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Everything posted by Swson

  1. It is quite easy to get Right and Left pilot MFD on separated external displays as explained, it is sufficient renaming right and lef_mfd names in pilot init files into a new name like righ_mfd_plt and place it in the monitor setup file. It works perfectly for me and I even programmed the buttons of my Cougar FMFD accordingly. Switching to CPG, I get then the TEDAC on my third external display correctly but of course left and right MFD are not replacing the pilot ones. I can however use the Cougar's buttons because I've programmed them differently into th CPG control file as into the pilot control file. I am still investigating a way to detect by software the position where I am in order to make a fast new export ....
  2. I have not this problem please look to the control command from keyboard or HOCAS perhaps they have change it ?
  3. After the last update I added the Trim reset control to my HOTAS but when I tried to save the file under the one I’ve created previously it created a new file with the same name but with a duplication of the .diff.lua ending….. so the first name was AH-64-PLT-V1.diff.lua for exemple and now I have a file AH-64-PLT-V1.diff.lua.diff.lua while my file name in the file name area was well AH-64-PLT-V1.diff.lua….Very disturbing because your are not sure saving your file correctly
  4. I agree to the last comment you must NOT use a no spring with a pedal that return to center alone. I perfectly fly with a 0/100/100/11 adjustment of my TPR pedals. For sure they are costly and very high quality specially the hall effect command is much less noisy around 0 position than usual potentiometers but they are a pleasure to fly with helos. Also don't use force trim to take off and be very light and accurate on all commands
  5. Looks like the waypoint position that is visible in the cockpit....By the way, I encounter same problem as everyone but I can fly in CP/G position with all displays correctly present on my 3 Cougar including the TEDAC and without duplication Also all noticed that MFD are numbered by the system from 0 to 3 with a MFD_id .... so it would have been possible if the position pilot or CP/G is somewhere in a variable to select the good MFD to export ....but where are these variables...
  6. I bought the Cougar at 70€ for 2 then 20€ For 1 800x600LCD with its electronic board and remote control on Alliexpress and 5 € for 1 plastic box so it cost me only 60€ for a fully active MFD ….count 2hours of work on every MFD to achieve the mounting Some other views Some other views
  7. Working for CP/G but I am looking to a variable indicating on which position you are pilot or CP/G to switch from pilot to CP/G MFD displays because they are at the same coordinates position with hardware MFD…..with that information I guess an If then else in the monitor setup lua could work…
  8. Hi, everything is OK with the CP/G on my 3 TM Cougar equipped with 3 LCD the 2 MFD and TEDAC are working fine and I even can use 7 buttons per side using the rockers but no way to switch to pilot MFD located at the same coordinates as’CP/G MFD in my monitor setup when I change seat using 1 and 2 keys…Anya idea ???
  9. Hi that’s nice could you share some information about your project like list of elements and software used or a link to a building page Tx
  10. Swson

    M2000 EW set

    One small information about M2000 family EW. Like its US or russian counterparts as first versions of ALR 69 or SIRENA, M2000 RWR is a 4 antennas CVR Crystal Video Receiver that cover a good part of the threats’ frequency spectrum. . Using such wide coverage quite instantaneously has a nice aspect which is instantaneous detection of threat's pulses everywhere in the covered spectrum but also a draw back which is limited sensitivity due to the B into the KTBFG noise level equation. All these principles of operation are based on laws of physic. However, jammers have also often their own built-in receivers which are generally superheterodyne ones and are mandatory to detect and almost follow parameters' evolutions of threats to jam. This is mostly the case even if a RWR designation to jammer is possible for exemple like it is done in some US equipment when the RWR is itself a superhet or channelized superhet receiver like the one of the F-15. Superhet receivers are not or few instantaneous in detection over the whole covered spectrum because they have to be tuned and scanned but their quite narrow IF (intermediate frequency) band provides them with very good sensitivity. It so allows a detection from far of few powered radars and SAM systems. In Mirage a smart combination of receivers allows long range protection and good warning. When an AC is using several built in different types receivers, detections of the same threat occur separately in time at different ranges but at the end of the day information are correlated and merged in only one symbol. As many different radars can be used in the same weapon system different detection are associated to display a single weapon system and not radar symbol providing pilot with a valuable tactical information linked with average range and an indication of Direction of Arrival given by the goniometrical capabilities of the RWR. The jammer antennas are not designed to provide an accurate DOA but to detect and jam most threats of the 3D environment using only front and rear but wide coverage antennas Special symbologies and sounds as well as symbols position on display does also exist to distinguish levels of danger linked to the engaged threats’ modes and triggering or not of self protection jamming. Of course ranges to threats are not always linked to the real danger, you can be far of an SA5 and be endangered…but if SAM system is well identified through the good measure of its parameters and comparison with pre mission programmed EW internal library and if average range is known it provides interesting tactical information to pilot at least for this generation of aircraft that does not own MFCD with scrolling maps and position of threats and danger circles either pre programmed or in real time more or less accurately geolocated thanks to existing last generation EW systems. To finish, I’m fed up reading all these stupid things about the fact jammers would draw missiles to you and help radars to lock as well as about the fact they would not be effective at close ranges due to the infamous burn through range, itself only applicable if the jamming is achieved through a noise technique moreover against a pulse radar. These are true facts but mostly linked to Vietnam era and even beyond noise techniques based not coherent generation of US jammers. I will not elaborate on the reason why this is widely false from the 80s and even before french jammers because it is not the place to do so but their smart effectiveness has been demonstrated particularly on the M2000 that had, and yet has for export AC, the best EW suite of its generation. I however understand that generally speaking neither Razbam nor DCS own the information allowing them programming a representative effectiveness of EW and this is true for all aircraft. This is however a pity because EW is presently the corner stone of any tactical and even strategic aerial operation but the matter is sensitive isn’t it ?
