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DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone


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Hey Ciribob,


I've been holding back the feature requests, knowing you've been working on a few things, I didn't want to bother. But if it's not too much trouble, can you add the ability to separately enable/disable mic click sounds for PTT and release? (ideally for sending and receiving as well, but just local will be useful)


There are a few scenarios where disabling one, but not the other, would be very useful. Sparing you the examples, but happy to provide if desired.

Edited by Dojo


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Hey Ciribob,


I've been holding back the feature requests, knowing you've been working on a few things, I didn't want to bother. But if it's not too much trouble, can you add the ability to separately enable/disable mic click sounds for PTT and release? (ideally for sending and receiving as well, but just local will be useful)


There are a few scenarios where disabling one, but not the other, would be very useful. Sparing you the examples, but happy to provide if desired.

Sure! I was going to do a release today but should be able to sneak that in as well :)


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

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Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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I don't think setting the Three Kings (ctrl-shift-esc is a shortcut for task manager on most systems) as a default hotkey for the overlay is a good idea


I realised that too late.... :P Its done now and at least for me it doesnt bring up Task Manager unless DCS isn't in focus.


I still need to select the correct output :) But surely more important stuff is on that list. Thank you


Havent done the release yet unless you downloaded the Alpha? Just uploading now.


Should be fixed in this version for you, hopefully. You'll have to reselect once but shouldn't have to everytime!


Let me know with the new release that'll be out in 20 minutes or so :)

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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New RELEASE Version -


.NET Version - PLEASE INSTALL THIS or it may not work: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=53345


Windows 7/8/10 N Users - PLEASE INSTALL THIS OR IT WILL NOT WORK - Adds the media codecs you need which are removed in the N Version - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3145500/media-feature-pack-list-for-windows-n-editions - You'll know when you get the audio initialisation error :)


This release adds support for channels on many non FC3 aircraft and fixed preset channels loaded from a file for all FC3 radios and expansion Radios



If you get lag while using the radio, press L Ctrl + L Shift + L to fix. This is a DCS bug i'm trying to work around and is triggered by pressing L Ctrl + L. It doesn't matter if that key is bound or not, it'll still cause lag when you press it



  • Changed method for saving and loading input and output settings. Settings will be reset on first load!
  • Added support for in-cockpit channels on most NON FC3 aircraft. Supported on:
    • F86
    • A10c
    • Mig21
    • M2000c
    • F5e
    • UH1
    • Mi8
    • KA50

    [*]Added support for channels loaded from files for ALL FC3 aircraft and expansion radios

    [*]Added Help & Info section

    [*]Changed installer to make sure favourites & fixed channels are not overrwritten

    [*]Added hotkey for FC3 & Expansion radios for switching channels

    [*]Added extra buttons for +/- 0.001 MHz

    [*]KNOWN BUG: If you get lag while using the radio, press L Ctrl + L Shift + L to fix. You can also not use the In Game DCS overlay to stop it as well (either hide entirely or delete the DCS-SRS-OverlayGameGUI.lua )

    [*]Separated out settings for Radio Tx and Rx Effects. You will need to turn these back on

Overlay and Overlay Configuration


The overlay has 3 states, hidden, small & full that you can see by pressing Left Control + Left Shift + Escape by default.


The Full state has a title bar that you can click and drag the window around with. The window position will be saved for when DCS is next opened.


The radio status is removed after 5 seconds if SRS is closed or loses server connection


To configure the overlay hotkey, run DCS once to create a config file in Saved GamesDCSConfig which will look something like so and quit DCS:


config = 
   ["mode"] = "minimum",
   ["hotkey"] = "Ctrl+Shift+escape",
   ["windowPosition"] = 
       ["y"] = 342,
       ["x"] = 981,
   }, -- end of ["windowPosition"]
} -- end of config


Edit the "Hotkey" section and add the characters from the keyboard you'd like to use instead. i.e


config = 
   ["mode"] = "minimum",
   ["hotkey"] = "Ctrl+Shift+1", -- now uses the combination of ctrl shift and 1 together to toggle
   ["windowPosition"] = 
       ["y"] = 342,
       ["x"] = 981,
   }, -- end of ["windowPosition"]
} -- end of config


Dont forget to restart DCS after editing this file or you wont see the changes.


If you want to remove the overlay entirely and never use it, just delete:

  • DCS-SRS-Overlay.dlg
  • DCS-SRS-OverlayGameGUI.lua


In Saved GamesDCSScripts


Preset Channel Configuration


Preset channels can be created for all FC3 aircraft and all expansion radios for Non FC3.


Channel presets are created per Radio - full list of names & frequencies here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tzd996zJ1t0heZ-t1PpL7vNUIZbXl7pI6De0GThN1Qw/edit#gid=1869108790 )


Preset files are named after the radio (no special characters needed & case is ignored) and are text files with a single frequency on each line.


