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So y'all never had Mig-29s @ Mozdok or Nalchik?


Yes we did because they are our bases to begin with.

The CAPTURED bases get only Mig21 ... like you get only F5s if you capture Nalchik or Vody or Maykop. Before BluFor got 2xM2k's for every captured airfield, while RedFor only got 2xMig21's.


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So y'all never had Mig-29s @ Mozdok or Nalchik?

Beslan, Mozdok, Nalchik, Vody are Redfor starting bases, so they have our advanced fighters such as the Su-27/Mig-29 though I'm not sure if Nalchik has any... It should IMO, but I don't think it does. Redfor starting bases are PAK 1, 2, and 3.


We don't have any advanced fighters in the Bluefor starting bases which are PAK 4, 5, and 6.


Prior to the F-5 Bluefor had advanced fighters (M2K) in PAK 1, 2, and 3 while Redfor only had the 21 in 4, 5, and 6. This made it extremely difficult to hold or retake airfields on server restart when we'd have to launch all our advanced fighters from the rear bases, while Bluefor could get M2K's in the air right over our bases in just a couple minutes.

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Would like to say thanks to BLUFOR for being a excellent opponent during the testing round.

And I would also like to Welcome back Reaper6. I know he have been missed both by his wingmens as well as his enemies.


I hope to have a awesome round 8 with all of you!




Ps: What is SimpleRadio you ask ? - Yeah, try and install it and make sure to tune into 126.000AM(REDFOR) for awesome breveity and sexy accents guiding you to combat !

Edited by Tello


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Originally Posted by StandingCow View Post

Don't let the vocal minority get ya down Ciribob, the majority of people appreciate what you and the BS team is doing. There is always resistance to change, they will get it through their heads once GCI and/or the team is on SR only.


Ya buddy I second this, it's the best comms software I've had a privilege to use. Our radios in pit which are highly modeled are actually useful thanks to you. Keep up good work and truly those who want to cry about it their is other servers out their. Team speak is worthless it's just a bunch of air Quakers talking over each other. Simple radio is real Comms pure and simple.


I AGREE CRIBOB please dont let the minority who think they are "entitled" to anything from the buddyspiike team or yourself make you feel your hard work and dedication are unappreciated by the rest of us. i can only imagine the work and time you have put into the SR project and the Blueflag event. I am sure i dont have to tell you it is unique in our community which is why you created it in the first place. Hell if it were easy Eagle Dynamics would have done this themselves long ago. I realize that some of the fools posting things here can seem like you have put a ton of work into something for nothing. but that couldnt be further from the truth. You and the entire team have made and continue to make the Buddyspike BlueFlag server the premier place to play DCS while in multiplayer.


Unfortunately cribob our society has raised people for far too long giving them the feeling of entitlement. It started when they ALL got trophies rather than just the winner/winning team. Unfortunately many of these children have now "grown up" and still feel someone owes them something for them simply participating and this issue is exactly no different. No matter how much these people are given they think they are entitled to even more. as i said in my first post on this they are making demands and threatening "taking their bawl and goin home" if they dont get their way rather than just asking how they can help you with your efforts. You dont owe them or quite frankly ANY of us ANYTHING. the opposite is the truth of it. WE OWE YOU!!! first our thanks for your efforts and time. Second we owe you for your graciousness when asking for the input of the community to make something better that you did for us. If any of them decide not to use your program they are missing out on making the game better for themselves and if they "leave out of principle" then they likely wouldnt have contributed much to their team (and are therefore no loss anyway)if they are unwilling to even contribute helping you to make the BlueFlag event better.


Please dont let the minority here influence you going forward. This is YOUR project YOUR time and YOUR decision to require/not require, enforce/ not enforce, continue/ not continue. No matter what decisions you make let me say i stand right behind you.


I really hope that you do continue and i am sure i am not alone in this (they may not all have said it but there are tons who appreciate and thank you for your dedication/work and are looking forward to what you do next). there are always going to be those that will try and bring you or the project down whether it be out of jealousy or the "entitlement" mentality so just overlook those posts and move on to those of us thanking you for your awesome work and offering help rather than vitriol.


Keep up the good work buddy and i say the same to the rest of the Buddyspike team. you all are doing great things for DCS. I also meant it when i said in my first post if there is ANYTHING I can do to help please send me a private message.

