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Flight Simulators





Found 12 results

  1. Aerial Combat League 2025 Season The Ghost Unit presents the inaugural season of the Aerial Combat League, or ACL for short. The ACL is a 4 versus 4 BVR Match taking place across the Persian Gulf, Syria, and Caucasus. Stay tuned for more updates, as there will be changes, albeit sometimes small. Registration The sign-up deadline is April 10th, 2025. You will register here in the DCS forum and adhere to the following format (please). Ghost Unit F-16C, F-18C Pilot Roster: Fonzy, Casper, Kicker, Sleepy, Locksmith, Khaos, Burner, Fixer, More TBD Timezone - UTC -5 More pilots are TBD. Format 4 versus 4 - BVR (reserve pilots are allowed) Mercenaries will be available Available Airframes - F-14, F-15C/E, F-16, F-18, JF-17, M2000, MIG-29, Su-27, Su-33, J-11(SD-10) Pilots will spawn in an AIR HOT STARTED JET at 30k’ AGL and MACH 1.2 Zone Structure Rectangular Zone 70 nm Wide x 50 nm High Airframes will spawn ~35nm from the zone At match start, when a zone is controlled, that means that at least 1 pilot from a team has entered the zone. This will start a 5-minute timer for the other team to get at least 1 pilot into the zone and contest it. Failure to do so will result in a round being forfeited. If a zone is controlled after being contested, it signals for the winning team to RTB (LAND AT ANY AIRFIELD) to claim the point for that round. AWACS AWACS is NOT available in any capacity. Match Structure Matches in the ACL are best of 3 Matches in the ACLCC are best of 3 except for the final match, which is best of 5 Payload Airframes will have PRESET loadouts. Loadouts for each available airframe are listed below. F-14B - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-54C MK.60, 2x Fuel Tank (300 GAL EACH), 1 AIM-7MH F-15C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7MH, 3x Fuel Tanks (610 GAL EACH) F-15E - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7MH, 3x Fuel Tanks (610 GAL EACH) F-16C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x Fuel Tanks(610 GAL EACH) F-18C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7P, 1x Fuel Tank(330 GAL EACH) J-11A - 2x R-73, 4x SD-10, 2x R-27ET JF-17 - 2x PL-5, 4x SD-10, 1x Fuel Tanks (800L EACH) M-2000C - 2x Matra Magic II, 2x Matra Super 530D, 1x Fuel Tank(1300L EACH), Eclair M-6/0 MIG-29S - 2x R-73, 4x R-77, 1x Fuel Tank(1400L) SU-27 - 2x R-73, 2x R-27ET,4x R-27ER w/100% fuel SU-33 - 2x R-73, 2x R-27ET, 6x R-27ER w/ 100% fuel Maps There are 5 maps in total. 1x Caucasus, 2x Syria, and 2x Persian Gulf. Each map has varying times of day and weather. These maps will be released to the competing teams 2 weeks before the first match in league play. Team size Teams ARE allowed to have multiple groups from their squadron competing in the league. Ex. Ghost Unit A and Ghost Unit B/ Ghost Unit and Banshee Unit Map Voting Only 3 maps can be played in each match, and each team will have the option to “ban” a map before the map rotation is chosen. A coin flip will decide which team chooses what map to ban first. After the “ban phase,” another coin flip will commence before each round. The winner of the coin flip can choose either what map to play or what side they would like to start on, not both. Number of Leagues There will be 3 leagues initially as part of ACL. Each league will have a maximum of 16 teams. League names are listed below. ACE - Top Tier SENIOR- Middle Tier JUNIOR - Low Tier Initial Slotting For the initial volley of teams that want to participate, ALL teams will be moved into the ACE League. If there are MORE than 16 teams, then the ACE League will be rostered with the number of teams that sign up. Initial Relegation below… League Promotion and Relegation INITIAL RELEGATION - Initially, all teams will start in the ACE league (for the first season), whether it be 17 or 32. Relegation will take the bottom teams (After 16) and move them to the SENIOR League. For example, Teams 17,18,19, and 20 will be moved to the SENIOR tier to even out the ACE League at 16 teams. STANDARD RELEGATION Teams will be promoted and relegated to different leagues based on their ranking in their respective leagues. The bottom 4 and top 4 teams from each league (Excluding the ACE League Top 4) will be moved up or down based on their leagues. FOX-3 Managed Solutions, TACVIEW Official Rulebook Teams are highly advised to join the Ghost Unit Discord for the official rulebook and general knowledge of any of the proceedings. If any questions arise, please join the Discord and ask your questions in the “ACL Help” channel or message @ACLSUPPORT. ACL 2025 TEASER TRAILER IMPORTANT LINKS GHOST UNIT DISCORD - https://discord.gg/MPejk4qeya GHOST UNIT YOUTUBE - (1) Ghost Unit - YouTube