For example, to create a fixed channel list for the first UHF radio in the F15C:


Create a file called ANARC-164 UHF1.txt or anarc164 UHF1.txt where you installed SimpleRadio Standalone (where the client exe is), add frequencies and save.


The file will be automatically loaded when that radio appears on an aircraft. The frequency list can also be manually reloaded with the reload button. The files are per radio not per aircraft.


As always, thanks for the support and let me know if there are any issues!


Dedicated support now available on Discord: https://discord.gg/baw7g3t


DOWNLOAD THE LATEST RELEASE: https://github.com/ciribob/DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone/releases/latest


Video Demo

Edited by Ciribob

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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Those presets will come in handy, thanks! Btw, how downward compatible is this version say with version

Backwards compatible to :)


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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Thanks mate how can something this good be only 9.8MB ::) hahaha - great work mate

Custom built W10 Pro 64Bit, Intel Core i9 9900k, Asus ROG Maximus Code XI Z390, 64GB DDR4 3200 RGB, Samsung 1TB NVme M.2 Drive, Gigabyte AORUS 2080TI, 40" Iiyama Display. Wacom Cintiq Pro 24, HOTAS Virpil T50 Stick / FA-18C TM Stick and Virpil T50 Throttle, MFG Crosswind Graphite Pedals. HP Reverb





Lead Terrain Developer / Texture Artist

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The same: "SB Rcon3d" is now listed twice in the output menu, and what is also new is that I have to select the input as well.

Before as mentioned, I could see the output sources like I still can with the input dropdownlist. surely introduced some more problems for me it seems. Not sure if reinstalling current hardware drivers and SR would do me any good ?





Let me know with the new release that'll be out in 20 minutes or so :)


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The same: "SB Rcon3d" is now listed twice in the output menu, and what is also new is that I have to select the input as well.

Before as mentioned, I could see the output sources like I still can with the input dropdownlist. surely introduced some more problems for me it seems. Not sure if reinstalling current hardware drivers and SR would do me any good ?


I would look in the sound manager and remove / disable any duplicates.


Sounds like a driver issue as the change I made is that devices are saved by their unique ID, but if there are two entries obviously for the same device obviously it doesnt know which to pick.


You can try uninstalling SR using the installer which'll remove all the registry entries but not sure that'll really do much, sorry.

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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Was it really that simple :doh: All I did was to disable the unused ports in the manager you directed me too. No problems from me anymore. Over and out! :thumbup:


Thank you many times.


I would look in the sound manager and remove / disable any duplicates.


Sounds like a driver issue as the change I made is that devices are saved by their unique ID, but if there are two entries obviously for the same device obviously it doesnt know which to pick.


You can try uninstalling SR using the installer which'll remove all the registry entries but not sure that'll really do much, sorry.


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Was anyone able to assign SRS to TM MFD's? MFD's are not recognized neither by default, nor after activating "Allow More Input Devices" option (in fact, after activating this option, SRS stops accepting commands from all of the devices including the keyboard).



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Was anyone able to assign SRS to TM MFD's? MFD's are not recognized neither by default, nor after activating "Allow More Input Devices" option (in fact, after activating this option, SRS stops accepting commands from all of the devices including the keyboard).




Can you post your logs?


If it stops working with expansion radios then there is a USB device that SRS doesnt like. Usually because it claims to be something its not (like a joystick saying its a keyboard, weird i know...)


I can add the TM MFDS to the manual whitelist for you to try so they'll work without expansion devices turned on :)


can i use srs with viggen?


Yes - Every single aircraft is supported. If new ones are released (or custom aircraft MODs) they should work too, just with default radios :)

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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Sure; where are the logs located - I'll pull them later on today and send them over?


Thank You!

They're located where ever you installed SRS :)


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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Ciribob, first of all my sincere thanks for your piece of art. I use SRS nearly every day when I am on the BlueFlag server and it adds a great amount of immersion for me.


I do come across two quality of life topics though when using it.

First, there are always people who get their mic gain messed up, blowing everyones ears off and it takes them several attempts go get a correct setting. Would it be possible to add a test mode, like a LED bar of an equalizer, where people can see how much volume they produce when talking?


Second, the sound quality degrades noticeably when there is communication on multiple radios simultaneously. This is actually the one reason why my squadron uses Universe Radio. I had a very talkative GCI today, which is good, but that caused trouble understanding my wingman, which is not so good.


Thank you and keep up the good work! :thumbup:

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There are still room to improve the sound quality on multiple radios at the same time. Its better now but not ideal or perfect.