Charlesnett Callsign - "Fisherman"

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I think a serious mountain has been made out of a molehill here. You can read back through the thread and you'll find that there is not one complaint about Simple Radio other than one guy calling it BS which could be interpreted as the BS being the fact ED haven't implemented such a thing in DCS already.


All the other posts are a discussion made by players who want it enforced and some responses by other players why not to enforce it, no announcement by Buddy Spike that it will be enforced or reason to enforce it and certainly no discrediting of anything, so I don't get the deal with all the calling out you're doing.

"[51☭] FROSTIE" #55


Fastest MiG pilot in the world - TCR'10


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Thanks to the release of the F-5 this is more balanced. Just going off of the systems in a 1v1 I'd give the edge to the 21, but in a multi threat environment I'd give it to the F5 due to its higher SA. It's kinda how I see the 27 vs 15 when you remove the 120.S :D.


Once the F-5's RWR has been updated it might be on par with the 21 for SA, but without IFF (which F-5E3 will not have) it will never have better SA than the Mig 21.


That being said I have no problem with the F-5's at front line bases.




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Hey guys,

Can somebody pls test if the red JTAC can now be moved after dropped by a chopper?


Thanks in advance.




Now is worse. It does not even unpacked.

Basically you see all the right messages but nothing happen .


Even if you ask for jtac info it says there is none.

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I think a serious mountain has been made out of a molehill here. You can read back through the thread and you'll find that there is not one complaint about Simple Radio other than one guy calling it BS which could be interpreted as the BS being the fact ED haven't implemented such a thing in DCS already.


All the other posts are a discussion made by players who want it enforced and some responses by other players why not to enforce it, no announcement by Buddy Spike that it will be enforced or reason to enforce it and certainly no discrediting of anything, so I don't get the deal with all the calling out you're doing.


Frostie hit the nail on the head here. I think the majority of the community aside from that one guy in this thread likes SR. However, there are some of us that do not want it forced down peoples throats, i.e. mandatory. Buddyspike is a more competitive environment yes, but it is not a pro scene. There are still casual players here. People need to get over themselves thinking that just because they are one way that means that everyone on this server is that way. People will communicate with other players in a way that makes them feel comfortable. Come players may not be on comms at all.


Yes, the majority of players will more than likely be on SR, but that does not mean it is a requirement and I hope it never is just like TS is not a requirement now.


Just because someone has a differing option about how SR should be integrated into the server does not mean they don't like it. This is a serious problem with this forum and forums in general. People jump to conclusions and grab their pitchforks when someone does not share a like minded attitude about something. People need to grow up and think about that everyone may want different things and that is OK.

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Basically everyone in SimpleRadio :)


I hear you and it's great that the majority are getting onboard, just proves that mandatory is unneccesary, of course you will still get the odd guys that won't or will take time to make the change but that shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.


I've been a part of this community for over 12 years and also been part of running one of the most popular servers in that time, i've also had a hand in closed events, I know the grind of having one group demanding one thing and another demanding the opposite and trying to tailor to everyones requests. The adage 'you can't please all of the people all of the time' is true but I like to believe you can make something for everyone especially with such a small player base. And this is key to helping the community grow.


Having something like Blue Flag is for me the standard bearer in public multiplayer experience, something anyone who approaches mp has got to try. There are so many different types of players; hardcores, pros, newbies, gamers, casuals, teamplayers, solos, to appeal to all these you can't start forcing playing style.


A lot of players, new players or old players returning probably don't even read this forum, some struggle to even get on TS, others may join TS but just listen in, there are so many players that are simply too timid early on to get into full on team co-op, vocally, it takes time for them to get in a comfort zone and acclimatise with what we are used to. Experiencing Blue Flag for the first time it soon becomes apparent that it is team based. Guys that are new to this take time, they can be too scared to tread on peoples toes, say the wrong thing or just feel awkward with so many strangers. Team based co-operation is the way BF has to be played for success but primarily it has got to be about fun, too many are taking it way too serious in winning and losing and that is when the back biting and bitterness comes out.


So in reflection I see it as a duty to us all to build this small community as much as we can, the more guys that come in and catch the bug seeing the wonderment that is BlueFlag the more chance of 1 or 2 like minded individuals saying 'you know what I can make a BF for the community or something totally different but just as mesmerising'.