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  11. By experience, the RDI is very well modeled with the good probability of detection and almost false alarm rate. Don’t forget that it HFR the radar performs a post integration of pulses so the symbol displayed is synthetic and the threshold is managed by a CFAR constant false alarm rate algorithm. In BFR’ the threshold is managed by the radar gain that can be adjusted manually and positioned just above the noise level to manage the disturbance of ground clutter. False alarms in a radar is the every day life for a pilot that must be able to distinguish the good from the false based on tactical analysis of indicated parameters and yet I don’t speak of intentional realistic false alarms created by jammers that are much more disturbing.
  12. My fault, the gear command was mapped to a button of my warthog that stayed on during the start up or when entering the training mission with engine on. However, there is still a bug because the gear lever would not have to be activated when weight on wheel !!!!!!!! It never occurred on my F18 or A10 even when I voluntarily tried to make gear up while on the ground (who has never check that ?)
  13. It looks like there is a problem with gear command, it is up when the mission starts so the 2000 collapse immediatly
  14. This is the answer I've received from the leap motion support following my ticket. Please @BIGNEWY I know the ED team is very occupied about delivery of AH64 and many other things to fix but please consider the fact that if the leap was perfectly working before the, making the modification to reintroduce this good working in the coming 2.7.8 would be a nice christmas gift for all owner of VR headset and leap motion devices...Pleeeeeeease... "Hi, We have thoroughly tested DCS and unfortunately have not been able to get our hand tracking working in this by changing or modifying the dll as was possible in previous versions. If you wish to use our Gemini V5 hand tracking in this version then you will need to wait for an official update from Eagle Dynamics due to the changes in file structure in this version. Please note that you can still use our previous Orion V4 hand tracking in this version of DCS World. As I said previously we are in communication with them and will pass this feedback on as we are keen as well to see our latest hand tracking working well in the latest versions of DCS World! I will close this support ticket as unfortunately there is nothing further that we can do currently. However, feel free to contact me if there is anything else that I can help with and I will be happy to assist further. Kind regards, Dan."
  15. Everything was perfect unfortunately since the last DCS update no more hands visible whatsoever being the ticks on the special area…. Even with the right Gemini 5.2 leapC.dll in the DCSworldopenbeta bin folder……started a new relation with leap motion support but as the visualizer works perfectly I consider this is a DCS bug …I didn’t checked by returning to Gemini 5.0 . could you confirm ?
  16. I just received an answer from leap motion support: Please follow these steps to update this: 1. Copy the new leapc.dll from the following location (or the location where you have installed the Ultraleap hand tracking software): C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\VRVisualizer\VRVisualizer_Data\Plugins\LeapC.dll 2. Browse to the DCS World folder containing the LeapC.dll: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\bin 3. Replace the LeapC.dll with the new file. 4. Restart DCS World and test! And it works well and much better than before particularly to manage the pointers and about FOV Could be of some help to DCS users....
  17. I don't have this problem, I never used virtual hands on stick and throttle but when disabling this I suggest disabling and enabling also several times the leap then ok then back to check. Sometimes it helps a lot particularly to manage the pointers options.