  2. Hello everyone! to kick off the first season of ACWS (Air Combat World Series), I am holding a 1v1 tournament a week before the primary season begins, think of it as a warm up for the competition to come! Here is the ACWS squad sign up post, if your a team, please see this post and sign up Air Combat World Series (ACWS) BVR Tournament: On The weekend of February 22nd and 23rd, I will be hosting a 1v1 BVR tournament on the Air Combat World Series Discord. Tournament begins at 12 PM EST/5 PM UTC. Prizes will be available for 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th, if more become available I will make an announcement. The 4 prizes so far are a DCS module of your choice. You must join the discord for voice comms the day of the competition. https://discord.gg/Pa2EQGuSf3 You MUST sign up at the following Challonge link to participate: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/MObR2XmmMe#/signup/bjbxqgjdf7l Tournament format: 1v1 BVR, single elimination, best 2 out of 3 for each match. Banned Munitions/systems: Aim-120C SD-10 Aim9-X Jamming of any kind Tactical Air Launch Decoy (TALD) You will air spawn 80 NM apart, at 10,000 feet, 400 knots. You will spawn with 4x Fox 3 missiles, the best your plane can carry (AIM-120B/R77/Phoenix) and 2x Fox 2 missiles (Aim9-M/R73). Your plane will have 100% internal fuel, as well as 1 center-line tank (F14B must take both tanks). Once you and your opponent have both spawned, the fight is on. The plane that crashes first or has a pilot death loses the round. AWACS will be available, an E3 Sentry for eastern air frames, and an A-50 for western air frames. All modern air frames will be present. In the instance that a plane cannot carry Fox 3s, a best effort load-out will be created. Please reach out to me on the ACWS discord if you have any questions or concerns about the rule set, looking forward to it!
  3. Asphelite presents: AERIAL COMBAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON 2024 "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor." Aristotle Dear fighter pilots and friends - Welcome back to the second season of Aerial Combat Championship! About a year ago, this tournament ran for the first time - with lots of success and amazing battles. Thanks again to all of you for attending and participating, supporting and submitting feedback throughout the season. Without you, this tournament would not exist or go for the second round. If you see this tournament for the first time, maybe you want to check out last seasons thread? Alright, lets cut right to it shall we? GENERAL INFORMATION The ACC Discord-Server serves as the main source of information as well as the means for organizing each element during the tournament. Please join the server for everything important via the link below: -> Discord Invite Link <- Discord Server Membership is required for a valid sign-up. Format and Structure All the important things in short: - PvP - 6v6 - Best of 3 - BVR - NoAWACS - Qualifiers followed by a Double Elimination Format Aerial Combat Championship (ACC) is a 6 versus 6, NoAWACS, BVR tournament focused solely on the competitive PvP aspect of DCS. Unlike other tournaments, its combat zone is rectangular (see Discord maps-setup section). A maximum of 16 teams may sign up for the tournament. This year, due to timely constraints, the tournament will not feature a group phase. If Season 2025 takes place, we will go back to the original format - or something even better! The 'Qualifiers' will be a randomized One-Time Match - This means we will have 8 winners and 8 loosers of said matches, setting the initial 'splits' for the following Double Elimination Phase. Please refer to the discord within the next few days of this post being released for more details. Restrictions Airframe Restrictions: - Modern airframes only - No FC3 what-so-ever! Weapons-pool: - No Jammers (JF17 and Hornet are allowed to have them in PASSIVE and in PASSIVE ONLY), no Smokes, no A2G Weapons - TPODs allowed - max. 4 TALDS per aircraft Other limitations: - No 9X - Max. 8 A2A Missiles - Max. 4x Fox-3 (any) WSO's and RIO's are welcome! (No restrictions) Sign Ups You can only sign up via the Discord linked above. Sign ups are open from 1st to 22nd of November, with minor extension at the ready if not all 16 Team Spots are taken. (Note: It is possible to launch the tournament with less teams, though it is suboptimal) If all spots have been filled, your team may sign up as a backup, in case a team needs to bail. (Stuff like that can happen, you know how reallife can get in the way...) Scheduling The initial schedule will include default dates, however everyone is free to negotiate a more fitting date and time as long as such a rescheduling is within the rules of the tournament. Qualifiers: 3 weeks to complete all 8 matches (one match per team) - yes its tight but hopefully to be completed in December. (No issue delaying if needed) Elim. Phase: 2-3 Months "as fast as possible" - Starting in January. Prizes Currently, there are no prizes - you fight for fun and honor. Honor and Glory - Dignity in Death Further Information - Maps: Caucasus during Qualifiers; Common-Map Pool between teams, with each team receiving one token to spend on choosing a map. See the "SPRINT RULEBOOK" soon to be attached to this thread as well as released on the discord. The weather will also be different to last season! Note: The Sprint Rulebook is created from the original one, but altered to fit this season and format. In short: The rules are basically the same. - There will be 2 dedicated tournament