That for me is what running open public servers is all about and I think Buddy Spike do a great job of that already.

Edited by Frostie

"[51☭] FROSTIE" #55


Fastest MiG pilot in the world - TCR'10


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I hear you and it's great that the majority are getting onboard, just proves that mandatory is unneccesary, of course you will still get the odd guys that won't or will take time to make the change but that shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.


I've been a part of this community for over 12 years and also been part of running one of the most popular servers in that time, i've also had a hand in closed events, I know the grind of having one group demanding one thing and another demanding the opposite and trying to tailor to everyones requests. The adage 'you can't please all of the people all of the time' is true but I like to believe you can make something for everyone especially with such a small player base. And this is key to helping the community grow.


Having something like Blue Flag is for me the standard bearer in public multiplayer experience, something anyone who approaches mp has got to try. There are so many different types of players; hardcores, pros, newbies, gamers, casuals, teamplayers, solos, to appeal to all these you can't start forcing playing style.


A lot of players, new players or old players returning probably don't even read this forum, some struggle to even get on TS, others may join TS but just listen in, there are so many players that are simply too timid early on to get into full on team co-op, vocally, it takes time for them to get in a comfort zone and acclimatise with what we are used to. Experiencing Blue Flag for the first time it soon becomes apparent that it is team based. Guys that are new to this take time, they can be too scared to tread on peoples toes, say the wrong thing or just feel awkward with so many strangers. Team based co-operation is the way BF has to be played for success but primarily it has got to be about fun, too many are taking it way too serious in winning and losing and that is when the back biting and bitterness comes out.


So in reflection I see it as a duty to us all to build this small community as much as we can, the more guys that come in and catch the bug seeing the wonderment that is BlueFlag the more chance of 1 or 2 like minded individuals saying 'you know what I can make a BF for the community or something totally different but just as mesmerising'.

That for me is what running open public servers is all about and I think Buddy Spike do a great job of that already.






EDIT/EDIT: Micro is of blind, 342l now is of happiness to have le intel menue.

Micro is of happy, even without cargo hauling capability ! ;)

Edited by microvax



*unexpected flight behaviour* Oh shiii*** ! What ? Why ? What is happening ?

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Once the F-5's RWR has been updated it might be on par with the 21 for SA, but without IFF (which F-5E3 will not have) it will never have better SA than the Mig 21.


That being said I have no problem with the F-5's at front line bases.







So, how exactly is the MiG-21, which can only say "somewhere there might be an enemy", better at SA in BF then the F-5, which can go "29-Spike, 2-o´clock. Additional 29-spike, 3-o´clock." ?


Like, serriously, do you need IFF to know that 29 and 21 on BF means enemy and M2 and 15 means friendly?


GCI: "Control to SEAD: Enemy SAM site 190 for 30, cleared to engage"

Striker: "Copy, say Altitude?"

GCI: "....Deck....it´s a SAM site..."

Striker: "Oh...."

Fighter: "Yeah, those pesky russian build, baloon based SAMs."




Best way to troll DCS community, make an F-16A, see how dedicated the fans really are :thumbup:

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Hey, didn't ignore it but from what we see it seems that it works ok so far.

Maybe it stuck at that current time or a unit was not found?


Will check again though.


Thaks Greg, I was asking the rest of the guys :D


Because I don't know why it did not showed the message that it was closed but then we dropped the troops and we capture it, and this happened in both FARPs.

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EDIT/EDIT: Micro is of blind, 342l now is of happiness to have le intel menue.

Micro is of happy, even without cargo hauling capability ! ;)


You might be more happy at the start of the round.... Also so might Ka-50 Pilots :)


Thanks for the test last night on SRS and your support guys! I only had about 1/2 hour free last night but jumped on to red and listened in while building KUBs, it seems to be working which is exciting to see!


I have genuinely put pretty much all my free time into this so it is hard not to take negativity personally. Criticism of bugs or missing features I'm fine with! I also have a fairly stressful job and work pretty long hours (as I'm sure many of you do too) so replies here may not always be thought out or done in the correct frame of mind.


