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An Open Letter to the Community


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I can't answer this one in detail unfortunately. All I can tell you is that it will work.


.. unless the new measure enlist the aid of a time machine to go back and not release the compromised RU DVD then it really is all pie in the sky. But OK I'll take your word for it. :)


Although I'm still hoping that ED will choose not to make those of us buying DCS:BS dvd register and I'm really hoping that limited activations gets no where near the disc ;). Neither of which will do anything to protect BS better than LO:FC.


That is very smart actually.


I have my moments :D .



Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.


CDDS Tutorial Version 3. | Main Screen Mods.

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This is a never ending POST and may be my opinion is just a drop within the vast ocean. I´m a sims fan since I was in my mum´s womb. I bought Lock On Flaming Cliffs TWO TIMES, online version and later Gold Version to avoid the activations issue. I would buy it 100 times if necessary. Lock On FC is probably the best flight simulator ever developed and I´ve enjoyed every single buck since you launched this amazing sim.

I will support CDS Black Sharck under any circumstance. I will buy it online version, if available, and later I´ll buy DVD version.

I guess that sim comunity will buy massively this SIM in spite of trolls, cheats, pirates, crackers, SF f...ed up. I´m sure that those who are torrenting DCS BS and are not going to buy BS, would NOT buy it anyway. So I´m sure your inversion is covered cause this sim is going to be the BEST sim ever developed and with next expansions adding more planes/chopers, if you continue BS´s line, we will have sim for a loooooooong time.

Please, do whatever necessary for your interests as developers but DO not forget that there is a HUGE worlwide community waiting for your decisions and your/our Best ever developed Sim.

Good luck for all of us.

Cruz de San Andres

First learn to fly. Then learn to fight.



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regular patching seems a good protection philosophy.


takes the wind from the pirates' sails and help sales.


i would like to think that any self respecting player of ED's new sim,

will choose to own this software legitimately reguardless.


i consider it our duty to the genre, and to ED.

allowing them to continue providing us with top notch

new DCS modules for many years to come.

Edited by G3
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Would it not be easier for just an authentication setup that when you join a server to automatically login to a auth server first that verifies your serial or anything? just wondering. Valve did it years ago with half-life and it still works like a charm.

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My opinion is that ED is losing resources by implementing costly (to buy and support) protection methods (no matter the name of the protection system!!) and working to a Demo.


ED should steam ahead to finish the full western version and release it in a way it will bring most money and be less costly to do it. Steam, as it was previously suggested, is a good option. I don't know if is posible due to ED-1C contract though...


Although I understand the reaction of ED to recent events I think is an unappropiate one. Developing "paranoia" instead of rethinking the position and adapting to enviroment can be bad bussiness. Banning, threatening it's custommers or forum members (if they speak about this or that) is looking more like a religion than a bussiness... but, hey, bussiness is a religion in a sense :).


I would like to recommend you to see this book presentation movie on Googlevideo, is a presentation made in a quite select audience and not what the title would make you think to in a quick draw.


The Pirate's dilema on googlevideo presentation


and you can get the book (at what price you want, realy) from here:




I hope ED have the time to see/read this and think about it... maybe future products would have less costs, less customer problems and beter income.



A big salute to you all!


... just in case. ;)


I watched that entire video. Interesting stuff...funny to see some guy do a speech and write a book on some of the things I picked up in college and some of the same things I have pondered myself.


My take away from that video is that I wonder just how much piracy really does hurt a very niche product like DCS. In truth, I'm beginning to wonder how much it really hurts ALL software developers. I'm beginning to wonder if all those measures out there against it are really protections againsts loss of income or just stubbornness and refusal to see reality on the grounds of some meaningless concept of "legality" that will stop piracy about as well as the surgeon general's warning stops cigarette smokers.

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ED has projections for loss of sales for LockOn vs. Flaming Cliffs.

