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Photos of NATO Pilots


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ED is currently redesigning all pilot 3D models. Any help in finding high quality and high resolution photos of NATO pilots would be appreciated. The photos could be of the entire body and/or close-ups of various details, such as patches, name tags, etc. Also, photos of helmets, helmet attachments and devices (such as NVGs) and oxygen masks will be useful. If possible, please include information about the aircraft type to which the photos are related.


If you are a pilot and would like to submit your mug for everlasting fame as a DCS virtual pilot, please provide a high resolution (3000x2000) shot of your face. See you under your chute! ;)


Thank you!

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

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These are Eurofighter pilots, so I'm not sure if they are any use, but:



Желательно фото пилотов для техники из мира DCS.

Я принимаю модели, а вы мучаетесь, но у вас растет мастерство!!!:book:


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Sorry but in image 5577 (highres_img_5577.jpg for more references) appears Prince of Spain Felipe de Borbon, son of the current king of Spain Juan Carlos de Borbon. Using his image could lead to legal and political problems.

It is the highest, in between.


What to say then that if you receive the official visit by a member of the Spanish law does not surprise you :lol::smilewink:


P.D: It may appear in any more photo.



Cavallers del Cel - Comunintat Catalana de Simulació http://www.cavallersdelcel.cat

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I hope this helps, I think ED could find quality photos on most public military website (.mil)

Aviano AB


Lakenheath AB


To whom it may concern,

I am an idiot, unfortunately for the world, I have a internet connection and a fondness for beer....apologies for that.

Thank you for you patience.



Many people don't want the truth, they want constant reassurance that whatever misconception/fallacies they believe in are true..

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ED is currently redesigning all pilot 3D models. Any help in finding high quality and high resolution photos of NATO pilots would be appreciated. The photos could be of the entire body and/or close-ups of various details, such as patches, name tags, etc. Also, photos of helmets, helmet attachments and devices (such as NVGs) and oxygen masks will be useful. If possible, please include information about the aircraft type to which the photos are related.


If you are a pilot and would like to submit your mug for everlasting fame as a DCS virtual pilot, please provide a high resolution (3000x2000) shot of your face. See you under your chute! ;)


Thank you!




I collected some high resolution pictures from various pilots and aircrafts (and cockpits) over the years. The most easy way would be to send them per eMail - can you please PM me a link, where I can send them to?

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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  • ED Team


I collected some high resolution pictures from various pilots and aircrafts (and cockpits) over the years. The most easy way would be to send them per eMail - can you please PM me a link, where I can send them to?


Я принимаю модели, а вы мучаетесь, но у вас растет мастерство!!!:book:


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EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo

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Here's a couple of links to reference pics I dug out last night featuring brand new Vision Systems international F-35 HDMS:






Here's the link to entire article:



Hope this helps and sorry for my previous jokes with Tom Cruise!


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Both 'chute types (ejection and drag) and lady in picture was the only one certified in Croatian army of handling Pilatus PC-9M ejection 'chute in 2003!


There's Rapidshare links for download, it's in three parts!


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well i have one question,

are there new argumentations in DCS to animate the pilots, cause, it really really is a pain in the ass to animate the pilot to look like a real pilot, cause in lockon we only have the head animation, and well maybe some know that i am buliding a new f-15c for FC with a new detaillevel never seen before as f-15, with a new pilot which has some nice animations too.


just as a thought of mine, when ed wants to remodel the pilots, the should also make new argumentations for the pilots, as there are, pilots head, right arm and left arm, torso of the pilot so that he can be move in the seat a bit, for example when he turns around to look back, the pilot normaly has to lock around the seat.


but well , for which kind of planes do you guys need the pictures of the pilot exactly, cause there are some differences between an eagle pilot and an viper pilot.


maybe you guys should talk to the simmod team, cause we are building new pilots right now. one is done, the eagledriver, and a new su27 pilot will follow in the next few days.


would maybe save alot of workingtime


greets borchi_2b (boom boom)

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  • ED Team
well i have one question,

are there new argumentations in DCS to animate the pilots, cause, it really really is a pain in the ass to animate the pilot to look like a real pilot, cause in lockon we only have the head animation, and well maybe some know that i am buliding a new f-15c for FC with a new detaillevel never seen before as f-15, with a new pilot which has some nice animations too.


just as a thought of mine, when ed wants to remodel the pilots, the should also make new argumentations for the pilots, as there are, pilots head, right arm and left arm, torso of the pilot so that he can be move in the seat a bit, for example when he turns around to look back, the pilot normaly has to lock around the seat.


but well , for which kind of planes do you guys need the pictures of the pilot exactly, cause there are some differences between an eagle pilot and an viper pilot.


maybe you guys should talk to the simmod team, cause we are building new pilots right now. one is done, the eagledriver, and a new su27 pilot will follow in the next few days.


would maybe save alot of workingtime


greets borchi_2b (boom boom)


Пилоты нужны на ВСЕ типы самолетов в мире DCS. Про различия я знаю, кое какой материал уже собран. Анимация будет более насыщенной и пилоты будут более живыми. Если есть наработки по новым моделям, хотелось бы взглянуть. vitoks-vitoks@inbox.ru

Я принимаю модели, а вы мучаетесь, но у вас растет мастерство!!!:book:


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Пилоты нужны на ВСЕ типы самолетов в мире DCS. Про различия я знаю, кое какой материал уже собран. Анимация будет более насыщенной и пилоты будут более живыми. Если есть наработки по новым моделям, хотелось бы взглянуть. vitoks-vitoks@inbox.ru


Måste säga att detta inte sa mig ett skit !!! :huh:

It takes a fool to remain sane :huh:

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Пилоты нужны на ВСЕ типы самолетов в мире DCS. Про различия я знаю, кое какой материал уже собран. Анимация будет более насыщенной и пилоты будут более живыми. Если есть наработки по новым моделям, хотелось бы взглянуть. vitoks-vitoks@inbox.ru

Russian => English


We need info (pictures) on the pilots for ALL existing types of the planes in the world of DCS. I know about the difference (?), some of the information already have been collected. (with your help) pilot animation will be more detailed and the pilots will look more alive. If you have any work in progress (related to modeling?), would be nice to have a look. vitoks-vitoks@inbox.ru"


Disclaimer: translation made with interpretation to make sense.


Måste säga att detta inte sa mig ett skit !!! :huh:

Swedish => English

Not sure, but context is something like: Bite me (means, English please) :D




Edited by Peyoteros

‎"Eagle Dynamics" - simulating human madness since 1991



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  • ED Team
this is the new f-15 pilot with seat.

it has 8000 polyies without seat


is it that what coyote wanted ?

i did not understand the russian and not really the sence of the translation


greets borchi_2b (boom boom)

Не очень реалистично сделано. Не похоже на живого пилота. Не достаточно изучен материал по снаряжению. Очень плохо сделаны ноги, руки, ботинки. Руки и ноги похожи на колбаски. Более-менее нормально сделан шлем. Если нарисовал и опустил светофильтр, то очки не надо рисовать. Очки пилоты обычно надевают из-за того, что светофильтр немного искажает изображение. Если хочешь в очках, то светофильтр подними. Смотри картинки, как примерно должны выглядеть пилоты.




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Я принимаю модели, а вы мучаетесь, но у вас растет мастерство!!!:book:


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