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


Hotas Rhino X-55-MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals -Track IR 4

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hello when i try to check my mic, i got this error:


20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Starting Device Search. Expand Search: False
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Instance: 6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Maus Usage: Undefined Type: Mouse
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Instance: 6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Maus
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Instance: 6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Tastatur Usage: Undefined Type: Keyboard
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Instance: 6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 Tastatur
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 076306a3-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: 1eb838c0-1758-11e7-8001-444553540000 Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals Usage: Generic Type: Joystick
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 076306a3-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: 1eb838c0-1758-11e7-8001-444553540000 Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 0404044f-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: c7e879d0-1755-11e7-8002-444553540000 Throttle - HOTAS Warthog Usage: Generic Type: Joystick
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 0404044f-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: c7e879d0-1755-11e7-8002-444553540000 Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 02ff045e-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fea950-c61a-11e6-800c-444553540000 Controller (Xbox One For Windows) Usage: Generic Type: Gamepad
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 02ff045e-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fea950-c61a-11e6-800c-444553540000 Controller (Xbox One For Windows)
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c537046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7eef1e0-c61a-11e6-8002-444553540000 USB Receiver Usage: Consumer Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c537046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7f95220-c61a-11e6-8004-444553540000 USB Receiver Usage: Generic Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c537046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7f95220-c61a-11e6-8005-444553540000 USB Receiver Usage: VendorDefinedBegin Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c537046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fbc320-c61a-11e6-8008-444553540000 USB Receiver Usage: VendorDefinedBegin Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c537046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fbc320-c61a-11e6-800a-444553540000 USB Receiver Usage: -128 Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c326046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fbc320-c61a-11e6-8007-444553540000 USB Keyboard Usage: Consumer Type: Device
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found 0402044f-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: c7e7dd90-1755-11e7-8001-444553540000 Joystick - HOTAS Warthog Usage: Generic Type: Joystick
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Adding 0402044f-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: c7e7dd90-1755-11e7-8001-444553540000 Joystick - HOTAS Warthog
20:05:21 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Input.InputDeviceManager Found c326046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Instance: f7fe0d10-c61a-11e6-800b-444553540000 USB Keyboard Usage: Generic Type: Device
20:05:22 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Common.UpdaterChecker+<CheckForUpdate>d__2 Running Latest Version:
20:05:23 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Audio.AudioPreview Error starting audio Input - Quitting! Die DLL "opus.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden.


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Workaround for untunable radio in the Mirage?


When easy comms are turned on the M-2000C V/UHF radio can't be tuned manually and the presets are not available. Instead frequency is locked to whatever you last used using the AI communications menu. The UHF radio is available but only with presets. This more or less makes SRS impossible to use on MP servers that have easy comms turned on unless others are willing to use a frequency supported by the UHF presets. Is there a workaround? Any chance of adding a tunable third radio to the M-2000C support similar to what we have for the FC3 jets as a workaround?

I'm Softball on Multiplayer. NZXT Player Three Prime, i9-13900K@3.00GHz, 64GB DDR5, Win 11 Home, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 24GB, TrackIR 5, VKB Gunfighter III with MCG Ultimate grip, VKB STECS Standard Throttle, CH Pro pedals

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Ciribob, first of all my sincere thanks for your piece of art. I use SRS nearly every day when I am on the BlueFlag server and it adds a great amount of immersion for me.


I do come across two quality of life topics though when using it.

First, there are always people who get their mic gain messed up, blowing everyones ears off and it takes them several attempts go get a correct setting. Would it be possible to add a test mode, like a LED bar of an equalizer, where people can see how much volume they produce when talking?


Second, the sound quality degrades noticeably when there is communication on multiple radios simultaneously. This is actually the one reason why my squadron uses Universe Radio. I had a very talkative GCI today, which is good, but that caused trouble understanding my wingman, which is not so good.


Thank you and keep up the good work! :thumbup:


There is a preview audio option, just no one uses it :thumbup:


There are also preview input and output bars to give an indication of how loud you'll be.


The sound mixing is much better than it was, but not perfect. Still working on it. If its very bad, try to get a recording and PM to me if you can! :)


hello when i try to check my mic, i got this error:


20:05:23 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.Audio.AudioPreview Error starting audio Input - Quitting! Die DLL "opus.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden.


The error is you're missing the opus.dll thats included in the zip. Make sure to extract all the files from the installation zip and then run the installer.


It looks like you've just dragged the client exe out and run it which wont work :)


When easy comms are turned on the M-2000C V/UHF radio can't be tuned manually and the presets are not available. Instead frequency is locked to whatever you last used using the AI communications menu. The UHF radio is available but only with presets. This more or less makes SRS impossible to use on MP servers that have easy comms turned on unless others are willing to use a frequency supported by the UHF presets. Is there a workaround? Any chance of adding a tunable third radio to the M-2000C support similar to what we have for the FC3 jets as a workaround?


There is a work around, either the server turns on expansion radios, and you should get a 3rd radio for the mirage




edit this line: https://github.com/ciribob/DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone/blob/master/Scripts/DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua#L157


_update = SR.exportRadioM2000C(_update)


change to



_update = SR.exportRadioA10A(_update)


It'll make your mirage think its an a10A and give you full control over the radios but will disable the incockpit ones.


SRS just pulls the frequencies out of the radio so no way to override other than by just no exporting the radio info for that aircraft.


I'm surprised that easy comms is enforced by the mission though, usually its just on but not enforced so you can override it. Maybe worth messaging the server owner?

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Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

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