  18. Leap motion with Gemini 5.2.0 (don't forget upgrading leapC.dll in DCS bin folder by the new one) works really nicely now !!!! tested with F18 and A10 !!!! started from C&D in few minutes much better than with mouse and much more immersive. I suppressed the pointer option that interfere with clicks and used a lot the cockpit camera to move my position where I can push my hands outside obscuration or hits by real objects of my environment like HOTAS, keyboard etc.... Dont hesitate also to move your head laterally to suppress the parallax effect or turn your hand upside down to switch button, can help a max. Not a single problem with frontal use. Only difficulties (some) is with turning lateral knobs like INS on F18 or TACAN on A10 but with some exercices you will be eased at.
  19. I just received an answer from leap motion support: Please follow these steps to update this: 1. Copy the new leapc.dll from the following location (or the location where you have installed the Ultraleap hand tracking software): C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\VRVisualizer\VRVisualizer_Data\Plugins\LeapC.dll 2. Browse to the DCS World folder containing the LeapC.dll: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\bin 3. Replace the LeapC.dll with the new file. 4. Restart DCS World and test! And it works well and much better than before particularly to manage the pointers and about FOV Could be of some help to DCS users....
  20. Same problem please DCS and leap fix it !!!!
  21. Same problem with Gemini 5.2.0 cannot see hands anymore either……I will need to come back to 5.0 and it is a pity because the 5.2 looked very promising through their visualizer and very stable….
  22. Unfortunately I just downloaded the last version of Ultraleap Gemini 5.2.0 which is superb in their visualizer with great improvement compared with 5.0 but it does not seem compatible with DCS….impossible to activate the hands when enabling the leap service in special area….if somebody has a fix thanks to share…. To answer about the display link I bought 3 devices from AliExpress around 8€ each :USB 3.0 To HDMI female Audio Video Adaptor Converter Cable For Windows 7/8/10 and was using the driver and app : FL2000-2.1.33788.0.exe from fresco logic and windows7-windows10 2.0.2.exe another one similar device from another shop never worked with the provided by shop drivers so I was refunded
  23. Hi to all Some few words to share my procedure of how to perform a wonderful use of a leap motion device with DCS. It is a bit long but I think interesting to read and it will perhaps save time to some of you. I was flying in 2D with a TM Warthog. I have also built 3 hardware LCD MFCD and a proprietary track IR for few bucks, except the purchase of 2 sets of 2 Thrustmaster Cougar MFD. I equipped 3 MFCD with their own 800x600 color LCD to delocalize the virtual ones of F18 and A10 II. They are plugged using USB3 displaylinks saving GPU work. It was very nice (see description in home cockpit area) but I wanted trying VR flight. Flying in VR requires switching DCS multi monitor lua files and WIN10 display configuration to single monitor using user capabilities of DCS controls area. Personally I have 1 save for VR, 1 for single monitor 2D 1920x1080 and 1 for multi monitor 4320x1080, including the 3 real 800x600 MFCD (600x600 used), programmed in the user’s buttons 1/2/3. After buying my HP reverb G2, I replaced the gasket by a FRANKENFOV using a velcro mounted Samsung Odyssey foam as described on youtube. This allow a minimalist bottom view very useful looking the environment without removing the headset. I am also using VR optical lenses even if I have very minor correction and dont always wear glasses usually. At this point I discovered the problem to be blind to the environment. Using my own hands in the VR looks to be the only good solution compared with the constant permutation of VR controllers, HOTAS and mouse. I discovered the old leap motion tool through an italian guy youtube and bought one from one located in France of the three Ultraleap site indicated buyers. Hopefully this tool is now supported by DCS. Three days later I got both the leap motion (from UK) and a headset mount (from US) through Fedex. The following is my experience and recommendations: 1- I install the leap Gemini 5.0 driver downloaded from developper Ultraleap site 2- Leap device USB3 link is immediately discovered and configured by WIN10 64bit and I got a green status in the leap parameters software 3- I discovered first that using the leap mount, the USB cable had to go out to the right arm side when headset is on the head. On the other side, the leap view is upside down and does not work well if even it works 4- The insertion of the leap into the extractible mount plastic part is VERY tight and it is VERY difficult to remove it so think a lot before inserting it inside. 5- On the G2, sticking the mount to the headset must be done above the two camera lenses of the headset, just under the headset’s LED status light, not to disturb the headset tracking cameras. In this position, the leap is not centered vertically and the headset curvature make it is looking a bit upward. This is not bad because it prevents too much hands’ detection while they are on the HOTAS. Using leap mount is better and more stable according me than using velcro on the leap device because a fixed and stable position is critical. The price of the mount is not so much. 6- Be sure to perfectly center horizontally the mount before sticking it on the headset. It is a one shot because the glue is very strong. This is critical for perfect symmetrical tracking. 