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3Dmigoto VR mod for DCS : Label masking, color enhancement, sharpen, FXAA, copy/paste of radio MSG,....

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Posted (edited)

OBSOLETE : replaced by Reshade VR Enhancer Mod :

2023/07/02 for stable  and OB  => version 22.3

  • fix for NVG convergence bug

This mod provides the following features:

  • Label masking by cockpit frame
  • Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
  • Copy/paste of radio messages and F10 map coordinates to easier JTAC coordinates conversion (see forum link below for more informations)
  • Scaling of NVG in VR so it is possible to see below them, plus control of NVG noise
  • Sharpen filter for cockpit and HUD
  • FXAA filter (except cockpit)
  • Atmosphere haze reduction factor
  • Debanding for sea and sky
  • Reflection on cockpit glass can be lowered/suppressed
  • Setup mode with help text to customize options
  • Performance improvement for CBU explosion and minigun usage (up to +200% fps !)
  • Capacity to toggle off/on flat shadow in game (may improve fps in some specific cases : dawn...)
  • AH64, Mi24, Gazelle, Ka50 rotor hiding in cockpit view to avoir issue with reprojection
  • AH64: TADS mirror desactivation in IHADSS, IHADSS can be disabled for right eye
  • Mi24: The map can be enlighten
  • NS430: the "floating" GPS frame can be hidden and GPS screen is displayed in a fixed position on GUI rectangle, or in cockpit map of Mi24

It is IC compatible, unless you install the optional "reflection fix" (see below).

Download: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3305420/

Installation :

Inside the zip file, 2 versions and optioanl features are provided, each in different folders:

Main part of the mod in two flavors
3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y (x.y being the current version) used only without OpenXR mod
3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y_openXR (x.y being the current version) used only with OpenXR mod and with Multi Threading version

Optional features removal or addition

It is best to use Jsgme or ovgme, but you can unzip the contain of the zip into dcs world install dir. In this case, follow instruction below.

A-Install the main part of the mod

The folder of name: 3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y  used only without OpenXR mod.

  1. Extract the contents of this folder into the to the DCS game directory, under the \bin directory.
  2. The mod will be activated upon DCS launch.

For OpenXR mod and with Multi Threading version you must use the folder 3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y_openXR 

  1. There is only one folder inside, with name "3dmigoto", copy this "3dmigoto" folder into the to the DCS game directory, under the \bin directory.
  2. The loader program ([DCSInstall]\bin\3dmigoto\3DMigoto Loader.exe) must start first before launching the DCS game. This loader program will open a MSDOS windows and wait for DCS to launch.
  3. The mod will be install in bin but will work for both standard ond MT version. It is useless to install it in bin-mt.
  4. See "known issue" to improve fps by using "turbo mode" of openXR toolkit.

B-Install the optional features

  1. If you are not using the Mi24 install the 3DmigotoDCS_VR_suppress_mi24Fix to slightly reduce overhead
  2. If you are not using the shadow disabling install the 3DmigotoDCS_VR_suppress_shadowsFix to slightly reduce overhead
  3. if you are using reflection fix, install 3DmigotoDCS_VR_21.1_add_reflection. As reflection fix is now changing a file in DCS (Bazar\shaders\model\functions\glass.hlsl) I made it optional.

Note: You will have issue if DCS is installed in "program file" directory: it will not be possible to save your settings due to windows protection mechanism. You could try to move DCS as explained here (I did not test it) or launch DCS in administrator mode (in this case 3DMigoto Loader.exe should also be launch in admin. mode, if OpenXR mod is to be used)

Uninstallation :

It is best to use Jsgme or ovgme, but you can use the provided uninstall.bat

Known issues :

  • cursor color may be wrong in some cases
  • The mod for is not compatible with "cockpit illumination", "lens effect", SSLR, SSA, and "Blur Flat Shadows" . They must be off. 
  • At the opposite  "shadows" and "terrain object shadows" options can not be set to off.
  • There is a kind of compatiblity issue with OpenXR and the mod. If your settings are a bit too high, the mod will trigger a strange behaviour of WMR: fps will go through half of frequency even if reprojection is off and game can do far more fps.
    In order to counter the bug you can use openXR toolkit "turbo mode": https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/. When in game, press CTRL+F2 and go down to the option, activate it (CTR LF2+CTRL F1/F5 to move through menu ). It allowed me to go from 30 to 60 fps in lot of case.
  • The "rotor hide" option is also hiding basket of tanker when doing air refuling.

