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Posted (edited)

Attached you will find the

"Proper Neck for DCS World 1.2.6 - 1.2"



V1.2 includes also new view-limits for the Mi-8MTV2 Beta and a Hot-fix:




Mi-8MTV2 Beta 1.2.6 HeadMovment Hot-Fix


After you jumped in the Mi-8TV2 technician seat the view-limits will be off

and you cant lean any more to the left/right - the included mainpanel_init.lua will fix it.




Copy the DCS World folder into the your folder of your DCS Installation and overwrite.



Example target path:

H:Program FilesEagle Dynamics



Check after each update if a fix is still needed and/or if a new fix is needed

because other things changed too in the mainpanel_init.lua

>>> http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=96116




Edit: New version with working "ShoulderSize" in all true* 3D cockpits since 1.2.5!

Try it - and you will be amazed! - No need anymore to make 'funny moves' with the TrackIr to check your six. (Thanks ED!)


*= F15C, A10C, A-10A, Su-27, Ka-50, P-51D, UH-1H, Su-25(A) - ....this new feature can be also switched ON for all other old partially 2D FC3 cockpits by editing the Server.lua - just read on...



This mod enables also the Six-Degrees-of Freedom-movement in the old , partial 2D cockpits of FC3.

Don't forget to remap the TrackIR Z axis for the by deafault Non-6DOF cockpits - so you don't change the FOV when you move your head forward. >>> http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=105515





no screen-shots of before/after as it cant be shown on a static image.

The initial view point is the same as the default,

but you will see/feel the change when you look around with a TrackIR.


Well, this will maybe give you a idea what is changed:




One examples what this does :


A-10C - You will see your tuned Radio Frequency without to move backwards - as it isn't hidden any more by your throttle-levers when in idle position,

and you are able to reach the back-panels, like the lightning knobs, much easier.



..and many more - the whole cockpit experience will be much more "natural" in each cockpit/module.








Here are some examples:


This schows the first beta without the 'ShoulderSize'

Thanks, you are me hero...thumbup.gif


Works like it should, just a little tweaking with snapviews.







Check-six feature aka "ShoulderSize" in the P-51D:




Preparation: make sure that you don't have the previous mod for 1.2.4 installed. - simply run a DCS-Repair if unsure.





Copy the Server.lua into C:Users>YOUR USERNAME<Saved GamesDCSConfigView...

(if the folders don't exists you have to create them)



Go into DCS World>>Options>>Misc. > Check "Enable User Snap-View Saving" and use attached "All planes-modules-test 1.2.5.miz" to check the views in each module/cockpit and save a new default cockpit view as required.


And if you have not already your own SnapViews.lua:

Copy the SnapViews.lua into C:Users>YOUR USERNAME<Saved GamesDCSConfigView...


You will find the needed key commands how to save a new default cockpit view here:



(Yes - I know how hard it is for some of you to look it up your own in the options ...)

Disable/Pause your Track-IR/Head-tracker while doing it !


"Num/ - RCtrl - RShift" Cockpit Camera Move Back

"Num5" Cockpit Camera Move Center

"Num2 - RCtrl - RShift" Cockpit Camera Move Down

"Num* - RCtrl - RShift" Cockpit Camera Move Forward

"Num8 - RCtrl - RShift" Cockpit Camera Move Up

"Num8" Turn Cockpit Camera Up

"Num2" Turn Cockpit Camera Down

"Num/" FOV- aka Zoom-in

"Num*" FOV+ aka Zoom-out

"NumEnter" Default FOV aka Zoom


Once you are satisfied , after using above key-commands,

just use following key-command to save this view as default:


"RAlt+Num0" Save current Cockpit view as default for this vehicle




Editing and own customisations:


You are still free to change Line #6 to #9 of the Server.lua to your liking if you want different limits and/or a different 'neck dimension' - check my annotations to know the units of a value and what it does.

Use notepad++ or equivalent for editing Lua-Script files! (MS-Notepad isn't suitable to read the syntax properly!)