7- At first I was very disappointed. The tracking was good but not perfect with the leap visualizer software so I made a fresh calibration using parameters software built-in app. It took me at least ten trials before succeeding reaching 80/100. Don’t discourage and be sure that for this task, the USB cable is going out to the left arm side. I performed the task with the device placed on the headset in its mount and not with it on hand as recommended by the application. Doing this, the headset was upside down allowing the cable out to the left arm as required. There is a demo video on youtube. 8- After a precise 80/100 calibration, the tracking through the visualizer was absolutely perfect. You must have : the leap USB link connected on a USB3 with a green symbol on WIN10 task bar icons all green status in leap parameters software, (I disabled the fault correction and robust tick linked with light) plug your G2 to get WMR opening and launch steamVR, then the leap visualizer obtain the 2 hands and arms skeletons with fingers able to touch in synchronism with reality, this means calibration is OK 9- close the visualizer and parameter software and launch DCS 10- it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to first make your environment as lean as possible. In the beginning every time I wanted touching a virtual button, my hands were hitting something real so I rebuild fully my environment with this constraint in mind. Also you MUST program and use the DCS cockpit camera commands particularly the forward and aft ones, then up and down and in a lesser importance right and left. This is mainly important for cold & dark startup were you manage many side buttons. Can be also of great help to manage frontal obscuration by real world objects like a desk or a monitor Personally I use a programmable Xencelab small device able to program 5 sets of 8 keys onto a 10x5x1 centimeter box with a small OLED display giving the names of commands. This is a perfect complement to an HOTAS were all commands are generally already affected in a recent jet AC. I also positioned my stick and chair, of which I removed both armrest, very accurately and fixed using a fully adjustable studio monitor foot Gravity SP3102 which is very cheap and perfectly usable with the Warthog joystick. I am also using a side keyboard stand and a Trackball Logitech in place of a mouse. It is a much stable solution, always at the same location and that you could find blindly easily. I recommend it highly. 11- In DCS control « special » area activate leap and « thumb pressure » tick I HIGHLY recommend suppressing all green pointers’ lines obtained while hands are closed because they interfere a lot with the command through fingers. This could be very difficult to obtain in DCS. There is probably a DCS bug. You will need to select several pointer positions (right/left/both hands) every time ticking and unticking leap activation, click OK and going back to adjustment until pointers effectively disappears when closing hands. This is ESSENTIAL according me. The leap motion is not really designed to click on menu buttons, mouse is here to stay… In VR DCS commands part, click using mouse and restraint it to game area then unclick hand controllers With this procedure, I successfully started and F18 from cold and dark using only hands, quite as fast as with a mouse and very accurately. It is really a HUGE improvement in immersion. Encountered (small) problems were: a) some buttons are tricky to reach and/or activate (INS, RADAR, OBOGS…)in F18 you NEED to use the cockpit camera commands to move inside the cockpit, place the buttons onto leap device FOV and use then a reset command button to recenter view quickly. However I was even able to adjust rotating MFD brightness buttons using thumb and forefinger b) dont hesitate turning head looking to buttons. Dont forget the tracking device is on your head and has a limited while correct field of view c) of course use of leap motion during flight on the MFD in front of you is very easy and accurate e) I encountered some freezes and two full disappearance of one hand during a one hour flight. Only one needing going in the special commands area to deactivate then activate leap to recover it. Moving hands close and far in front the device generally solves the problem. So if you want invest few amount of money for a giant step into immersion dont hesitate. I join some photos as well. Have a good day Archive.zip
  24. bah my samsung odyssey foam plus some velcro and VR optical lenses make the job for few bucks and I have no connexion problems with my AMD 6900
  25. Here are views of my home cockpit with three uses: 1- single monitor and proprietary track IR or manual views adjustment 2- multi monitor using 3 MFCD TM-COUGAR with proprietary built color 800x600LCD (600x600 used) 3- VR HP REVERB G2 with leap motion Hardware is: 1920x1080 27' HP monitor TM-Warthog HOTAS with TPR rudder Xencelab programmable 40 keys/4 knobs mini keyboard for VR wireless thin dual keyboard on stand Logitech wireless BT trackball HP reverb G2 with frankenfov foam and VR OPTICAL lenses Ultraleap leap motion with GEMINI 5.0 driver TM-COUGAR (2 sets of 2 MFD) 3x800x600 LCD with electronic board and remote control from ali express in modified plastic boxes Gravity SP3102 adjustable studio monitor base as the joystick foot modified desk chair (removes armrest, special seat and dorsal foam) a lot of velcro ribbon https://ibb.co/9tfFsf5 https://ibb.co/WsPtpT5 https://ibb.co/VW8PB5G https://ibb.co/Z1dB20p https://ibb.co/VMB7g54 https://ibb.co/7rcxVgk https://ibb.co/YQXBQsD
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