servers. - Matches will be streamed live (if possible). Please monitor the Discord Servers announcement chat for that purpose. - Please join the discord or DM me directly if you have questions. I am happy to assist and clarify. Thank you for reading through the event post! I am looking forward to seeing you all back in action, last year was quite amazing. Once again the reminder to carefully read the rules and to not be shy to ask for directions and clarifications if there are questions! Do not forget to join the Discord if you havent already, or if you want to be notified about news and streams going live! -> Discord Invite Link <- Thats all from me for now, signing off Asphelite Fight's on! Contact: Discord @Asphelite If you wish to provide prizes of any kind by sponsoring the tournament, please DM me via Discord. If you wish to colaborate on avoiding tournament overlaps, feel free to DM me via Discord. ### Please do not reply to this thread! Thank you. ###
  4. Air Combat World Series 4v4 BVR Rule Set Hello everyone and welcome to the Air Combat World Series. The ACWS will be holding everything from BVR to BFM competitions with 1v1's, 2v2's and 4v4's and more. The aim is to create a supplementary set of competitions to the already great selection of tournaments available to compete in. The future will see us hopefully develop a full league with ranked teams who can drop up and down divisions from season to season. This means that brand new teams with less experience can compete against others of similar skill levels as they grow from season to season. Once their skill has grown they will move up a division eventually reaching the ACWS Premier Division where they compete against the best you all have to offer! For now we are starting with a 4v4 tournament and how close we come to the finalised idea this season will depend on the number of teams that sign-up. So we are hoping for a lot of you. The 4v4 tournament weapons restrictions are designed to enable the use of of the SU-27 and 33 which has not been able to see much action for a while since the introduction of the SD-10 and new 120's. The Tomcat is also very much redundant in an environment where the use of 120c's and SD-10's are allowed. Restricting Fox 3's down to the 120b may also encourage greater use of the Mirage 2000. We hope these weapons restrictions will increase the variety of airframes in the competition. Prizes are still to be decided but for now until they are confirmed assume its for the pride and glory of winning! We hope to see you all in the discord! Weapons restrictions: 4x Fox 3 any number of Fox 2's. Any Phoenix allowed. Banned Weapons 120c, SD-10. 9x, Talds, A2G weapons. Conditions: - Approximately 60nm radius bubble and on Caucuses map to ensure all teams can take part. - Teams must ready up for take-off and have 20 minutes to do so. - Teams can Engage from the outside of the bubble. - All members of a team must enter the bubble within 10 minutes from take-off. - Once all members are in the bubble teams must gain control of the bubble through the elimination of the opposing team. - Once a team has controlled the bubble for more than 5 minutes they have won the round. - Landing inside the bubble counts as a death. Landing then taking off again inside the bubble will be classed as a rule break. Game play rules: - The use of ECM is banned and it's use will result in a round loss for the offending team. - If any known exploit is found to have been used that round will be lost for the offending team. This includes the AoA roll and any variation of it. - If any exploit comes to be known and has been used in the past then those match results will be amended and the offending team will suffer points loss as well as the the team offended on gain points. - Players can not fly on other competing teams in this competition. Teams found to have shared members will suffer a lost match. - Only registered members of a team can fly on that team i.e. either team members must ask for the team role in Discord or their team representative request it be given to them. - If a team has more than four members they may create A and B teams however competition membership priority will be given to A teams first. Only if there are not enough slots filled will B teams be admitted. A and B teams must be well labelled on the signup page for example **[TFA] Happy Skulls (A Team)** and **[TFA] Fighting Ducks (B Team)**. - So far a maximum of 32 teams will be allowed for sign-up. If there are more then we may be able to form a separate league. - Matches may be streamed and streamers can sign up as streamers for matches once a schedule is released. - Rules may be ammended as and when needed. Sign-ups and competition start date: - Sign-ups open now! - Sign-ups will end the beginning of January and the first matches should take place mid to late January. Sign up Format Example: Team: Task Force Trident Competitive {TFT} Aircraft: F16, F18, F14B. Team Roster: Rage, Orothin, Scotty, Huntress. Play Times: 1800z-2200z Logo: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/hfUMQ9DHdZ Please ensure you join the discord for any further discussion and for future announcements.
