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Yes! Being 184, Looks like I'll get a nice Christmas Present.


Thank You Miles.




Intel® Core i9-9900X CPU @ 3.50GHz OC 4.5GHz,G.SkillDDR4-3200,X299 AORUS Ultra Gaming-CF,Samsung SSD 860 PRO 512GB,Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB,WDC WD1002FAEX-00Z3A0,WDC WD3003FZEX-00Z4SA0,NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti(Watercooled AORUS 11GB),H100i Cooler.

NVIDIA Driver:430.64


OS:Microsoft Windows 10 (10.0) Professional 64-bit (Build 17763)


Periphials: TM Warthog A10 HOTAS/Throttle,CH Rudder Pedals.


VR:Pimax 5K+,PiTools V1.0.1.129,HMD Firmware V2.1.255.212,

SteamVR V1.1.18

Posted (edited)

So, I've had PointCTRL for a few days now, and I must say, this is exactly what I was waiting for to use in VR. Miles has done an incredible job of putting this system together.


I have done a few traps with both the F-14, and F/A-18, and find setting up the cockpit for each much easier, and faster than using the mouse. Use is intuitive, and lends itself to controlling the aircraft how it's meant to be controlled. Not having to remember which button in my simpit is bound to what, or which Voice Attack phrase I typed two months ago for whatever command is great. You just point, and click. Even not remembering which mouse button is which (admittedly, still learning that, have to think about it each time) is not a big deal, because, you just click one of the others. I'm sure after a time, it will be 2nd nature.


There are some commands I still find use of Voice Attack for. Putting the gear down is easy enough on a long final with PtCtrl, but I find that I still like my voice command if I'm doing a Case I recovery, as I don't have time to look at the gear handle to click it. This may change as I become more familiar.


Controlling the Huey is amazing. Helicopters are inherently slower, so you usually have more time to look away from flying, find the switch you want, and get back to flying. I can see instrument flying in the Huey with the autopilot flying for the straight-and-level legs being really immersive, as you can then get the cockpit setup, and prepare for the approach just as you would IRL.


Miles is also great to work with. Any issues I've had, he's quick to respond with the answer, or advice.


Anyone on the list, you'll definitely be satisfied.

Edited by heloguy

i9 12900k @ 4.9ghz, 64gb RAM

Nvidia RTX 3090

Windows 11 x64

Pimax Crystal

VP Force Rhino w/RS F16GRH, Virpil TCS Rotor Plus AH-64 Collective, BRD F1 Pedals, WH Throttle, FSSB R3 w/WH Grip, PointCTRL v2


Thanks for the write up heloguy, great to hear and I'm looking forward to getting mine setup and running (it arrived in Australia today so am expecting it soon).

Posted (edited)
Thanks for the write up heloguy, great to hear and I'm looking forward to getting mine setup and running (it arrived in Australia today so am expecting it soon).


I just want to make clear that PointCTRL is still a WIP. While it functions well as is, It has room for improvement, and I am not satisfied with the current state. The good news is the improved functionality will be through firmware updates.


Features to add or improvements


1) On the fly, fine tune cursor movement.

Any time after initial calibration you will be able to fine tune the cursor to FCU movement ratio. This will significantly reduce cursor movement when the head is moved and the FCU is held still.

(I had forgotten about this until Heloguys feedback and recommendations.)


2) Improved 2d comms menu functionality

(Thanks Mariner)


3) APB's Auxiliary Push Buttons.

two, three button banks mountable to the HMD for additional functions NVG's ect.


4) VRB's Virtual Radial Buttons

16 Hotspots just outside the perimeter of the FOV to activate, comms, FPS,Chat, Knee-boards, ect. 16 hot-spots x 3 functions = 48 possible intuitively placed functions.


5) Cursor Smoothing,







Edited by MilesD

Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/


APB's Auxiliary Push Buttons.

two, three button banks mountable to the HMD for additional functions NVG's ect.




Oh Miles, thats an excellent idea. NVG on/off and sensitivity up/down on those three buttons would make life so much easier and free up some buttons on my Warthog throttle, as for some twisted reason I like flying in the dark lol. :joystick::thumbup:

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

So, I've had PointCTRL for a few days now, and I must say, this is exactly what I was waiting for to use in VR. Miles has done an incredible job of putting this system together.


