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VKB Gunfighter MK III Pro L Review


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A little bit of history first. I have been flight simming for some time now. My first was Red Baron on a 386 computer, I want to say in early 90's and have been at it ever since.

I have owned many different joysticks over the years. My current crop is a Warthog, a Virpil T-50 Mongoos, VKB Gunfighter Pro Mk I, and now this brand new Gunfighter Pro L Mk III.

Prior to the Warthog I had a TM Cougar with Ian Johnston's NXT gimbal mod I sold not too long ago. I guess one could say I am a bit of a joystick "junkie".


Having been pleased with my Gunfighter Pro Mk I with MCG Pro grip for the last couple of years or so, I elected to jump on this new Mk III Gunfighter when it was announced and available to order. This is what happens to joystick "junkies".

I elected to go with the Pro (with extension) and the L version ( 200mm extension). They also have an S version with a 100mm extension. The 200 mm extension is curved, and the 100mm extension is straight. Obviously both are designed to be used with a desk mount, which they also have recently added to their product offering. I had Monster Tech Mounts already so that is what I used.

I would also mention they offer upgrade kits as well, to convert a Mk I or Mk II Gunfighter to a MK III.


I received the new Mk III in late December, and got her all hooked up and flying a few days ago. I have logged probably close to 10 hours now flying with the new setup.

First what you get: A product nicely and tightly packed and double boxed, with foam protection. Everything arrived in great shape .






You get quite the plethora of parts as you can see in my first pic above - several springs with different tensions, 4 sets of cams - Avia S and Avia H, and Space S and Space H. Avia is progressive load for flight sims, Space is linear load for space sims.

A look at the gimbal base with the new black "black box".

Also you can see the Mk III still also uses wet clutches (white plastic pieces) for dampening as the Mk I and II does. These originally were dry clutches, at some point during production of the MK II VKB changed to wet ( little bit of grease) on these clutches.




The heart of the matter, the Mk III Gimbal system.




Difference in the new Mk III cover plate (right) versus Mk I cover plate (left).

Ain't no dust going to be getting into that new Mk III gimbal system.



One big difference from Mk I that I really, really love.

Remove those 4 screws from the cover plate of the new Mk III, and pull the gimbal out.

So very, very easy! EVEN with my Mk III mounted on my Monster Tech Mount, all I need do is remove those 4 screws and pull that puppy out of there for quick spring/cam changes. No more having to remove from my mount first.

I have never seen a joystick this easy and pleasurable to work on. I changed out the default springs with one each # 50 spring no each axis, and had this done in less than 15 minutes total, and I work slowly. I can not emphasize enough great a thing this is. No frustration factor.





Oh and speaking of spring replacement, VKB has included with the Mk III a spring removal tool.




OMG, this is such a big deal. This makes spring removal - even with the strongest spring #50, such a simple and quick process. Now this a very nice touch by them! This along with the new design shown above for gimbal removeable, has really made this stick as user friendly as it possibly could be I think for changing things out with it . When I want to try a new spring or a new cam, I no longer feel dread in doing so as I know it will be a quick and painless process.


The new cam design with the Mk III are made of a hardened aluminum alloy rather than chrome plated steel, so no chance of rusting.




Also like it's predecessors, the Mk III can accommodate two springs per axis also in addition to just one spring. So one can mix different spring tensions to come up with the

best feel they would like to have in the stick. For now I have settled on one each #50 spring per axis.


The centering of the stick is incredible. In my Mk I, I always had a little bit of notchiness in the center of the Y axis, not much but just a little. With this new stick and new cams, I do not have that at all. It centers perfectly each and every time.




Gunfighter Mk III Pro L with MCG Pro Grip all set up and ready for flight:





The front of the gimbal base even has a green light showing everything is proper and it is good to go.




I will also mention with the new Mk III Pro, you also get the larger desk plate. I am not sure why VKB elected to include that with the Pro setup as it is designed for desk mounting rather than table top, but you have it if you want to change to desktop at any time.


So after having the springs I wanted, and everything hooked up, I downloaded the latest version of VKB Devicecfg. All buttons and axis were recognized properly.

I ran the calibration routine.