And make a backup beforehand !!


Line #6 to 10# of the new C:Users>YOUR USERNAME<Saved GamesDCSConfigViewServer.Lua :


--/////////////////////////////////////// Global Pilot View parameters 1.2.5 - Start - PeterP ////////////////////////////////


local GlobalEyePoint = {0.16, 0.1, 0.0} -- {front/back , up/down , left/right} <- 'neck dimension' in meters

local GlobalCameraViewAngleLimits = {20,160} -- {min horiz. FOV in °, max horiz. FOV in °} <- aka Zoom

local GlobalCameraAngleLimits = {190,-75,115} -- {Max turning to back, max looking down , max looking up} <- in °

local GlobalShoulderSize = 0.15 -- move body when azimuth value more then 90 degrees

local GlobalShoulderSize_for_not_full_3D_Cockpit = 0 -- 0 = OFF - set to > GlobalShoulderSize = 0.15 or 0.2 < to turn it ON in the non fully 3D cockpits of FC3. Keep in mind that the 2D seat texture will look strange.


--/////////////////////////////////////// Global Pilot View parameters 1.2.5 - End - PeterP //////////////////////////////////





This attached SnapViews.lua is set up in a way that it will look like this :





HOT TIP for TrackIR users:






Remarks about 1.2.4 to 1.2.5 changes :




You are now free to save a default snap-view in every seat position of the Huey , as they are now independent from each other since 1.2.5.


ShoulderSize = (new since 1.2.5) 0 = OFF , 0.15 or 0.2 = ON

edit: after the latest DCS update 0.15 is also a legit value. - use this for a little smaller lateral movment when reaching the 90° degrees.


-- move body when azimuth value more then 90 degrees.

Enables you to easily check your six ! This is a very, very nice feature !! - Thank you ED!




If you want to post a info/bug/issue:


Sentence like "works buggy and too big- and/or cant move back" is just a waste of your and my time.- as I need to know the used module/cockpit and so on...Don't expect that I'm able to read your mind or knowing exactly what you are talking about without naming it exactly!

A picture is often more worth than thousand words.


...and don't expect me to answer things that are already explained and reachable via the first 30 posts and/or the forum-search or can be goggled within seconds. wink.gif




Please Read also this before reporting 'annoyances' >>>>>


For all that are confused why the " edges of the HUD are getting cut off.":


Please make your self familiar how a real collimated HUD works

and/or just follow the links in post#1 - it's been discussed about a dozen times in this thread...or just google it... - and you will soon realizes that this absulute normal and a consequence when you have your (virtual) eyes not turning around them self any-more.


Here is a little test you can do your own and will maybe serve you as 'eye-opener' to get a idea why the things are like they are when you are not turning your eyes around themselves :





Form a square with both hands in a arm's-length in front of your head and keep this 'window' static.

Now observe what's happening with things you can see in a distance inside this square when you move your head from left to right .

Now combine this 'newly learned' with the knowledge that a collimated HUD is focused to 'infinity'.



Read also here for more info:

>>> http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1588647&postcount=17

and even more info how a HUD works

>>> http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1826425&postcount=317



It's also not possible to 'only' smaller the HUD - it has a fixed size bound to a certain FOV it is covering and the HUD is carefully calibrated to the whole cockpit-frame/fuselage. And there is only a small narrow band in which the HUD projection can be fully seen. Changing a parameter of it will de-calibrate it and make your aiming reticles useless and way-points will not be placed where they are.

You will have to move your head towards the HUD to 'smaller' it.



I'm sorry for this 'annoyance' ... welcome to reality!


...So make your self familiar how to save a new default cockpit view (...it's basically done in two steps and within seconds...) - a instruction is posted where you downloaded this mod - sorry - I can't set it up for you - you have to do it your own, as what is usable on a 16:9 display can be awful at a triple head setup and it also highly depends on the used FOV.