I have done a few traps with both the F-14, and F/A-18, and find setting up the cockpit for each much easier, and faster than using the mouse. Use is intuitive, and lends itself to controlling the aircraft how it's meant to be controlled. Not having to remember which button in my simpit is bound to what, or which Voice Attack phrase I typed two months ago for whatever command is great. You just point, and click. Even not remembering which mouse button is which (admittedly, still learning that, have to think about it each time) is not a big deal, because, you just click one of the others. I'm sure after a time, it will be 2nd nature.


There are some commands I still find use of Voice Attack for. Putting the gear down is easy enough on a long final with PtCtrl, but I find that I still like my voice command if I'm doing a Case I recovery, as I don't have time to look at the gear handle to click it. This may change as I become more familiar.


Controlling the Huey is amazing. Helicopters are inherently slower, so you usually have more time to look away from flying, find the switch you want, and get back to flying. I can see instrument flying in the Huey with the autopilot flying for the straight-and-level legs being really immersive, as you can then get the cockpit setup, and prepare for the approach just as you would IRL.


Miles is also great to work with. Any issues I've had, he's quick to respond with the answer, or advice.


Anyone on the list, you'll definitely be satisfied.


Thanks for the detailed feedback Heloguy, Knowing when you guys are satisfied with PointCTRLs operation makes it all worthwhile. Its a great feeling knowing that as a community, we were able to contribute to improving the current VR experience and gain more enjoyment from it.



Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/



Hi Miles,


This probably answered somewhere in the 120+ pages, but I'll ask anyway. Does PointCTRL work in any other flight sim besides DCS at this point in time. I didn't think it did, but your website inspired the question.


BTW< I like the looks of the website.


Looking forward to being able to place an order son. :-)




Win 10 Pro, Intel i7 12700k @4.6 GHz, EVGA RTX 3080  FTW, Ultra 64 GB G.Skill DDR4 3600 RAM, Acer 27" flat screen, HP Reverb G2, TM Warthog HOTAS with Virpil warBRD base, MFG Rudder Pedals, Virpil TCS Rotor Base with AH-64Dcollective, TrackIR 5 Pro w/Vector Expansion, PointCTRL.

Hi Miles,


This probably answered somewhere in the 120+ pages, but I'll ask anyway. Does PointCTRL work in any other flight sim besides DCS at this point in time. I didn't think it did, but your website inspired the question.


BTW< I like the looks of the website.


Looking forward to being able to place an order son. :-)


Hi AKA. Here is the link you want below, also if you look at the bottom of MilesD post you will see links to various information posts.






Updated Instructions,


Oesau pointed out several issues with the instructions that made calibration difficult. While I am working on a new simplified calibration procedure, for the interim I hope the new instructions make it a bit easier to understand.


If you haven't please download the new Instructions PDF in the link in my sig. The updated instructions will be on the website soon.


Thanks Oesau,


Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/


Posted (edited)
Hi FireCat, can you also add me to the list please?

Thank you in advance.


Me as well. Any idea as to processing rate / lead time?


If the "list" is waiting list to get the PointClick, please add me!!!!!


You have been added to the list link below.




Also if you haven't, please read MilesD post link below.





Edited by FireCat
Posted (edited)

New VR Pointing Device


I searched for this and found no info, so if it’s been gone over I apologize.


Can you customize which buttons are left/right click? I’d want the button closest to fingertip to be right click on each FCU because right-clicking a switch moves it forward. Conversely, left clicking moves a switch aft, so I’d want that furthest from my fingertips.


Thanks, and looking forward to this experience!


EDIT: I see buttons in the instructions PDF but no mention of remapping.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by RogueSqdn



Systems: Falcon NW Talon: Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz, 64GB DDR4, RTX 3090 FE; Falcon NW Mach V: Core i7 3930K @3.2GHz, 32GB DDR3, GTX 1080 FE

Cockpit: MonsterTech MTX F, 42" 4K TV, HP Reverb G2, Oculus Rift S, PointCTRL

Controls: RS F16SGRH CE, RS F18CGRH, VPC T-50CM2, VFX, WarBRD (Grips); VPC T-50CM2, RS FSSB R3L (Bases); Winwing F/A-18C, VPC T-50CM3, VPC T-50CM, TM Warthog, Cougar (Throttles); VPC ACE2 (Rudders)


I searched for this and found no info, so if it’s been gone over I apologize.


Can you customize which buttons are left/right click? I’d want the button closest to fingertip to be right click on each FCU because right-clicking a switch moves it forward. Conversely, left clicking moves a switch aft, so I’d want that furthest from my fingertips.


Thanks, and looking forward to this experience!