Now in my Mk I had some custom buttons I had put in, namely on the POV hat on the lower left of the MCG Pro grip (Gate), and a button I had added to the brake lever. So

I had exported my profile from the Mk I, and then imported it into the new Mk III. Worked beautifully, my customizations were back in the MK III just as they were.

I then loaded up the game, and was so very pleased to see it maintain all my assignments as I had them in the Mk I. I did not have to go in and set all my assignments again - whew!


Ok so as I mentioned previously I now have upwards of 10 hours of flight time with the stick.

I have tried hard, but I just can not come up with anything to criticize about this new Mk III setup. This is the first stick I have owned, including the Mk I , that I have been able to say that about.

Maybe after 100 hours I might, but have doubts I will. I suppose some concern might be in the change in the cams from steel to aluminum, as aluminum is obviously softer. I would think VKB has likely done some thorough testing of this in development of the Mk III and the new cams, so I am not going to be concerned at this time.

I did not spend any time on the MCG Pro grip, as it has been out a while and is still really the same. I will say it is solid as can be, no creaking or moaning of the plastic as the stick is moved to extremes with my 200mm extension. When flying it feels like it, the extension and gimbal, are one.


Electronics Improvements: I am not an electronics person, there have been improvements per VKB in that department for the Mk III. I will only include what they say about this part:



2 - Enhanced electronics.


- Dedicated 32-bit MCU (micro controller unit) for each of X and Y axes. (previous models had one MCU for both X and Y).

Such enhancement allows for extra high update rate and data processing speed without having to share the computing resources between different axes.

This demands some explanation. In fact, one MCU was already plenty enough.

Then why bringing the second one in?

The answer is as simple as it is proud: because we can!

No one in real life would use all horsepowers and N/ms of torque. Still, the more muscular the car is, the more potential it has for handling unexpected road situations. Using the second MCU means double-turbo-charging the fiery motor of your air- or spacecraft.

We want you to be armed for literally everything.

See it for yourself: a GF3 + MCGPro + Blackbox makes a lightning-fast network system with 5 - five - agile MCUs in it!

E for Efficiency. R for Reliability. P for Power. S for Speed. M for Modularity. Learn the new alphabet with us!

3 - All internal modules are fully digital now.

- Taking the number of cables and connectors to their historical minimum: one 3-line, and one 4-line. After all, everyone knows that electronics is all about contacts. Fewer contacts - lower fault rate. You win!


I will sum my experience so far up in this way. When I am flying combat with this new VKB Gunfighter Mk III Pro L with MCG Pro grip, I feel like an artist with a fine paint brush moving it around flowing the paint throughout the canvas for an incredible picture. It is that darn smooth and feels great when using.

I will also mention one can get the setup with the new F 14 grip, as well as getting the setup with the twist adapter to allow using the stick with a twist axis like for rudder pedals. In fact I may have

to order the F14 grip to have for it as well.

I will also add for Mk 1 or Mk 2 owners, VKB also offers upgrade kits to convert to Mk III.


In my opinion at least so far, VKB has knocked it out of the park with the new Mk III Gunfighter.

Edited by dburne
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Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Thanks for your review :thumbup:

The centering of the stick is incredible. In my Mk I, I always had a little bit of notchiness in the center of the Y axis, not much but just a little. With this new stick and new cams, I do not have that at all. It centers perfectly each and every time.


To add value to what you said above, you should tell us what are your deadzone and curve setting. I also wonder if you tested that with the extension or not. I also had that notchiness on my MKII + extension + MCG PRO, even with 2x#50 spring, on #10 cam. If they solved that I'm really happy! (I sold my MKII to get MKIII soon, I'm in Europe so have to wait a bit longer).


If that is solved, could you try to explain how? Is it the cam? If so how does it help? The force near center is increased? If so does the center detent is more noticeable? (Avia S cam is the one that interest me).


Thanks again.


Edit : Are you on the Hotas/Hosas/Simpit Discord? If not I invite you to it.

