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Questions about buttons and stuff!


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Had the sim for a few days and loving the detail and work gone into it.

Onbiously i have bought the only version available as a stop gap and most things are falling into place but i have two burning questions.


1. when i get the shakval to lock onto something i can't find how to select anti tank missiles and get them to fire.I can't select rockets either but i can get the gun to work [button c]. Looked at the producers notes and can see he is selecting something on a panel but the resolution is to poor to see which switch. So how to select the correct weapon for firing after locking on to a target?


2. I can't identify the airspeed indicator. I see the height in the hud and and where i supposed the speed to be on the left is a vertical with 500 at the top? I have found the vertical speed indicator guage is the asi below it? seems like a stupid question maybe :doh:

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Y and I are used to select the inboard or outboard pylons, U for all weapons (though that only makes sense if all pylons are the same).


Your airspeed is not indicated in the HUD when in weapons mode, but it is there for me if I am not in weapons mode. To cancel weapons mode hit backspace.

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The vertical line is the speed indicator and it's there in all modes I used so far.


The gauge-version is left to the left articial horizon (ADI) IIRC

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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thanks for your help. I guess I am just not understanding how to read the speed from the hud left hand strip? cheers!




The weapons panel is just in front of of your flight stick. Green lights will show up when you have the weapon selected, and you will see indication in HUD that weapon is ready to be released. Master arm has to be one, and for some weapons you need to switch the Manual/Auto weapons release swith to position of down, in order to drop bombs.


Goodluck.. .

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thanks r unit for the info. I am doing something wrong as i can only get the gun to fire not a guided weapon. perhaps you could correct what i am doing wrong.


1. I have weapons loaded

2. hover and uncage sensor with 'o'

3. Find target and select/lock with 'enter'

4. cycle through weapon with 's'

5. master arm on

6 fire, click nothing...what am i missing in the sequence?


thanks drummer

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okay found the weapon selected lgiths above the flight stick. Found the toggle switches for the laser but does not seem to change anything, [ie onthe hud nothing to show laser on] actually it puts the letter 'C'on the tv is this correct for laser?the big green button next to it switches the tv screen off. tried many combinations but still no launch. Must be me doing something [or not doing] or missing something obvious.


head scratching commence

Edited by meuy17@dsl.pipex.com
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The laser doesnt work like the Su25T. Once you lock the Shkval you will see a countdown for the laser, this is probably for ranging.


The button next to it is for resetting the weapons mode.


Turn Shkval on. Turn master arm on. Turn laser standby switch to up. Select vihkir, outside pylon. Lock intended target. Move Vihkir aiming circle over target circle in HUD. This will present a C that allows you to fire. Press and hold the release weapon key until missile fires.

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The laser doesnt work like the Su25T. Once you lock the Shkval you will see a countdown for the laser, this is probably for ranging.


The button next to it is for resetting the weapons mode.


Turn Shkval on. Turn master arm on. Turn laser standby switch to up. Select vihkir, outside pylon. Lock intended target. Move Vihkir aiming circle over target circle in HUD. This will present a C that allows you to fire. Press and hold the release weapon key until missile fires.


there is some new information there about moving aiming circle, i thought locking up the target was the aiming circle?

so turn on shaval by hitting o key

master arm, turn on laser,select vihkir and lock target, mover 'other aiming circle' [not seen this one yet] over first and fire.


perhaps i would be better requesting transfer to the army and buying call of duty!


thanks for your help


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"4. cycle through weapon with 's'"


is wrong.



"s" switches weapons modes, not weapon-stations.


You have to press i, u or y to select a weapon before you use it.

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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there is some new information there about moving aiming circle, i thought locking up the target was the aiming circle?

so turn on shaval by hitting o key

master arm, turn on laser,select vihkir and lock target, mover 'other aiming circle' [not seen this one yet] over first and fire.


perhaps i would be better requesting transfer to the army and buying call of duty!


thanks for your help



It is different than the Su25T.


When you lock and have the vihkir selected you should get an aiming circle similar to what you see with the cannon. You need to get that close to the target circle in the HUD.

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Thankyou, I have now fired my first rockets and guided munitions :)


Still trying to get my head around the targeting system so im more fluent in use, but its coming, nice to be finaly able to shoot something other than the cannon :D


If I could just learn to bloody hover properly I could sit and practice aiming at stuff, making a right pigs ear of it atm even tho iv'e got to grips with landing and takeoff now :)

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thanks guys for all the information, the mist is starting to clear a little and like phantom mark I am just getting through the basics with less crashes than when i started last week. Of course an english manual would have made life easier but if it was easy everyone would be doing it!

thanks again


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You need to bring the two reticles on the HUD together to achieve a valid launch parameter and only then the Vikhr will fire.


this i think is where my problem lays; i achieve all the other things, but don't recognise what other cirlce i have to line up. Is it another small circle as the moveable reticule is or is it the larger that looks like a letter 'Q'


I really don't mind asking these stupid questions as i really want to learn and my experience is everytime i ask a stupid question a dozen people breathe a sigh of releif that i have done so :helpsmilie:

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Your target (smaller circle) and the bigger circle must be lined up.

Intel I7-10700K, Samsung 980 Pro 2TB NVMe, MSI Z490 ACE, RAM:64GB DDR4 3600, WIN 10-64, 1080Ti😩

Waiting on a good RTX



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You need to map the launch key command to your stick. Default is right alt + space.


The 'C' in the TV display is your launch authorisation. With Vikhrs for example you need to line up the heli with the target laterally. The launchers can tilt down but not to the side.


Even with the "Turn to target" engaged you will need to make a small pedal input to get the Vikhr reticule in line.


Also worth grabbing the English Key Commands PDF... See the sticky in this forum...

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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