  5. Sunday November 3rd at 1300 UTC, Phobetor SQN will host a fun BVR PvP tournament for F-18 pilots! Come join is if you are up for some fun or look to improve your F18 BVR skills! Anyone is allowed to join, no matter you skill, and feel free to invite your friends! The matches will consist of simple 1v1's over flat terrain, with 60nm starting separation, and a max round time of 8 minutes. We will use a double elimination bracket, everyone will get to fly at least 3 matches. https://phobetor.site/ - https://discord.gg/BFXQxACC You will not be able to participate without signing up, Sign-ups close 24h before the event! Get yourself signed up here: https://forms.gle/nkFSNsi7Thw3zCm87
  6. Night Owls DCS 1v1 Tournament Join us on October 5th at 9 PM CST for our latest DCS 1v1 tournament, featuring Fox Two missiles. We’ll be using the AIM-9M Sidewinder and its counterparts from other nations. We can’t wait to see how you use these to your advantage to climb the ranks and steal the win! Event Details: Date & Time: October 5th, 9 PM CST Location: Caucasus winter with clear skies and zero wind Aircraft Setup: Balanced fuel state (5 minutes of afterburner), two Fox Two missiles, visibility aids (dot labels) disabled Match Rules: Opponents must merge before engaging/shooting. G limits (such as paddling or flaps) are encouraged. Head-on fights are allowed and encouraged. Mid-air collisions will call for a rematch. Competitors can only use their chosen aircraft. Abusing software/cheats is not allowed. Contenders get 2 chances to successfully merge. First to crash/die loses, and the winner moves forward. Important Dates: October 4th: Sign-ups close October 5th: Event begins at 9 PM CST Brackets: The brackets will be available to view the day before the event in the ⁠-bracket section (Discord). There will be a loser’s bracket, giving contenders a second chance if they lose a round. The brackets will be updated throughout the event. Awards: The winner will have the opportunity to choose one reward consisting of a DCS module, map, or mission! Sign Up: Please fill out this Google form to compete in the event. - YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER TO COMPETE - https://discord.gg/xAZbAZduWZ Special Thanks: A big thank you to Skyward Flight Media for the continued use of their servers. Without them, none of this would be possible. We greatly encourage you to check them out for any and all virtual aviation-related news: Skyward Flight Media. https://www.skywardfm.com/ Best regards, Night Owls team
  7. TACT 22-1 Tactical Air Combat Tournament Tactical Air Combat Tournament, TACT, is an air-to-air competition among DCS squadrons with a high emphasis on PVP. It's designed to run over a couple of months in a championship type format (exact details will depend on the amount of teams that sign up). The plan is to live stream as many matches as possible. The event got its own discord server, check it out: https://discord.gg/XdaPsUJ Schedule TACT 22-1 will run early September to November but the exact schedule will be published after signup. Teams can reschedule their matches based on availability. Prizes There will be no prizes. We fly for glory! Streams We will try to accommodate as much live streaming of matches as we possibly can. Like last seasons, we will invite several popular streamers that can contribute to bringing TACT alive for the audience. HerraMisi: https://www.twitch.tv/herramisi TitanFire: https://www.twitch.tv/titanfire_ Tricker: https://www.twitch.tv/tricky_tricker Prez: https://www.twitch.tv/preznow Bullet: https://www.twitch.tv/104th_bullet NoWheels: https://www.twitch.tv/nowheels Missions There will be a total of 4-5 missions in the event. All missions will have similar distance, layout and weather (e.g. no extreme mountains or overcast). Some missions will be flown in other theaters than Caucasus. Only if both squads can field enough pilots in a given theater can it be chosen. The fall back option is to fly on one of the Caucasus missions. Results submission Match results shall be submitted by the winner in the TACT discord (results and tacviews). Any disputes will be resolved among team representatives in the TACT discord. Signup The signups will close in 2 weeks, on August 14th 2000z. Sign up with the following format: Squad name, Timezone (typical flying hours), aircraft flown (non binding), Additional DCS maps availability (PG, Syria). See example below: Squadron: 64th Aggressors Timezone: 1800z-2200z Aircraft: F-16C, F/A-18C, F-14B Maps: Cauc, PG, Syria