Edited by Ant0ine
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Thanks for your review :thumbup:



To add value to what you said above, you should tell us what are your deadzone and curve setting. I also wonder if you tested that with the extension or not. I also had that notchiness on my MKII + extension + MCG PRO, even with 2x#50 spring, on #10 cam. If they solved that I'm really happy! (I sold my MKII to get MKIII soon, I'm in Europe so have to wait a bit longer).


If that is solved, could you try to explain how? Is it the cam? If so how does it help? The force near center is increased? If so does the center detent is more noticeable? (Avia S cam is the one that interest me).


Thanks again.


Edit : Are you on the Hotas/Hosas/Simpit Discord, if not I invite you to it.


In the Hornet, which is mainly what I am using at this time, I have 2 for deadzone in game and 9 for curvature, both in x and y axis.


I have the Pro L, which is the 200mm extension and is what I use as seen in my pic.

I also used a 200mm extension in the Mk I.


In the Mk I Y axis, the stick had a bit of a dead area in center. By this I mean, a small area that stick would move but no movement of the actual axis. I could pull the stick back a small amount and gently let go, and it would be one value read at center - then do the same with forward direction, and it would be another value read as center.

This is not the case with the Mk III.

I know they are new cam designs, so I am thinking that perhaps is why this Mk III does not have that behavior. I have a nice soft center feel, that is one fixed point and stays that way in both x and y axis. I can feel a small amount of resistant as I start to move the stick in any direction. A very nice feel imho. Then it gets of course progressively stronger resistance as you continue moving to the extreme, with the Avia cams.

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Uhm, the deadzone and curve setting I would like to know about are the one you have set in the VKB software, not the one set in the game.


I only set them in game, not the VKB Software.

Dead-zone and curves are very much subjective to the individual's tastes and the stick he is using and the aircraft being flown.

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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I only set them in game, not the VKB Software.

Dead-zone and curves are very much subjective to the individual's tastes and the stick he is using and the aircraft being flown.


Of course I understand that, but if your stick recenter perfectly, I want to make sure it isn't thanks to a deadzone set in the VKB software.

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Nice review I have 2 GF1 bases and now a GF 3 I added a 30# spring to each axis so I think it's at 70 tho TBH I can't remember what it came from factory with but it feels the same as my MK1 with a 200mm extension as before.


I tried to have the stick not center by very slowly moving it to center to get the worst possible off center stop, you can see the results in the pictures. Tho I will say that in game it always feels fine.


I have very early mk1s and I don't have any notchiness near center on any of mine. I can't really feel any difference between my MK1 and Mk3 .


I am a pilot by trade and will say that the stick is way lighter than real life ones and this is a common observation from my Pilot friends that have tried it.


Like dburne said tho it is very precise and I much appreciate it especially in close formation , AAR and Dumb bombing / gunnery.


For the record I run no curve or deadzone on any aircraft in game not in the VKB software.


In the F18 it is centered enough to not throw off the autopilot when engaged.


For the record I am going to upgrade my GF1 bases but am thinking about just doing the electronics as I like my old cams as they are and have not had any corrosion problems even on the one I carry with me at work.a4f1bffcfbca9007774552be12a1a683.jpgb9c52be465af5822a69d794566f05ea7.jpg337353978746353739ba98aea2b16cbf.jpgc9116024b8e56435680374062d4c5280.jpg


Sent from my HD1925 using Tapatalk

Edited by WindyTX

I7 3930 4.2GHz ( Hyperthreading Off), GTX1080, 16 GB ddr3

Hotas Warthog Saiteck Combat Pedals HTC Vive, Oculus CV1.


GTX 1080 Has its uses

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Thanks for taking the time to write that up dburne!


Most welcome!

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Thanks for the review, dburne

I just can't wait to have this

I9 12900k@ 5 GHz | 32 GB DDR4 | Asus ROG  Strix Z690-A Gaming Wifi d4| RTX 3090 | 6 TB SSD + 8 TB HDD | 4K Samsung Q90R 55" | VKB MK III PRO L | Virpil Throttle MONGOOST-50 | MFG Crosswind | TrackIR5

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Thanks for the review, dburne

I just can't wait to have this


You are most welcome. It definitely is a work of art.

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Does anyone here have a Virpil WarBRD and could compare it to the VKB Gunfighter Mk. III? Which one is your favourite and why?