You do the figuring out on why ED thinks CP works :)


Now, are the CP/Piracy posts going to stop, or am I going to have to close down the thread? It seems that people aren't listening :)

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Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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After reading 14 pages of comments I'm still amazed how people can be so ignorant and not understand the message that was posted. I've been following ED a long time, before the release of LO:MAC, and never had I ever complained about things ED decided to do with a game. I consider this as a disrespected thing to do with people who are trying their best to make a high-quality game and at the same time keep a close relashionship with the costumers. You won't see this on many forums.


Another things that's kind of bodering me too. Why is it so hard for new, non-hardcore simmers, to read topics regard the game before posting their opinion and starting unnesessary discussions here on the forums? If that isn't enough, a topic about piracy is a last thing these forums needs. To piracy a lovely game like this isn't just a crime. It's just heartless and very immature way of acting just so you can enjoy other peoples hard work for free.


All in all I support ED in all their decision and I'm planning to buy all DCS parts! That's a promise ;)

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My comment was not intended to be provocative, nor insulting. Many companies spend a lot of money in an attempt to hear what their customer base has to say. Well the customers are speaking, so wisdom dictates to let them speak. This is a golden opportunity for ED to gauge the mood of their constituency on a topic that could profoundly affect their product for years to come.

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Eagle Dynamics hears your concerns loud and clear but Eagle must do what it feels is best for it and it's property. Eagle respects forum members' rights to disagree, but they expect the same respect to Eagle to allow them to run their own company.


We have a policy of not allowing copyright debates since the decision on a CP method has been made, and all that happens in these so called debates is a degeneration into ranting and flaming.


Your customer base is speaking here. It's time for you to listen.

Edited by GGTharos
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Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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have you even read what it was posted?


Yes, I have thoughtfully read every word of every post on this thread, and I think the salient point is not copy protection but rather the degree to which it is applied. On that point ED owes it to themselves to really listen to what the customer is saying.

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your post was provokative... have you even read what it was posted?


ED has heard already people's opinions on this and your post was not helpful nor funny. If I could I would delete it myself.


Judging by his post count and date, he might be new. :D I'm sure you've seen the case where a newbie comes to a forum and starts asking questions or wants to discuss stuff that has been discussed ad nauseum before because they are ignorant of how common the topic is. People either humor them or tell them to do a search. Same thing here, except the new poster may not grasp how little tolerance there is for this particular topic.

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Not provocating I'm just ignorant on this subject sorry..


possibly... you know this better... please read the stickies and posts already out there. There is tons of info on pretty much everything so what ever you need to know you can either use the search tool or simply browse the forums... any question you have you can ask and will most likely be answered.


PS. When I was having a problem with my video cards or I wanted some new info on hardware I always read the existing posts first... only if I could not find any info on what I was after would I make a new post.

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No longer active in DCS...

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Yes, I have thoughtfully read every word of every post on this thread, and I think the salient point is not copy protection but rather the degree to which it is applied. On that point ED owes it to themselves to really listen to what the customer is saying.


If you have read the posts like you said you have you would have been aware ED already know what people are saying. By you saying "its's time for ED to listen" is not nice at all and is provokative considering recent events.

No longer active in DCS...

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Judging by his post count and date, he might be new. :D I'm sure you've seen the case where a newbie comes to a forum and starts asking questions or wants to discuss stuff that has been discussed ad nauseum before because they are ignorant of how common the topic is. People either humor them or tell them to do a search. Same thing here, except the new poster may not grasp how little tolerance there is for this particular topic.


yes sure... and he showed he is exactly that, just a new guy joining the forums... by saying he was just ignorant (meaning he didn't know) and he did say sorry... so it's all good :book:

No longer active in DCS...

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I would like to recommend you to see this book presentation movie on Googlevideo, is a presentation made in a quite select audience and not what the title would make you think to in a quick draw.


The Pirate's




and you can get the book (at what price you realy realy) from here:




I hope ED have the time to see/read this and think about it... maybe future products would have less costs, less customer problembeter beter income.



A big salute to you all!


... just in case. ;)


Slightly off-topic but I just watched the presentation and I though Matt Mason made some excellent points especially where he said 'If pirates are adding value then companies need to compete with them'. Certainly food for thought.

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