Compatibilty with other mods

OpenXR – OpenComposite mod compatibility :  a 3dmigoto dedicated version must be used, see "installation" above.

Kegetys shader mod compatibility : Version 13.1 and later are compatible only with SIMPLEX version of Kegetys mod.

There is nothing to setup : install SIMPLEX, install 3Dmigoto, it will work.

You just need to keep SIMPLEX options as they are provided.

Why are other version of Kegetys mod no more supported ?

  • They are not compatible with online server using Integrity Check
  • They need long compilation time
  • They will not provide much better fps
  • They double my work

NVG, atmosphere haze, glass reflection are now handled by 3Dmigoto mod.

Reshade compatibility :  I did not check too much, but 3dmigoto seems compatible with last reshade version (using the reshade installer and selecting DCS.exe / DX11 in installer)

Other mod compatibility : May be not compatible with other mods that modify shaders. For example, Mustang mod must be modified to remove Tonemap.fx in order to allow this mod to work.

Technical Notes:

Performance impact : The mod may eat 2 to 5 fps.

Global Setup Menu

The setup menu can be activated by pressing LSHIFT+F7. You can cycle different pages covering all mod settings. You can change values by using INS/DEL/HOME/END/PageUp/PageDown keys, the effect will be seen directly in game.


At the end you must save your settings and exit by pressing LALT+F12.

The menu is eating a lot of fps, but you are not supposed to have it opened all the fly time.


 Help text position is defined for Pimax 5k+ with low FoV. You may need to adjust it by modifying this section in the file "user_settings.ini" (one setting for normal view and one setting for NVG view):


       ; Help message position
       type = StructuredBuffer
       array = 1
       ; upper left corner coordinate (0=>1)
       data = R32_FLOAT +0.35  +0.35       +0.35 +0.35
       ;                 X&Y pos (no NVG) | X&Y pos (in NVG)

Basically, the two first number are UV coordinates of uppel left corner of help text when in normal view, the two last numbers are UV coordinates of uppel left corner of help text when in NVG view no more used.


NVG feature (NVG PAGE)

Use setup menu, page "NVG" (LSHIFT+F7). It is best to have NVG activated 🙂

You can setup NVG size, NVG convergence (inside and outside), NVG noise (from 1.0 = 100% to 0 = no noise)


Sharpen filter (SHARPEN/FXAA and sharpen 2 pages)

Sharpen factor and luma can me interactively modified by Setup menu, "Sharpen" and "Sharpen2" page (LSHIFT+F7).
Sharpen filter options are cycled by pressing LAlt+F8 key. Sharpen can be is applyed only on cockpit (option cockpit) or for cockpit + all other elements than cockpit (option cockpit+external)
sharpen and luma can be different for each setting
HUD and MFD sharpen & Luma can be set in "sharpen 2" page


FXAA filter for outside (other than cockpit) (SHARPEN/FXAA page)
FXAA is toggled by a third Sharpen option (Cockpit+FXAA), cockpit is sharpened and FXAA is applyed on "outside". If MSAA is toggled, FXAA will not be applyed.



Color settings are defined for cockpit and outside (external). You can modify color saturation and add RGB constant or multiply all RGB component

Color change is made with the following algorithm:

step 1 new color = saturation change for standard output

step 2 : new color = saturated color *mul + add

color settings can be changed interactively by using setup mnu, "COCKPIT COLOR" and "EXT. COLOR" page. (SHIFT+F7)

Debanding(can be seen only in VR) (MISC PAGE)
You can reduce "banding" of sky and sea by setting this option to "ON" in "MISC" Page

Reflection on cockpit glasses change (REFLECTION PAGE)

This feature need to have the optional package installed, see "intallation" chapter above.

You can reduce or suppress reflection on cockpit glasses for static textures and dynamic light (even if I did not encounter a case with them in my testings).

Reflexions can be changed interactively by using setup menu, "Reflexion" page (SHIFT+F7).

"Texture" will reduce stenght of reflections based on static texture, "lights" wil reduce shadows.


Label masking (MISC PAGE)

Label masking by cockpit frame is on by default.

It can be toggled by setup menu, MISC page (LSHIFT+F7)


Night mode (MISC PAGE)

Night mode for cursor and kneepad can be toggled on/off by LSHIFT +F11.

Key binging can be modified in files users_settingsuser_keymapping.ini or users_settingsuser_keymapping_zoom.ini

Intensity of brightness is defined using SETUP menu, page "MISC." (LSHIFT+F7)


Atmosphere Haze reduction  (MISC PAGE)

Haze can be reduced by setting the Atmosphere Haze value lesser than 1.0. If set to 0 no Haze will be displayed.