I have a Gunfighter Mk. I and at the moment I think about upgrading it to a Mk. III or give the WarBRD a try. :joystick:



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I find my Gunfighter Mk II cams to be too light in the center, too stiff at the edges. I want non-linearity to the cams, just not as much non-linearity. How would you say the aluminum aviation cams compare in this regard to your Mk I? I have a WarBRD also and the resistance profile on that is just perfect.

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I find my Gunfighter Mk II cams to be too light in the center, too stiff at the edges. I want non-linearity to the cams, just not as much non-linearity. How would you say the aluminum aviation cams compare in this regard to your Mk I? I have a WarBRD also and the resistance profile on that is just perfect.


I would say in regards to the linearity they are pretty close to the same as the Mk I.

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Thanks for the great review! Helps with a lot of my questions. Much appreciated.




You are most welcome!

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Thanks for the review. Of course I am biased, but I share the same sentiment about my Gunfighter Mk.III.


IMHO, it's an important evolution of the Gunfighter series, including some under-the-hood stuff I personally greatly appreciate - coming from the GF Mk.I and Mk.II myself - such as: less internal wires, and improved wire quality, addition of one more Micro Control Unit (MCU), allowing for improved sensor reading and less packet loss.


The new Avia S(oft) cams feel a lot better in the center: still smooth enough, but they return to center a lot better than the previous cams. I've put 2x #40 springs per axis, and I currently use the 10cm straight extension.

PC: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X | MSI Suprim GeForce 3090 TI | ASUS Prime X570-P | 128GB DDR4 3600 RAM | 2TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD | Win10 Pro 64bit

Gear: HP Reverb G2 | JetPad FSE | VKB Gunfighter Pro Mk.III w/ MCG Ultimate




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Edited Review to reflect the Mk III uses "wet" clutches rather than dry clutches. Thanks to rrhode for the heads up. Apparently at some point during MK II production they changed to adding a little grease on these clutches, hence the wet rather than dry.

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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Dburne: I have installed the update kit from VKB to upgrade my MK II. Would that make my setup a MK III? Haven't been able to test my setup yet, had a problem with a broken cable and just waiting for it to arrive.

System:Motherboard Asus ROG Strix Z390-E,Asus ROG GeForce RTX 2080Ti OC, GPU, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Ram, Intel i9 9900K @ 5 GHz , cooled by NZXT Kraken X52, Acer XB270HU G-Sinc monitor, Windows 10 Pro, Warthog joystick and throttle with wasy extension, VBK Gunfighter Pro and MCG Pro,MFG Rudder, running on a dedicated 1TB Samsung 970 Pro M2 Nvme , Super Wheel Stand Pro, with a HP Reverb G2

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Would that make my setup a MK III?


With the exception of this: "Does not upgrade your existing Gunfighter’s gimbal; your current grip’s electrical connection will also remain the same!"

PC: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X | MSI Suprim GeForce 3090 TI | ASUS Prime X570-P | 128GB DDR4 3600 RAM | 2TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD | Win10 Pro 64bit

Gear: HP Reverb G2 | JetPad FSE | VKB Gunfighter Pro Mk.III w/ MCG Ultimate




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Dburne: I have installed the update kit from VKB to upgrade my MK II. Would that make my setup a MK III? Haven't been able to test my setup yet, had a problem with a broken cable and just waiting for it to arrive.


I "think" so if you got all the options in the upgrade kit - dust cover, cams, electronics - but not 100 percent sure maybe rrhode can elaborate on that question.

Edit: I see he has already responded...


With the exception of this: "Does not upgrade your existing Gunfighter’s gimbal; your current grip’s electrical connection will also remain the same!"

Edited by dburne

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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got the total upgrade kit, dust-cover, electronics and cams. I guess, according to rrohde, my gimble is not the same? so not a true MK III


Not sure what difference there is in the electrical connection.