  8. Phoenix Task Force presents to you ACES 22-2 ACES 22-2 will allow participating Squads to compete against each other in a much broader spectrum of what DCS has to offer! Rules of Engagement & Missions/Air Tasking Orders: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13JwnDNf4mPn0suEdFnKu9hh2ZgPmMsBc/view?usp=sharing Discord Dedicated Discord server with every recent detail of the event. Join now! https://discord.gg/jnDs3aNkEN Sign Up The Sign Up will close on 20th August 2022 Sign Up Format Sign Up preferably in following format: Squad Name: Phoenix Task Force Squad Lead: [PTF]Ghori Time Zone: UTC+5 Do you as Squad Lead volunteer for AirBoss role? Yes/No
  9. Asphelite presents: AERIAL COMBAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON 2023 "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill Dear fighter pilots and friends - I am incredibly proud to announce the first instance of this entirely new tournament! Aerial Combat Championship, ACC or AC² for short, is a 6v6, NoAWACS, BVR Tournament created with the intend to provide a new approach to the competitive tournaments, while also enrichening the amount of tournaments available. I will talk about more specific info on how the tourny is set up a bit further down, but first I would like to elaborate on my motivation or why I set out to create this tournament: Flying DCS since early 2021 and competing in the competitive space since joining my squadron in ~August-September 2021, together with OneTrickPony we have been able to compete in numerous events - SATAL and SATAC, TACT and others just to name a few - and sadly had some few bad but mostly a lot of great experiences in these past tournaments. I personally (and my team) often felt like some different or variating modes or setups were missing - so I finally decided to make my run for it. With ACC I am aiming to give everyone a great place and opportunity to have fun in their favorite airframe, while also trying to make it fair. I value good communications and I hope you find that I stand by my word. For me, honest sportsmanlike behaviour is at upmost priority and I expect this from every one of you as well. I am very lucky to have a couple of very experienced pilots from different squadrons help me refine the ruleset I created - and without @vtaf_archer, I dont think that I would have been able to create the many scripts and systems that I initially planned for. Thank you all very much for that You all are incredible people and pilots and I would not be able to bring this tournament to everyone without you. Alright, with all of that being said: Lets get to business, shall we? GENERAL INFORMATION The ACC Discord-Server serves as the main source of information as well as the means for organizing each element during the tournament. Please join the server for everything important via the link below: -> Discord Invite Link <- Please be informed that every detail about the tournament can be found in the Discord and will be explained there in more depth, as well as giving you the opportunity to directly ask questions (ticket system [preferred] or public channel). This forum post serves as a rough overview. Discord Server Membership is required for a valid sign up. Format and Structure Aerial Combat Championship (ACC) is a 6 versus 6, NoAWACS, BVR tournament focused solely on the competitive PvP aspect of DCS. Unlike other tournaments, its combat zone is rectangular (see Discord maps-setup section). A maximum of 16 teams may sign up for the tournament. ACC consists of two phases - a group and an elimination phase. 1) Group phase: The phase consists of two stages, with 4 groups consisting of 4 teams each. Every team plays against each other team in its respective group ("Round Robin"). Group allocation will be random in Stage 1, for Stage 2 there is a fair system in place ensuring compliance with the rest of the rules (see the Discord Ruleset Channels for more detailed information). 