Performance improvement for CBU and minigun (MISC PAGE)

Some shaders can be disabled in order to avoid GPU saturation created by craters and smoke of CBU explosion or Minigun usage. My fps went from 20 to 60 when this option is toggled on with CBU track or even in "worlds apart campain"
It can be toggled by SETUP menu, "MISC." page, entry "Fix CBU fps" (LSHIFT+F7) or in game directly.
Three settings are available : 0 => no fix, 1 => fix for remaining shaders after explosion only (no real visible impact), 2 => reduce number of smoke shaders.

Toggling for 0 => 1 => 2 => 0 can be done ingame by pressing LALT+F3.

I tuned the number of shaders to be displayed to not saturate my 3080Ti. You may have to reduce the number of shaders by editing d3dx.ini and modifying the following lines:

if $fixCraterBug  == 2 && $BombSmoke > 100
if $fixCraterBug  == 2 && $MGunSmoke > 100

Replace 100 by a lower number.


The rotor flash may be unconfortable for some. You can disable it by pressing LSHIFT+INS once in MISC page.

Mi24 Map lighten  (HELICOPTERS PAGE)

There is an option to increase light on Mi24 Map. Effect is not linear. Due to conditions, a lowe number will enlight more than a high number.


The TADS picture in IHADSS can be toggled off/on by pressing CTRL+i.
If IHADSS is displayed for both eye, the IHADSS of right eye can be temporarilly disabled when pressing and maintaining ALT+i.

NS430 GPS (NS430 PAGE)

The "floating" GPS frame can be hidden and GPS screen displayed on GUI frame by pressing SHIFT+ALT+v
There are 3 settings: off (by default), screen displayed in GUI, screen displayed in cockpit Map (Hind only). Pressing SHIFT+ALT+v rotate each mode.
Position and  size in GPS screen in GUI frame can be set by menu

Flat shadow control (FLAT SHADOW page)
You can skip flat shadow and avoid saturation in special cases (dawn...) by using the menu "remove shadow".

4 options are available:
off: all shadow, t: trees shadows are skipped, t+b: shadows of trees +buildings are skipped, t+b+o shadows of trees +buildings+objects are skipped


Radio messages copy/paste

Radio messages copy can be copied in cockpit view by LSHIFT+F3.

It will appears in front of you and in map view (F10). When in map view, a new LSHIFT+F3 will add map coordinates or object coordinates (if object is selected in map)  in cockpit view. Either Radio or Map coordinates are updated when pressing LSHIFT+F3 in the appropriate view.
Radio messages and map coordinates can be toggled on/off by pressing LSHIFT+F5 and erased by LALF+F5
Position of messages in cockpit view or in map view are defined in user_var_initialization.ini, in [ResourceRadioMap] section. See in file for more information.
Here is a demonstration video:



This mod is only possible because of the work of people making the Helix or 3Dmigoto libs: http://helixmod.blogspot.com/ or https://github.com/bo3b/3Dmigoto/releases

Sharpen algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : https://astralcode.blogspot.com/2018...ing-of_13.html

FXAA algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : http://blog.simonrodriguez.fr/articles/30-07-2016_implementing_fxaa.html



2023/06/11 for stable  and OB  => version 22.2

  • compatibility with OB, new "debanding" feature for sky and sea.

2023/05/19 for stable  and OB

  • compatibility with OB, cleaning.

2023/04/14 for stable and OB

  • bug fix: sharpen and color changes were applied 2 times with OB

2023/04/11 for stable and OB

  • compatibility bug fix for MSAAx2 and X4, color and sharpen disabled when in map display, updated shadow fix.

2023/03/19 for stable and OB and OB => version 21.2

  • Compatibility with, new fix for reflexion bazed on shader identified by Taz1004, new package to disable Mi24 and shadow fixes and enable reflection. Working with MT, fix issue with color changes for MT and restore shadow disabling.

2023/03/18 for stable and OB => version 21.1

  • Compatibility with, new fix for reflexion bazed on shader identified by Taz1004, new pakage to disable Mi24 and shadow fixes and enable reflection. Working with MT.

2023/03/11 for stable and  OB  => version 21.0

  • compatibility with, new fix for reflexion based on shader identified by Taz1004, new pakaged to disable Mi24 and shadow fixes. NOT WORKING FULLY YET WITH MT

2023/01/28 for stable and OB => version 20.0

  • compatibility with, fix bug in sharpen.

