or even before starting the acceleration phase on a ground runway and can’t be filtered in FlyPT whatever being the applied process to the value. This effect is not present, in same CVN configuration, engines at idle, if the flight begins directly linked to the catapult with the holdback installed as it is possible to find in test missions but it appears as soon as you have passed over the catapult shuttle if you make a mission where you roll then make all ordered phases of the launch procedure. Of course this problem is not perceived if you are not using a motion platform managing the surge DOF as surge acceleration in m/s2 and mixed surged in pitch DOF so I am conscient it is a problem for few peoples. Anyway, any idea to fix that?
  22. The flight model of the F-16 makes it presently unflyable on my 6DOF motion XP platform due to the ED admitted un stability of the pitch and oscillations. I hope this will be quickly fixed…. Other ED aircraft are ok
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