System:Motherboard Asus ROG Strix Z390-E,Asus ROG GeForce RTX 2080Ti OC, GPU, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Ram, Intel i9 9900K @ 5 GHz , cooled by NZXT Kraken X52, Acer XB270HU G-Sinc monitor, Windows 10 Pro, Warthog joystick and throttle with wasy extension, VBK Gunfighter Pro and MCG Pro,MFG Rudder, running on a dedicated 1TB Samsung 970 Pro M2 Nvme , Super Wheel Stand Pro, with a HP Reverb G2

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got the total upgrade kit, dust-cover, electronics and cams. I guess, according to rrohde, my gimble is not the same? so not a true MK III


Not sure what difference there is in the electrical connection.


From VKB:


2 - Enhanced electronics.


- Dedicated 32-bit MCU (micro controller unit) for each of X and Y axes. (previous models had one MCU for both X and Y).

Such enhancement allows for extra high update rate and data processing speed without having to share the computing resources between different axes.

This demands some explanation. In fact, one MCU was already plenty enough.

Then why bringing the second one in?

The answer is as simple as it is proud: because we can!

No one in real life would use all horsepowers and N/ms of torque. Still, the more muscular the car is, the more potential it has for handling unexpected road situations. Using the second MCU means double-turbo-charging the fiery motor of your air- or spacecraft.

We want you to be armed for literally everything.

See it for yourself: a GF3 + MCGPro + Blackbox makes a lightning-fast network system with 5 - five - agile MCUs in it!

E for Efficiency. R for Reliability. P for Power. S for Speed. M for Modularity. Learn the new alphabet with us!

3 - All internal modules are fully digital now.

- Taking the number of cables and connectors to their historical minimum: one 3-line, and one 4-line. After all, everyone knows that electronics is all about contacts. Fewer contacts - lower fault rate. You win!

Don B

EVGA Z390 Dark MB | i9 9900k CPU @ 5.1 GHz | Gigabyte 4090 OC | 64 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz CL16 | Corsair H150i Pro Cooler |Virpil CM3 Stick w/ Alpha Prime Grip 200mm ext| Virpil CM3 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Base w/ Alpha-L Grip| Point Control V2|Varjo Aero|

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I'm still contemplating the upgrade. The spring tool alone might tip me over the edge lol. I made my own but not nearly as comfortable to use.

Specs & Wishlist:


Core i9 9900k 5.0Ghz, Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero, 64GB G.Skill Trident 3600, Asus RoG Strix 3090 OC, 2TB x Samsung Evo 970 M.2 boot. Samsung Evo 860 storage, Coolermaster H500M, ML360R AIO


HP Reverb G2, Samsung Odyssey+ WMR; VKB Gunfighter 2, MCG Pro; Virpil T-50CM v3; Slaw RX Viper v2


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The upgrade kits are not for the faint of heart. Depending on the model you are upgrading from, it may entail having to reroute some wires to lengthen them to make a connection. All very do-able but as I said, you must have confidence in your ability to follow some lengthy instructions via a you tube video. My new cable (from joystick to Blackbox) is out for delivery today so I guess I will find out how clever I am later today :noexpression:

System:Motherboard Asus ROG Strix Z390-E,Asus ROG GeForce RTX 2080Ti OC, GPU, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Ram, Intel i9 9900K @ 5 GHz , cooled by NZXT Kraken X52, Acer XB270HU G-Sinc monitor, Windows 10 Pro, Warthog joystick and throttle with wasy extension, VBK Gunfighter Pro and MCG Pro,MFG Rudder, running on a dedicated 1TB Samsung 970 Pro M2 Nvme , Super Wheel Stand Pro, with a HP Reverb G2

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From VKB:


well if the difference is just this wiring change, then I am up-to-date electronic wise, just the difference of the "new" gimble in the Mark III

System:Motherboard Asus ROG Strix Z390-E,Asus ROG GeForce RTX 2080Ti OC, GPU, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Ram, Intel i9 9900K @ 5 GHz , cooled by NZXT Kraken X52, Acer XB270HU G-Sinc monitor, Windows 10 Pro, Warthog joystick and throttle with wasy extension, VBK Gunfighter Pro and MCG Pro,MFG Rudder, running on a dedicated 1TB Samsung 970 Pro M2 Nvme , Super Wheel Stand Pro, with a HP Reverb G2

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