2023/01/20 : stable and OB =>version 19.0:

  • new feature to lighten Mi24 moving map, menu for NS430, fix and cleaning.

2022/11/07 : stable and OB => version 18.1.2 :

  • compatibility with OB, all fixes OK, including FXAA and bug fix for MFD.

2022/10/10 : Stable and Open beta=>version 17.0 : 

  • new features for NS430 GPS and Mi24

2022/09/25 for stable and OB =>version 16.6.1

  • compatibility with
  • fix for openXR hook

08/16/2022 : stable and OB => version 16.5:

  • bug fixes, cleaning.

06/16/2022: stable and Open beta => version 16.4

  • Haze fix for MSAA0x

05/25/2022: stable and Open beta => version 16.3

  • Compatibility with OB, new feature (OB only): capacity to hide IHADSS for right eye, bug fixes

05/07/2022 : version 16.1 for stable and OB

  • bug fix (OB only) : MFD issue when sharpen set for outside

04/29/2022 : version 16.0 for stable and OB

  • compatiblity with OB
  • bug fixes
  • cleaning and usage of bytecode hash to reduce sensibility for code change

04/08/2022 : version 15.2 for Stable and Open beta :

  • Better AH64 rotor disabling
  • Option to disable TADS & PNVS mirroring
  • Compatibility with OpenXR mod.

04/01/2022 : version 15.1 for Stable and Open beta :

  • fix for haze reduction in MSAA2x and MSAA4x
  • fix for gazelle and AH64 reflexion
  • labels now hidden by airframe

03/15/2022 : version 15.0 for Stable and Open beta :

  • compatibility with last OB
  • option to hide AH64 rotor

02/18/2022 : version 14.1 for stable and  Open beta

  • fixes : NVG noise not displayed in VR menu, some issues with glass shader (at least UH1-H)

02/06/2022: version 14.0 for stable and Open beta

  • new option to control NVG noise
  • new shaders fixes for bombs and A10C guns fps drops

01/24/2022:  version for 13.1.1 stable and OB

bug fixes : red color for cockpit when MSAA2x and color change

01/21/2022 version 13.1 for stable and OB

  • flat shadow soften performance improvement
  • compatiblity only with SIMPLEX version of kegetys shader mod
  • add of some shader for flat shadow removal option (thanks to Gryzor)
  • small performance improvement

01/14/2022 version 13.0 for stable and OB

  • flat shadow soften improvement + new menu option to remove them if needed
  • bug fixes

12/29/2021 stable & OB only => version 12.0

  • flat shadow options
  • performance improvement for CBU and minigun (up to 300% with vanilla game)
  • cleaning

11/19/2021 stable& OB  => version 11.4

compatibility with OB

10/29/2021 stable& OB  => version 11.3

  • compatibility with OB and kegetys mod for, fix for HUD and MFD sharpen

07/26/2021: beta&stable  => version 11.1.2

  • Improved compatibility with extra version of Kegetys mod
  • Kegetys shader mod customization : fix issue with kneepad map textkegetys shader mod compatibility
  • packaging issue of 11.1 and 11.1.1 fixed

02/26/2021: stable and beta => version 9.4, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value + good d3dx.ini + NVG fix

02/14/2021: stable and beta => version 9.3, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value + good d3dx.ini

02/07/2021: stable and beta => version 9.2, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value

02/07/2021: stable and beta => version 9.1, revamp for performance improvement+label shader that was missing in 9.0
02/06/2021: stable and beta => version 9.0, revamp for performance improvement.

01/29/2021: stable and beta => version 8.2, bug fixes, object coordinates are now copied instead of cursor coordinate if object is selected.
01/09/2021: stable and beta => version 8.1, sharpen for HUD, FXAA fixes

12/28/2020: stable and beta => version 8.0, FXAA, Haze settings, cockpit sharpen enabled for MSAA, AV8B fixes removed

12/19/2020: beta => version 7.4, compatibility with

11/06/2020: beta&stable => version 7.3 compatibility with, merged version for both beta and stable(only few shader are different, for cockpit reflect)compatibility with, bug fixes

06/13/2020: beta => version 7.0 compatibily with

03/09/2020 : version 4.1b compatibility with OB,zoom feature removed (DCS has now native compatiblity with Pimax for zoom and Spyglass zoom), kegetys compatiblity, new color saturation feature : added in the post untill the OB will become stable (see bottom of post)

02/22/2020 : version 4.0b compatibility with OB, zoom feature removed (DCS has now native compatiblity with Pimax for zoom and Spyglass zoom)

02/08/2020: version 3.2 : compatibility with OB and stable, bug fixes

01/12/2020: version 3.1 : bug fixes

12/29/2019: version 3.0.0 : compatibility with OB and stable, sharpen, new zoom & NVG setting mode with help text, setting for PP fix for spyglass zoom, bug fixes

12/14/2019: version 2.8.0 : bug fixes (message copy should work with all maps, icon masking should also work in all situation)

12/08/2019: version 2.7.0 : compatibility with stable and OB DCS, support for spyglass VR zoom without PP for Pimax.