2) Elimination phase: This phase consists of two divisions, created from the top 8 and bottom 8 teams at the end of the group phase. Each division plays their own Knockout, so everyone stays in the tournament until their ultimate defeat during the eliminations. Restrictions Airframe Restrictions: - Modern airframes only - No F15C -> there is an F15E Weapons-pool: - No Jammers, no Smokes, no A2G Weapons - TALDS, TPODs allowed Other limitations: - No 9X - Max. 8 A2A Missiles - Max. 4x Fox-3 (any) - Max. 2x R-73 WSO's and RIO's are welcome! (No restrictions) Sign Ups You can only sign up via the Discord linked above. Please monitor this thread or the Discord for announcements. Scheduling Each stage and phase has a deadline. Matches are to be completed prior to the deadline expiring. The initial schedule will include default dates, however everyone is free to negotiate a more fitting date and time as long as such a rescheduling is within the rules of the tournament. Prizes Currently, there are no prizes - you fight for fun and honor. Honor and Glory - Dignity in Death Further Information - Maps flown during the tournament are Caucasus, Syria and Persian Gulf - since not everyone has all the maps, there is a common map-pool created during the match-selection process, providing "replacement" or "substitute" maps in case of missing maps, always allowing to choose one out of three maps. Please see the rules-section on the discord or the rulebook below. - There will be dedicated tournament servers. (Big thanks to everyone at OneTrickPony for allowing me to use the servers) - Matches will be streamed live (if possible). Please monitor the Discord Servers announcement chat for that purpose. - Please join the discord or DM me directly, if you have questions. I am happy to assist and clarify. Thank you for taking a look at all of this, it really means a lot to me. Please see the Ruleset on the Discord for detailed information on any these topics, it is extremely important that you have read them. Alternatively, if you do not wish to join the discord yet, feel free to take a look at the full Rulebook attached to this very forum post. Please join the Discord (Invite Link here) for further and especially more detailed information. I hope I could wake your teams interest in participating in this tournament. I am very much looking forward to seeing you soon with kindest regards Asphelite Fight's on! Contact: Discord @Asphelite If you wish to provide prizes by sponsoring the tournament despite this being the first iteration of the tournament and my appearance as an organizer, please DM me via Discord. Do not reply to this post. ACC23_rulebook_releaseversion_v8.pdf
  10. Sponsored by: Phoenix Task Force & 404TH Free lancers presents to you ACES 23-2 GRAND SLAM ACES 23-2 GRAND SLAM will allow participating Squads to compete against each other in a much broader spectrum of what DCS has to offer! ACES 23-2 will allow participating Squads to compete against each other in a much broader spectrum of what DCS has to offer! Overview • General: – 6 v 6 – The tournament consists of PvP and PvE missions – 2 PvE missions are solely A-G (4-Ship) - 2 PvP missions are solely A-A - 2 PvP missions are A-G and A-A combined. • DCS Version: – DCS Open Beta latest version will be used for all matches • Map requirements: – Caucasus and PG • Sign Up and Team Composition: – Open for all DCS squadrons to sign up as single or more teams – Two squadrons may merge and signup as Composite Squad – 2 mercenaries allowed. All pilots are allowed to fly as Mercenary. Mercenary must not be a member of opposing team • Time Frame: – Approximately 3 months depending upon number of Sign Ups • Aircraft: – F-16C, F/A-18C, JF-17, F-14A/B, F-15C/E, F-5E, Mirage 2000C, Mirage F-1, Mig-29S, SU-27, SU-33, J-11, Mig-21 – Hot Start / Airframe change allowed between rounds • Armament: - as mentioned in ATOs • Weather: - Different conditions and time of the day • AWACS: – as mentioned in the ATOs • GCI: – Not Available • Live streaming: – Twitch and YouTube (with minimum 60s delay) by volunteer streamers • Rewards: –MasterArm servers based in EU for the top 2 teams • Knockout Stage: – After the conclusion of the group stage, the top two teams from each group will advance to the quarter-finals. • Server – Server will be Up at least 15 minutes before the scheduled Take Off time – Game Master slots will be reserved for authorized personnel only – Official dedicated servers’ credentials will be shared with all Squad Leads. Airbosses will have the prime responsibility of server setup for the match in co-ordination with Admin. • Disconnections/Re-spawn: – In-Case of Disconnection, Re-spawn allowed till the time no friendly/adversary aircraft has entered the Engagement Bubble/ Fence In. However you still have to enter the E.B within 10 minutes of first