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Go to solution Solved by Furiz,

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Hello, I don't know where else to look, so I'm asking here. When I add waypoints in the Missions Editor with the TGP, everything works fine, I can shoot down 6 AGM in one approach. When I go to a multiplayer server it just doesn't work. Either the TGP is not looking exactly at the waypoint or the Maverick is not looking exactly at the same point of the TGP. I carry out the boresighting correctly and the INS too. As I said in the Missions Editor, it works perfectly. Maybe someone can help me. Best regards

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1 hour ago, bLACKMATRIX7 said:

That can not be it. I make the waypoints myself both in the mission editor and in multiplayer. The TGP looks at the ground in the right direction but not directly at the targets but a little off

Yeah, if you place a waypoint down, it‘ll most likely be a „fly over point“ and default altitude of that is roughly 6500 feet afaik. As furiz said, check the altitude of the waypoint.

in the ME, if you set the altitude to 0, it will automatically then correct it to grond level.

in the jet however, if you just set it to 0, bombs will fall way short, so there check the elevation your tgp gives you and enter that for your STPT elevation (or read it off the f10 map in the top left corner next to the coordinates)

Edited by _SteelFalcon_
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I enter the altitude for each waypoint manually. the TGP looks at the ground, I only have to move it a little to the left or right to see the destinations, but I want the TGP to look directly at the waypoint without correcting it. I'll check it out tonight though. but even if I correct the TGP manually, the Maverick doesn't look slightly off target.

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1 hour ago, bLACKMATRIX7 said:

what track? I don't remember it working properly in the Missions Editor either

Fly your mission, reproduce the TGP or Mav bug and then exit, next window that appears will have "Save Track" button to save the track of mission you just flew, then just post the file here.

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Multiplayer tracks are saved automatically but due to the nature of multiplayer are a real pain to watch through. Since time acceleration increases the chance of inaccuracy, someone has to wait and watch through your whole flight, which is why singleplayer is prefered as you can set it up to show the bug almost instantly. 

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6 minutes ago, bLACKMATRIX7 said:

Yes, but it's about the multiplayer Not single Player 

See my message...


21 hours ago, razo+r said:

Then attach the track of the multiplayer one.

You can find it in \user\you\saved games\dcs\track\multiplayer


Edited by razo+r
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