(BTW: This has been also discussed about a dozen times in this thread)




About : 'the constraints keep you from creating a perfectly top down view over the side consoles'


This mod uses reduced cockpit movement limits that prevents you to put your virtual Eyes at impossible places - like directly above you knees or between the HUD frame.

This affects also the ability to make a perfectly Top-down snap-view of certain cockpit elements.

BTW - a real pilot will also not have the ability to view this device in such an angle as long he respects the safety regulations and keeps sitting in the seat while flying -instead of 'wandering-around' in the cockpit or even braking his neck and/or pulling out his eyes ...






All above 'restrictions' are made with realism in mind.

If this is something you are not looking for - please don't use this mod and stay with the defaults.

Because there is no way to combine the 'conveniences' of the Default view with the restrictions of this more realistic view setting.

Proper Neck for DCS World 1.2.6 - 1.2b.rar

Edited by PeterP
  • Like 4


PeterP, this is excellent work, and I'm looking forward to trying it. For clarity, though -- what resolution were you using when you created these? As you say, results will vary depending on FOV and aspect ratio, so I'm trying to determine ahead of time how well these numbers might work for me on my 5900x2160 setup.

Posted (edited)

I used the default 1.2.1 initial Cockpit views/EyePoint positions relative to the front-dash as template that I wanted to match with the added neck.


Resolution is almost irrelevant , it is all about Aspect-ratio.

Rechecked my edits in various resolution that the initial viewpoint (when starting the sim) will not differ from the default one.


And as you already know = There is no "one setting fits every aspect-ratio" in DCS for SnapViews. - so you will have to re-check them.


I moved the fulcrum point only for the F1 Cockpit View ( Snap[X][13] ).

But the Moved EyePoint to simulate a neck is active in every other view too.

In some of the snap-views you will barely notice a change but in others that are more tilted and very close to a panle you may have to re-fit them.

Edited by PeterP
  • Like 1


When Il-2 implemented this it was a huge change, this is one that I'll definitely be installing. Thanks PeterP!


CPU - Intel 8088 @ 4.77 MHz; Memory - 128KB; 360KB double-sided

5 1/4" full-height floppy disk drive; 10MB Seagate ST-412 hard drive

JG-1 MiG-21bis Checklist


thanks pete, works perfect. :thumbup:

" any failure you meet, is never a defeat; merely a set up for a greater come back, "  W Forbes

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,"  Winston Churchill 
" He who never changes his mind, never changes anything," 

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Yet again , the man thinks of stuff that we havent , and brings out a real gem .


Thank you sir .....


One word "binoculars" ......................... :)


P.S. I cant add to your rep ..... says I have to spread some around other places . I have spread a lot around , so its crap I cant rep you for this mod ..... sorry . Id rep 2 for this !!!


Update/Hot-fix- only reload when you use the P-51D module.


Change-log for RC1:


Server.lua >>

P-51D 6DOF Limits - you are now able to read the left/right fuel gauge properly.



Please revisit Posting #1 for the download.

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

Danke Peter, as always impressive work! :thumbup:


Best regards,





You must spread some Reputation ...


Edited by xxJohnxx

Check out my YouTube: xxJohnxx


Intel i7 6800k watercooled | ASUS Rampage V Edition 10 | 32 GB RAM | Asus GTX1080 watercooled

Posted (edited)

I also hope that ED and the Second, Third ... Party Devs read this thread too.

- because what I'm seeing in the current 1.2.1 regarding the Bell-UH1 add-on I have to say that the current used Eye-Cockpit/-seat positions makes no sense at all. - I have High hopes that it is just a "prove of concept".

But when looking at the different "default" parameters for the A-10C, P-51D ,Ka-50...




They all seems to use different standards how/what a average human is shaped/viewing.

and you have to admit:

This is strange - as they all take place in the same "world"...




I just hope I have not to put out a re-worked version of this Mod ,every time a new add-on is released.



Please set plausible standards that all others can use in this world you create. -- I know you do! , but don't stop at the human view system.


