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I can't seem to hit anything with the GBU-12's I was doing the river raider mission and used CCRP to launch a GBU-12 at the first bunker using the instructions given in the training mission and the bomb always hits way out from the bunker. I'm using the laser with point tracking mode. Am I doing something wrong?

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Is you laser firing? SPI set correctly (confirm SPI-generator)?

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Are you using manual or auto lase?



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I use the exact same procedure for the GBU-38's and it works fine for them


38's are not laser-guided.


Ensure your laser is firing - a flashing 'L' in your HUD/MFCD prior to impact.

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Well, are you turning on the laser yourself or are you configuring auto lase in the DSMS profile for the GBU-12s.



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I have auto lase on, still missing however I'm not seeing the flashing L mentioned by Viper


Have you set the laser time of firing, ie 12 secs to impact?

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Someone plesae correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you need to set the Lase time, on the left-hand side of the the "Change settings" page of the GBU-12 profile for Auto Lase to work...

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I set it to 2 because the plane starts at 1880 altitude


And there is your problem.


A GBU-12 requires at least 8 seconds of guidance time for it to hit the target. You are dropping FAR to low, by the time you release the weapon, you're about to fly over the target.


Try from at least 10,000ft with at least an 8 second lase time (12-15 would be best in most cases).



Intel 13900K (5Ghz), 64Gb 6400Mhz, MSi RTX 3090, Schiit Modi/Magi DAC/AMP, ASUS PG43UQ, Hotas Warthog, RealSimulator FSSB3, 2x TM MFDs + DCS MFDs, MFG Crosswinds, Elgato Steamdeck XL


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And there is your problem.


A GBU-12 requires at least 8 seconds of guidance time for it to hit the target. You are dropping FAR to low, by the time you release the weapon, you're about to fly over the target.


Try from at least 10,000ft with at least an 8 second lase time (12-15 would be best in most cases).


that indeed was the problem, but my problem with only the right GBU-12 accepting the profile changes is still occuring :(

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Huh this is weird, I set the main profile of GBU-12's to CCRP, auto lase on, las time of 2 sec and save but when I select one of my GBU-12's none of those settings where on it, even still when I changed those settings it still missed


It sounds like you are selecting individual weapons by clicking OSBs on the DSMS page. You need to select a profile for GBU-12s either by activating that profile on the DSMS profile page, using the select rocker on the UFC or DMS left/right with the HUD set as the SOI.



Intel 13900K (5Ghz), 64Gb 6400Mhz, MSi RTX 3090, Schiit Modi/Magi DAC/AMP, ASUS PG43UQ, Hotas Warthog, RealSimulator FSSB3, 2x TM MFDs + DCS MFDs, MFG Crosswinds, Elgato Steamdeck XL


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It sounds like you are selecting individual weapons by clicking OSBs on the DSMS page. You need to select a profile for GBU-12s either by activating that profile on the DSMS profile page, using the select rocker on the UFC or DMS left/right with the HUD set as the SOI.


I currently go to the DSMS page, don't select anything, go to profiles page use the rocker to go to GBU-12, thats how I've always been doing it

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Post a track - that way we'll be able to tell you exactly where you are erring.

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Be cautious when using long laser times. The weapon technology is a PAVEWAY II. i.e precision avionics vectoring equipment.


If you lase your tgt too early you risk having the weapon drop short of the tgt because it will loose its energy by constantly moving itself in freefall to the laser energy. I dont know if this is very accurate within the sim itself but a golden rule to live by.


PAVEWAY III allows for constant lasing once the weapon is away however it is so expensive its only outfitted on MK-84 or 2000lb bombs which the A-10 does not carry in this sim.


Food for thought.

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RIFLE's Discord:  https://discord.gg/cmDCrr4Z2g  


JTAC Bible (see/know chapter #5) https://fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/jp3_09_3.pdf

J-FIRE pocket guide (Don't do battle without it!)  BK2 (fas.org)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Izoul123
Be cautious when using long laser times. The weapon technology is a PAVEWAY II. i.e precision avionics vectoring equipment.


If you lase your tgt too early you risk having the weapon drop short of the tgt because it will loose its energy by constantly moving itself in freefall to the laser energy. I dont know if this is very accurate within the sim itself but a golden rule to live by.


PAVEWAY III allows for constant lasing once the weapon is away however it is so expensive its only outfitted on MK-84 or 2000lb bombs which the A-10 does not carry in this sim.


Food for thought.


I thought this really only applies more to fast movers which the A10 is not. The slower release speed means it's drop path is pretty much straight down anyway because of the close distance to target/slower release speed, thus it doesn't' have to adjust as much as if it were dropped at say 500 knots from further away having a longer glide angle degree towards the target. I usually set Auto-lase to 20 seconds and it works flawlessly every bomb drop at any altitude above angels 10+. Heck sometimes I forget to set profiles but I usually have Latch "on" anyway on the TGP as part of my start-up sequence so I'll just manually lase it when the CCRP timer starts at -20 and it still works just fine.


Really the only time I've had issues with LGB munitions not hitting has always been due to to low of altitude.


This video also does a great explanation to help you figure out issues (thanks ExcessiveHeadspace).



Edited by Izoul123
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Be cautious when using long laser times.


I thought this really only applies more to fast movers which the A10 is not.


Yup. I used to bring up the lase time issue in these topics (I even made a handy graphic to help explain it), but it has been made fairly clear by several far more knowledgeable forum members that it is indeed not as critical (if at all) when flying the hog. It seems that misses are more often a matter of a bad markpoint - ExHead's video is required viewing!


That said, a lase time of 8-12 seconds from a release altitude of no less than @8,000ft (I prefer to stay at or above 12K) seems to yield reliably negative results for those on the receiving end.


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I'd try to walk ya thru it but I'm sure I'd miss something...




Check out a few of these... Great info from people far smarter than I.


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