aircraft entry. – Landing and taking off again are permitted to address weaponeering faults, Additionally, respawning is not permitted if pilots crash after becoming airborne. – Reserve pilot(s) may stay with the flight till Fights On/Go-Go message upon which they have to leave the server immediately – All pilots to immediately disconnect from server after being shot down. Don’t stay in the occupied slot. Similarly don’t occupy Spectator or Game Master slots. • Rules: – Once the Team or a Pilot enters into the bubble, neither a team nor a pilot can exit until the opposing team / Objective is neutralized. – Re-entering the bubble after leaving will result in penalty. – No returning to base to refuel and rearm is allowed after entering the bubble/fence in. – Pilots and teams can use weapons before entering the bubble, targeting both inside and outside the bubble is allowed. – Pilots/RIO/WSO must exit the server immediately after being killed or if their aircraft becomes lost or unusable. Unusable aircraft refers to those that are no longer airborne or able to fly. – No team member is allowed to enter or use game master slots during official matches. Game master slots should only be used by ACES staff, Air-Bosses and Streamers. – All aircraft are permitted for use in this league. – As we start the season, let's prioritize good sportsmanship and mutual respect. Our purpose here is to compete, learn, and enjoy the experience together. We must uphold the integrity of the game by refraining from using any exploits, as they undermine fair play and the true spirit of competition. Our stance on this is unwavering. – If you encounter any exploits or suspect unfair practices, report them immediately to the designated authorities. We take such reports seriously and will thoroughly investigate them. – Let's remember that our goal is to compete fairly, have fun, and demonstrate our skills. Through honorable competition and sportsmanship, we'll keep the spirit of healthy rivalry alive. Best of luck to everyone, and let's make this season an outstanding one! – If an F-15E vanishes from F-10 or Tacview, the pilot is required to eject or leave the server immediately. Moreover, any landing with a broken F-15E will not be considered a RTB. – Barrel Rolls are not allowed and prohibited. – Pilot must land to fix wrong loadout, Re-slot is prohibited, any pilot leave his aircraft slot or disconnect cannot rejoin or reconnect. Discord Dedicated Discord server with every recent detail of the event. Join now! https://discord.gg/jnDs3aNkEN Sign Up The Sign Up will close on 30th November 2023 Sign Up Format Sign Up preferably in following format: Squad Name: Phoenix Task Force Squad Lead: [PTF]Ghori Time Zone: UTC+5 Do you as Squad Lead volunteer for AirBoss role? Yes/No
  11. 1v1 DOGFIGHT TOURNAMENT [86] Night Owls MARCH 30TH 2024, SATURDAY @ 9PM CST Sighups close March 25TH Night Owls, a new DCS community, invites you to join our 1v1 BFM competition! Compete head-to-head in intense dogfights and prove your skills as a fighter pilot. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, our tournament promises fun for all BFM’ers alike, with opportunities to make friends and learn from fellow aviators. Big thanks to Skyward Flight Media for granting us the opportunity to go forward with this event! Go check out their website @ https://www.skywardfm.com/ HOW TO COMPETE To enter the event you must join the Discord @ https://discord.gg/kFbA3mnrNw Signup through the Google form: https://forms.gle/4Hf5nE6LbN2TWb8g8 That's it! If you need to withdraw after signing up, contact pickle.fbx on Discord. DATES & TIMES Saturday, March 30th, 2024: Event Day. @ 9PM CST Wednesday, March 25th, 2024: Signups Close. AWARDS The winner will receive the opportunity to choose an award of their choice, which consist of: a DCS module, map, or mission! BRACKETS Complete brackets will be available through our Discord 5 days before the event starts. RULES · Opponents must merge before engaging/shooting. · G limits, (such as paddling, or flaps) are encouraged to be used. · Head-on fights are allowed and encouraged. · Mid-air collisions will call for a rematch. · Competitors can only use their chosen aircraft. · Abusing software/cheats is not allowed. · Contenders get 2 chances to successfully merge. · First to crash/die losses and the winner moves forward. · Spawn when the horn sets off.
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