09/08/2019: version 2.6.3 : compatibility with and stable version, improved copy/paste for radio messages, add convergence for NVG view, fix for F18 HUD

08/31/2019: version 2.6.2 : bug fix

08/25/2019: version 2.6.1 : added 2 missing shader for MSAA2x and MSAA4x (needed for PP fix, color modification and radio messages copy)

08/15/2019: version 2.6 : compatibility with

08/04/2019: version 2.5.1 : fix cursor and kneeboard too dark by default

08/03/2019: version 2.5 : bug fixes, no more need to declare PS shaders for label masking, normal and modded zoom can be stacked, support for kegetys mod (but only for specific settings)

07/07/2019: version 2.3 : compatibility with

06/27/2019: version 2.2: label masking is working in 2D mode

06/10/2019: version 2.1 : support of MSAA 2X and 4X, added shaders for Normandy and Persian Gulf maps

06/09/2019 : Version 2.0 : compatibility with Open Beta and copy/paste for radio and map coordinates

06/01/2019 : Version 1.8.1 : fix an error in config files that brake Pimax PPFix

06/01/2019 : Version 1.8 : first stable version





Edited by lefuneste01
  • Like 6
  • Thanks 7

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

Posted (edited)

I just got the chance to try this latest version.

The effects all seem to render properly now which is great!


However, one thing that I don't like in this new version is how the HUD is zoomed.


In the previous version I tried (1.4), I could use zoom to line up bombs and gun fire to ground targets using the HUD ( F/A-18 )


However, in this version, the targeting reticle on the HUD doesn't 'stay in place' and it moves opposite to the head movement .. so it isn't possible to line up shots.


It would be wonderful if the HUD itself doesn't get zoomed so you get fine targetting.


EDIT: Just tried version 1.6 and 1.4 again and the HUD behavior in 1.4 version is different than 1.6 and 1.8. In 1.4 the HUD sticks to the correct position, so lining up gun shots is possible, while 1.6 and 1.8 it is not. However gun effects are rendered wrong in 1.4. At this point I prefer 1.4 as it allows lining up bombs.


1.4 HUD still gets zoomed though but its position is correct. It would be great if the HUD is locked to the correct position and isn't zoomed, which would allow to finely aim/line up shots.

Edited by glassy99
Posted (edited)
I just got the chance to try this latest version.

The effects all seem to render properly now which is great!


However, one thing that I don't like in this new version is how the HUD is zoomed.


In the previous version I tried (1.4), I could use zoom to line up bombs and gun fire to ground targets using the HUD ( F/A-18 )


However, in this version, the targeting reticle on the HUD doesn't 'stay in place' and it moves opposite to the head movement .. so it isn't possible to line up shots.


It would be wonderful if the HUD itself doesn't get zoomed so you get fine targetting.


EDIT: Just tried version 1.6 and 1.4 again and the HUD behavior in 1.4 version is different than 1.6 and 1.8. In 1.4 the HUD sticks to the correct position, so lining up gun shots is possible, while 1.6 and 1.8 it is not. However gun effects are rendered wrong in 1.4. At this point I prefer 1.4 as it allows lining up bombs.


1.4 HUD still gets zoomed though but its position is correct. It would be great if the HUD is locked to the correct position and isn't zoomed, which would allow to finely aim/line up shots.



I checked with the Harrier HUD and for me it's OK...

Can you try with other planes than F18 ?



I found an error in the uploaded version, I fixed it in 1.8.1, please download it again.

Edited by lefuneste01

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Nice mod, although I'm struggling to assign the zoom feature to my Warthog stick buttons.

Just a quick note : it does not work on the latest 2.5.5 openbeta (zoom is weird and does not zoom objects nor scenery, but only water and sky)

Zip - VEAF :pilotfly:


If you want to learn, talk and fly with french-speaking friends, the Virtual European Air Force is here for you ! Meet us on our Discord and our forum

If you're a mission creator, you may want to check the VEAF Mission Creation Tools (and its GitHub repository) a set of open-source scripts and tools that make creating a dynamic mission a breeze !