Depending on free time this evening I may do a release before the round starts, it won't be an urgent update as the protocol hasn't changed. The main change is the overlay is now launched from the client window rather than a separate process. Window size, position and opacity will also all be saved and possibly a hotkey as well for showing and hiding. There is now a separate PTT indication (radio select icon lights up) to radio receiving and overall the overlay will be more responsive. It will still be optional!

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Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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You might be more happy at the start of the round.... Also so might Ka-50 Pilots :)


Thanks for the test last night on SRS and your support guys! I only had about 1/2 hour free last night but jumped on to red and listened in while building KUBs, it seems to be working which is exciting to see!


I have genuinely put pretty much all my free time into this so it is hard not to take negativity personally. Criticism of bugs or missing features I'm fine with! I also have a fairly stressful job and work pretty long hours (as I'm sure many of you do too) so replies here may not always be thought out or done in the correct frame of mind.


Depending on free time this evening I may do a release before the round starts, it won't be an urgent update as the protocol hasn't changed. The main change is the overlay is now launched from the client window rather than a separate process. Window size, position and opacity will also all be saved and possibly a hotkey as well for showing and hiding. There is now a separate PTT indication (radio select icon lights up) to radio receiving and overall the overlay will be more responsive. It will still be optional!


I am at the same time curious what the Gazelle AND KA50 could get and worried since the ka50 outfeatures both gazelles by miles already. :D But hey I am staying positive. :D


The only thing I would can think of, both things could have without breaking stuff would be some kind of targets designation capability which would be extremely cool.

But I have literally no Idea how that should work. So yeah I am holding my horses and look forward to the round start ! :D



*unexpected flight behaviour* Oh shiii*** ! What ? Why ? What is happening ?

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So, how exactly is the MiG-21, which can only say "somewhere there might be an enemy", better at SA in BF then the F-5, which can go "29-Spike, 2-o´clock. Additional 29-spike, 3-o´clock." ?


Like, serriously, do you need IFF to know that 29 and 21 on BF means enemy and M2 and 15 means friendly?


In a situation where there is a F-15 and a Mig 29 at an F-5s 12 o’clock and at 10 miles and in close proximity and the F-5 has them both on radar it cannot determine which one is friendly and which one is foe thru its radar and vector its attack towards the foe, in the same situation the 21 can see on its radar which one is the foe and attack it, the 21 has better SA in this situation.


When an aircraft does not have its radar on, like a lot of 29 and 27 pilots like to do, the F-5 cannot see them on the RWR and its radar will only tell him there is a contact out front but it cannot distinguish friend from foe, the Mig 21 however can with it's IFF, the Mig has better SA in this situation. Sure the F-5 pilot can assume that any aircraft that does not have its radar on is an enemy but that’s not too smart with A-10’s and friendly helicopters around.


That brings up the attack aircraft, the F-5 can see a SU-25 and an A-10 on radar but it can’t distinguish which one would be friend or foe without getting close, the Mig 21 can see both on its radar but it will also know the A-10 is an enemy aircraft before the pilot can see it clearly, the Mig 21 has better SA in this situation.


Same goes for helicopters, the F-5 can see them on radar but does not know if it is a friend or foe without getting close, again the Mig 21 has better SA in this situation.


So I will qualify my statement a bit, the F-5 in most situations on the Blue Flag server round 8 will not have better SA than the Mig 21.


The RWR in the F-5 is not some type of SA silver bullet, it only shows the pilot part of the picture, the other big piece of virtual air combat, who to shoot at, has to be done with the MkI eyeball in the F-5 which means you have to get close, or get shot at yourslef to know for sure who is a friend and who is the enemy.


I will forgo the back at you, stupid slap on the forehead Emoticon as it does not advance the conversation and only adds to forum hostility.




Edited by Jugdriver
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I have genuinely put pretty much all my free time into this so it is hard not to take negativity personally. Criticism of bugs or missing features I'm fine with! I also have a fairly stressful job and work pretty long hours (as I'm sure many of you do too) so replies here may not always be thought out or done in the correct frame of mind.


To put it simply, SR in my mind is outstanding, the love and effort YOU put into this shows. You won't please everybody so don't worry about a little negativity. Myself and I'm betting a few others that have used SR would surely like to buy you a drink!


Cheers to you.


Also a big thanks to Gregzagk for his efforts.


The server numbers speak for themselves :thumbup:

Edited by razgriz33
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