Yes you are right , it's time for the 'bad' term again:


Quality Assurance



...it doesn't help the end-user at all to know that he/she has the highest possible standard in cockpit modelling when he/she isn't able to use it as it was designed, - just because the end-user isn't in a view-position that enables him to do it like it is meant to be.

>> reminder: have a look over your left shoulder to see the fuel-gauge for the fuselage tank in the P-51D

-and do it once with this mod and once with the default view...


-and I don't think that the engineers of the P-51D thought that they want to make it difficult for a pilot to check the fuel quantity ....


These are just a very small part of this "very small things" that have to work before a world becomes reality.

Edited by PeterP


Excellent work, thanks Peter.

I have been playing for a little over 2 years now and felt something wasnt quite right about the view in the A10, for me this mod has made sitting in the cockpit feel much more natural.


Ok, I cant put my finger on it, but it "feels" much better. Does that make any sense?


From just looking cant tell a difference but moving my head its a natural flow.


Bleh...talking gibberish, but this thing feels right.



i5 3570k @ 4.3

560ti GTX 2gig

8gig RAM

Intel SSD

Win7 64bit











I tried it but instantly there is one thing off. I can no longer look up close to my controls in the cockpit, like pushing my head forward to see the MFD clearer.


I have a separate button lever that i use to zoom in though so I'm ok, and prefer this type of movement to what was going on previously.



Good job anyway dude!


Seems like a great mod, but doesn't work well for me. Can't look closer with my trackir/head moving forward, and I am having a hard time trying to see my hud, no matter where I stable my trackir, high, low, mid. Happens when doing a gun run, and zoomed in. My head is always above the hud.


Keep up the great work though peter, looks like this feels great for others. I use almost every mod you make :)

Posted (edited)
I can no longer look up close to my controls in the cockpit, like pushing my head forward to see the MFD clearer.


I Fixed it.

Even that I think you aren't able to lean so much forward when strapped in the seat, but we have to make compromises because of the discrepancy of RL Eye-resolution and the pixel-density of the monitor.




Change-log for RC2:



Server.lua >>

P-51D 6DOF Limits - you are now able to read the left/right fuel gauge properly.

And You are able to lean more forward in all Cockpits



Seems like a great mod, but doesn't work well for me. Can't look closer with my trackir/head moving forward, and I am having a hard time trying to see my hud, no matter where I stable my trackir, high, low, mid. Happens when doing a gun run, and zoomed in. My head is always above the hud.


Keep up the great work though peter, looks like this feels great for others. I use almost every mod you make :)


Welcome to reality!


What you are experience is the consequence of heaving a neck.


When you look down your eyepoint will also move down , and your eyepoint will move up when you look up.


Here are some illustrations that should make clear why the HUD will be cut off partially when looking up and down:



Normal/Default view [Numpad5] > HUD projection is centred:




Viewing Up > Top of HUD projection isn't visible:



Viewing Down > Bottom of HUD projection isn't visible:





So please


A)Use the seat hight adjustment to adjust your eyes to the center of the HUD. -that's the main purpose why you have it in the cockpit nicely reachable at the left/front-dash.


B) Set a new default Head-position that suits you better.

>>>Snap views - EagleWiki


By default, in DCS A-10C, DCS Black Shark 2 and DCS World, customisation of snap views is disabled. To enable it you must alter one line in one of the LUA files, as follows:

In the DCS A-10C or DCS Black Shark 2 installation folder, then folder config, then folder view, find file View.lua

Look for the line (about 50 lines down):

UseDefaultSnapViews = true and change it to

UseDefaultSnapViews = false Next time you start the simulation, snap-view customisation will be possible.

Customisation Procedure


The keystroke RAlt+Num0 (default binding) will save the current view position against the last-selected Snap View, or against the "default" view if that was the last selected. The simplest procedure for customising a Snap View is as follows:

Customising a Snap View



  1. Set your current view up as you want it saved.
  2. Press LWin+NumN - NumN being whichever numeric keypad key you intend customising. Your view will briefly snap to whatever the current snap view setting is for that key, then return to your previous view.
  3. Press RAlt+Num0 - The snap view should now be saved.