Posted (edited)

First post updated. I rebuild the mod, it takes me time because they use new texture registry (that I used also) and mostly because I did a kind of copy/paste for radio messages and map view : it allows to have the saved radio message (9 line for example) displayed when you want in front of you in cockpit, or at top left in mapview.

Moreover, you will have saved map coordinate also displayed in cockpit view.


Easier to convert coordinates in VR, when you do can not easilly write something.


For french people, there is a topic for the mod also here: http://www.checksix-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=435&t=205054


I can also post my AV8 Target profile, it contains all zoom mapping. But the command to have key mapping are (I mapped them in Shift+trim)


define    VR_ZoomMin                PGUP
define    VR_ZoomMed                HOME
define    VR_ZoomMax                INS
   MapKeyIO(&Joystick, H1D, VR_ZoomMin, AV8_TRIM_AFT);

Edited by lefuneste01

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Hi Lefuneste,


Thanks for your answer, although I do not use Target (hate the thing, and if I switched to using it now I'd have to redo all my assignments in DCS).

Is there a way of specifying a DX button of a specific DX joystick in your mod's configuration files ?

For instance, in the config files it states that you can use constants like "XB_LEFT_TRIGGER" ; is there something like "DX18" ?

I canl try using RSMapper if I have no other option.


Also, I couldn't make the copy/paste messages function work. I pressed lshift-F3, did I miss something ?

Zip - VEAF :pilotfly:


If you want to learn, talk and fly with french-speaking friends, the Virtual European Air Force is here for you ! Meet us on our Discord and our forum

If you're a mission creator, you may want to check the VEAF Mission Creation Tools (and its GitHub repository) a set of open-source scripts and tools that make creating a dynamic mission a breeze !

Hi Lefuneste,


Thanks for your answer, although I do not use Target (hate the thing, and if I switched to using it now I'd have to redo all my assignments in DCS).

Is there a way of specifying a DX button of a specific DX joystick in your mod's configuration files ?

For instance, in the config files it states that you can use constants like "XB_LEFT_TRIGGER" ; is there something like "DX18" ?

I canl try using RSMapper if I have no other option.


Also, I couldn't make the copy/paste messages function work. I pressed lshift-F3, did I miss something ?

The 3dmigoto does only allow keyboard or xbox controler input. You miss really a lot of thing by going away of target scripts. This is one of the most powerfull tool to program a joystick.

The copy paste function is still in beta, it is possible that it will not work in all situation or settings. Can you try it from map view ? Did you have "binocular" mask when zooming ?

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


lefuneste, the label masking is one of the best ideas I've seen in DCS in a long time! It is something I wished we could do for a long time.


However it is not working for me :( I am NOT using VR. I updated the drivers. The lighter cockpit is working so I assume the mod is correctly installed.


Any ideas about why that could be? Could someone confirm it is working for them without VR (well, or not working)

DCS Rosetta, my automatic DCS mission and campaign translator: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233877

lefuneste, the label masking is one of the best ideas I've seen in DCS in a long time! It is something I wished we could do for a long time.


However it is not working for me :( I am NOT using VR. I updated the drivers. The lighter cockpit is working so I assume the mod is correctly installed.


Any ideas about why that could be? Could someone confirm it is working for them without VR (well, or not working)

The label masking is working by adding a "mask" drawn by pixel shaders.

Unfortunately, a LOT of pixel shader are used for planes, and most of them are dedicated to a specific plane. I made them for the plane I have, but F18 and F14 (at least) may have lacks. So did you try with a FC3 plane, the Huey or the Shark, the Harrier,...?


The label masking is off by default, it must be triggered by pressing LALT + F10.

And I did not check if it works in 2D...Maybe shaders for labels are not the same...I'll have a look, but I wont have the time before at least 2 weeks.

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

The label masking is working by adding a "mask" drawn by pixel shaders.

Unfortunately, a LOT of pixel shader are used for planes, and most of them are dedicated to a specific plane. I made them for the plane I have, but F18 and F14 (at least) may have lacks. So did you try with a FC3 plane, the Huey or the Shark, the Harrier,...?


The label masking is off by default, it must be triggered by pressing LALT + F10.

And I did not check if it works in 2D...Maybe shaders for labels are not the same...I'll have a look, but I wont have the time before at least 2 weeks.


Thanks for your answer! Yes I tried it with the Huey because I saw your screenshot.


I tried to use lalt f10 and also changing the default in the settings file so I guess it's something specific to non VR rendering?