EDIT: I see buttons in the instructions PDF but no mention of remapping.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Please don't apologize for asking questions, it is helpful for everyone, including me. My head is so far in the weeds with the minutia to make this stuff work that I often miss the big picture.


Mapping buttons will be in the future GUI which I am working on. For me, it is more intuitive to have the forward most button for the left mouse, especially when pressing buttons. But it's really just a personal preference. I personally also found it more intuitive with switches because you are usually placing your thumb or finger on the opposite side of the direction you intend to move the switch before applying pressure to the switch in RL, But that's just my perspective and it is also usually dependent on switch orientation (vertical vs horizontal).


There is certainly no right or wrong way to do it. It just comes down to personnel preference, and you will have that capability in future firmware updates.


Thanks for the question,



Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/



MilesD - Couple of questions:


1 - The mouse wheel button, does that work as a single click to turn in one direction or is there a hand rotation component to it. I've been having challenges with the Hornets wing-fold lever that requires a wheel turn to lock/unlock it. I can only seem to move it in one direction and then can't return it to fold the wings down.


2 - sensitivity of using FCU buttons #1/2 to turn rotating knobs such as baro pressue or the Hornets UFC radio channels selection controls. It's very sensitive and I find with the radio's channel selections that it's very difficult to set the correct ones.


2 - Zoom Function - has that been implemented yet, or was that a future feature to be added?


I've had the chance to use PointCTRL over the weekend and have to say its been great with it adding an additional level of immersion to the VR experience. I really like not having to reach for the mouse and just reach out with my hands to flip switches.


As Miles has noted, I had some feedback on the calibration steps which I admit I had found "challenging" to setup at first, but after a few goes I got it working. Miles is working towards a GUI in the future that will assist with calibration however for now the improved instructions will get you up and running.


My setup is with the warthog on the desk in front of me, something I am going to update with a desk mount in the near future. I do find sometimes with the stick forward of my hands that the stick can mask the FCU (think lower central panels such as the weapons control on the P-51D or ECM on the Hornet). The way around this is just to tilt the head to the side a little more which is a natural thing you would do in RL. Clearly this isn't an issue with PontCTRL, but a user setup one and not a big one either but thought I'd mention it.


So far - really enjoying it and a big round of applause to Miles for bring this device to the market! I'll write more of my experiences as I continue to use it.

MilesD - Couple of questions:


1 - The mouse wheel button, does that work as a single click to turn in one direction or is there a hand rotation component to it. I've been having challenges with the Hornets wing-fold lever that requires a wheel turn to lock/unlock it. I can only seem to move it in one direction and then can't return it to fold the wings down.


2 - sensitivity of using FCU buttons #1/2 to turn rotating knobs such as baro pressue or the Hornets UFC radio channels selection controls. It's very sensitive and I find with the radio's channel selections that it's very difficult to set the correct ones.


2 - Zoom Function - has that been implemented yet, or was that a future feature to be added?


Hey Oesau,

Mouse button operation is in the new instructions.

Short Version is, Set mouse wheel direction with buttons 1 and 2 and execute wheel movement with button 3


Wing fold is a good example.


(unlock wings)

1) Press button 2 to set mouse wheel direction to backward.

2) Press button 3 to emulate wheel rolling backwards (lever comes out)


(Lock wings)

1) Press button 1 to set mouse wheel direction to forward.

2) Press button 3 to emulate wheel rolling forwards )lever goes in)


just be sure when you press button 1 or 2 to change wheel direction you are not on a switch.


Mouse wheel speed will start out slow and increase as its held.


Hope that helps,



  • Like 1

Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/


MilesD - Couple of questions:


1 - The mouse wheel button, does that work as a single click to turn in one direction or is there a hand rotation component to it. I've been having challenges with the Hornets wing-fold lever that requires a wheel turn to lock/unlock it. I can only seem to move it in one direction and then can't return it to fold the wings down.


2 - sensitivity of using FCU buttons #1/2 to turn rotating knobs such as baro pressue or the Hornets UFC radio channels selection controls. It's very sensitive and I find with the radio's channel selections that it's very difficult to set the correct ones.


2 - Zoom Function - has that been implemented yet, or was that a future feature to be added?


Sorry Missed 2 and 3.


The hand rotation thing does not work for me and was not designed to work that way., I always use the vertical hand movement just like the mouse. Give me a few minutes to fire up the Hornet and check things out. I am adding a fine tuning feature that may help, as well as the zoom function which will be in the first firmware update in a few days.




Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/


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