Test it by changing your view, then holding down LWin+NumX - you should see your customised snap view!

Customising the Default View



  1. Press Num5 to reset your view to the current default.
  2. Adjust your view to what you want as the new default but do not use any snap view keys in the process!
  3. Press RALT+Num0 - your new default view should now be saved.

Test it by changing your view, then pressing Num5 - your view should return to your customised default!


C) stay with the default. - So you have a rock-solid HUD , because you don't have a neck and your virtual eye is turning around itself.

Edited by PeterP


Really great mod.


First time I tried, it felt so weird so I restored to the origin files.


But then again, reading about it one more time, I had to give it another try... who doesn´t want a neck and guess what, after some flying... again a mod that I can not be without.

It´s really different from original but When I got used to it ... ...it's excellent.




ASUS P7P55D - i5@3.8 - 8GB RAM - ATI6950 2GB - Logitech G940 - TIR 5


PeterP, fantastic work with this mod. I finally got a chance to try it and I really like the way it feels. My results are a bit different from other people's because I already had a customized default view, and this brought up a question for me:


In my already tweaked default view, I had pulled the eyepoint back and down such that I could see all of the HUD without having to move my head. I now can't remember whether the default DCS default view has this same quality, or whether part of the HUD is cut off; but either way, I wonder: would the real HUD and pilot position have been designed such that the pilot would have to move his head forward and down to see the entire HUD? This seems unlikely to me, and is perhaps just a limitation of the game itself.


Pete, as usual, this is awesome. The A-10 and P-51 are outstanding. Until recently, I hadn't spent enough time in the Kamov to judge.


Another outstanding mod. :thumbup::thumbup:

ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero, i7-6700K, Noctua NH-D14 Cooler, Crucial 32GB DDR4 2133, Samsung 950 Pro NVMe 256GB, Samsung EVO 250GB & 500GB SSD, 2TB Caviar Black, Zotac GTX 1080 AMP! Extreme 8GB, Corsair HX1000i, Phillips BDM4065UC 40" 4k monitor, VX2258 TouchScreen, TIR 5 w/ProClip, TM Warthog, VKB Gladiator Pro, Saitek X56, et. al., MFG Crosswind Pedals #1199, VolairSim Pit, Rift CV1 :thumbup:

Posted (edited)
PeterP, fantastic work with this mod. I finally got a chance to try it and I really like the way it feels. My results are a bit different from other people's because I already had a customized default view, and this brought up a question for me:


In my already tweaked default view, I had pulled the eyepoint back and down such that I could see all of the HUD without having to move my head. I now can't remember whether the default DCS default view has this same quality, or whether part of the HUD is cut off; but either way, I wonder: would the real HUD and pilot position have been designed such that the pilot would have to move his head forward and down to see the entire HUD? This seems unlikely to me, and is perhaps just a limitation of the game itself.



Seems that the dog is biting his tail again...


And to save us both from a long winded discussion - please start your research here - as this discussion was already held : EyePoint-Head Position


My experience is this:

I sat two times in a Tornado with working HUD and the projection was smaller as we see it in the A-10C and I had more movement without loosing sight to it...


I also use a default view that is a little further back as the default view in DCS and have the felling that the HUD projection is a little bigger as it is in RL - maybe it's a sacrifice that it is readable clearly even at lower resolutions - who knows...


But it really seems common for a A-10C pilot to lean forward when in a attack run...and so do I and live with it.

And this position matches the one we have as default. - it can be seen on many pictures:





I already tried once to make the HUD smaller - but there seems to be no global value to do it easily - I was only able to do it by changing every small thing on the HUD and reposition it -and than redo it for every different page/mode again - and than I had to recalibrate the pipers and so on.

This was too much workload and I stooped it.

Edited by PeterP


Ive noticed that the limited zoom with tir5 , within the cockpit is now mostly gone . Is that correct .


But this mod is better , so I dont really mind , just want to know is that normal for this mod ?


Great work mate :)

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