Out of curiosity, are you a 3d graphics developer or something like that? Pretty awesome stuff, regardless of this issue!:thumbup:

DCS Rosetta, my automatic DCS mission and campaign translator: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233877


Out of curiosity, are you a 3d graphics developer or something like that? Pretty awesome stuff, regardless of this issue!:thumbup:

Not at all, I'm just a guy that has some basic IT knowledge and make a lot of rough "test and see results". Not very efficient, I spend much more time than a real dev would.

Nethertheless, the 3dmigoto lib is great and help a lot, the guy who made it is a real dev. Kegetys also.

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

  • 2 weeks later...

How to install


Hi all,


A few questions about installing the mod. I'm using the Pimax5k+, have parallel projection turned off, and am using the normal fov. I installed the mod using ovgme and can see the dll's and files in the bin directory with the DcsWorld executable. I mapped the DcsworldVR zoom key to num* per the install instructions. Oh yeah, I'm using the latest 2.2 version without kegotis installed....usually have kegotis installed but the latest update is giving me some trouble, so I'm trying this mod without it...Dcs performance is surprisingly good since the last update even without the shader mod...


But when I start Dcs with the mod enabled via ovgme, the initial menu screen is quite messed up...almost looks like the basic dcs zoom feature when parallel project is turned off...but worse...very hard to explain...but it looks like its zooming in by default...and when I then press the key I have mapped to zoom...it seems to unzoom and looks better, but still quite messed up. LOL...sorry, its hard to explain! But its painful...


I obviously messed something up somewhere...or missed a step...seems to work fine for others... For the Pimax Normal FOV do I need to modify one of the user files to make it look right? I tried pressing the end and pagedown keys with the zoom held to adjust things per the install instructions but that didn't help at all...



I9-9900, GTX1080Ti,32GRam,Pimax 5k+, HP Reverb, TM WartHog, MTG Pedals

Hi all,


A few questions about installing the mod. I'm using the Pimax5k+, have parallel projection turned off, and am using the normal fov. I installed the mod using ovgme and can see the dll's and files in the bin directory with the DcsWorld executable. I mapped the DcsworldVR zoom key to num* per the install instructions. Oh yeah, I'm using the latest 2.2 version without kegotis installed....usually have kegotis installed but the latest update is giving me some trouble, so I'm trying this mod without it...Dcs performance is surprisingly good since the last update even without the shader mod...


But when I start Dcs with the mod enabled via ovgme, the initial menu screen is quite messed up...almost looks like the basic dcs zoom feature when parallel project is turned off...but worse...very hard to explain...but it looks like its zooming in by default...and when I then press the key I have mapped to zoom...it seems to unzoom and looks better, but still quite messed up. LOL...sorry, its hard to explain! But its painful...


I obviously messed something up somewhere...or missed a step...seems to work fine for others... For the Pimax Normal FOV do I need to modify one of the user files to make it look right? I tried pressing the end and pagedown keys with the zoom held to adjust things per the install instructions but that didn't help at all...


Strange. Can you try with Low FOV in Pimax ? Did you use same graphics options than in the first post ? Do you use IPD change in DCS VR option ?

Normally if anything is triggered, the display should be as standard game, so nothing is to be changed and I do not understand why you have a kind of shifted images. What the PP fix do is to shift right and left image to an opposite direction only when zooming.

If you setup Mirror display in steamVR for both eye, you will see black bar for each image when pressing num*. Can you check that there is no black bars if you do not use num* ?

Can you have a look in the bin directory and suppress d3dx_user.ini fileif it exists ? It will be generated again at next DCS launch with defaut values.

Can you try to setup a zoom level as described in first post and save it ?

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Hi Lefuneste01...Thank you for your quick reply. Lets see...

Yes, I will try low FOV this evening and get back to you...

I do not change the IPD in DCS or move the Pitool option from its default position. All pimax are at default for everything and parallel projection is turned off.


Not sure what graphics options you are asking about 'in the first post'...I set the UI VR zoom option to use the num* key in DCS and then tried holding that key and adjusting with the end and pagedown key...is that what you mean? Doing that did not focus the view using either key and didn't seem to have much effect at all...


I am a bit confused by this line in the first post:


"Press and maintain the zoom key you want to set: INS or HOME or PAGE UP for modded zoom or NUMPAD* for DCS world VR."


What is modded zoom? (I used the NUMPAD* key)


I don't know how to set up Mirror display in steamVR but I will google it and try that. (I'm not a 'gamer'....I fly dcsworld flight sim and thats all, so other than the settings super sampling stuff I never go into steamVR, just start steam from Pitool and then launch Dcsworld) I'll try and get back to you when I figure it out...


When I try it this evening I will delete the x3dx_user.ini file and let it regenerate itself...




I9-9900, GTX1080Ti,32GRam,Pimax 5k+, HP Reverb, TM WartHog, MTG Pedals


Not sure what graphics options you are asking about 'in the first post'..


Look at the image containing DCS graphics settings



What is modded zoom? (I used the NUMPAD* key)



The quick zoom I added with the mod. Setup low FoV in Pitool and press HOME key when in cockpit.

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Hey lefuneste, quite excited to see you are working on this again.

However the 2d masking is still not working for me. The plugin seems to be properly installed because the zooming functionality is there.

I also see a strange effect while zooming normally now. There is a portion of the screen black at the right of the screen that becomes smaller until it diseappears and goes back to normal in about a second.


I tried with the huey. Maybe I am missing something?

DCS Rosetta, my automatic DCS mission and campaign translator: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233877


Stupid question : did you activate label masking by LALT+F10 ?



Regarding the black part of the screen : That's normal if you use NUM* to zoom but do not have a Pimax. You should remove the following lines in user_keymapping_zoom.ini:


;for Pimax 5k/8k only : set Xoffset for DCS build in zoom with no PP



type = hold

; delay = 750

; transition_type = cosine

transition = 850

release_transition = 850


; Do not modify these lines

$zoomSetting = 4

$zoomFactor = 1.0

; run = CommandListZoomVR

; $imageXoffset = 0.234999925

$imageXoffset = 1


I will setup a easier way to disable this function in future versions

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


I can't wait to try this! It sounds like a much better zoom solution than stock!

i7-7700K, 32GB DDR4, 525GB SSD, 1TB HDD, GTX 1080Ti 11GB, Liquid Cooling, Win 10, Warthog HOTAS, TPR Pedals, HP Reverb, Oculus Rift with Touch, Jetseat and bass shakers, PointCTRL, and Scale F-14B Cockpit


Hi lefuneste01!

I use your mod for Il2 BoS and is awesome, now I've tried this one for DCS, but unfortunately I can't get it to work. Strange things happen wit it. I have Pimax 5k, tried small FoV as you said. Binded VR zoom to my * button. Using DCS with unchecked PP. Last version of DCS beta. Now in game I have working zooms INS, HOME and PgUp but they zoom only ground stuff like trees, buildings etc, not other planes and they are out of sync or how to say working only on one eye. DCS VR zoom works as earlier so it is also usable only with one eye... Am I doing something wrong?


One more thing when I hit INS, HOME and PgUp in many cases I can see sea instead of ground and like I said, some things are zoomed, but my cabin is always in the view. Moving my head left/right and having my cabin always in the same place is weird.

PC: i7 13700k, 64GB RAM 3200MHz DDR4, SSD M.2 Drives, RTX 4090, VR: Quest 3.

VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Grip, VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle, crosswinds rudder pedals, VPC panel CP3, WinWing PTO2


Hi lefuneste01!

I use your mod for Il2 BoS and is awesome, now I've tried this one for DCS, but unfortunately I can't get it to work. Strange things happen wit it. I have Pimax 5k, tried small FoV as you said. Binded VR zoom to my * button. Using DCS with unchecked PP. Last version of DCS beta. Now in game I have working zooms INS, HOME and PgUp but they zoom only ground stuff like trees, buildings etc, not other planes and they are out of sync or how to say working only on one eye. DCS VR zoom works as earlier so it is also usable only with one eye... Am I doing something wrong?


One more thing when I hit INS, HOME and PgUp in many cases I can see sea instead of ground and like I said, some things are zoomed, but my cabin is always in the view. Moving my head left/right and having my cabin always in the same place is weird.

Having objects not zoomed means that the shader they used are not modified, Did you use the same graphics options that I put in the first post ? Which plane did you use ? Did you use kegetys mod ? Can you post a track so I can check if the problem is the same for me ?


Regarding the standard zoom, did you try to setup convergence as explained in the first post ?

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Before I answer your questions I need to ask you is it possible to use your mod with shader mod (mod that increase performance in VR) because I use it. Maybe this is my problem?


Wysłane z mojego SM-G960F przy użyciu Tapatalka

PC: i7 13700k, 64GB RAM 3200MHz DDR4, SSD M.2 Drives, RTX 4090, VR: Quest 3.

VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Grip, VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle, crosswinds rudder pedals, VPC panel CP3, WinWing PTO2


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