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Everything posted by unknown

  1. :lol: I don't think there is a manual at this point! :lol: So i don't get how you can be mad about this, especially if you "...those who not only pre-order but who have been with DCS from the get-go!" you should know how this works. ;)
  2. I don't know/care about the Harrier but the Mirage is a full released(NOT EA/Beta...) module for quite some time now... :music_whistling:
  3. BUMP I just discovered this too. I took the FW-190D9 for a ride and tried to do some AG stuff and noticed that the WW2 asset pack units disapeared(not tanks?) very quickly while normal DCS ground units are visible from far away compared to the asset pack units. pic 1 - ww2 units visible pic 2 - now they are gone pic 3 - ordinary Kamaz trucks EDIT: ED could you please fix this? :beer: This is a realy game stopper for me as most of the time i do AG stuff and was hoping to do some of this in the upcoming FW-190A8. It's a long time ago i flew ww2 planes, helicopter and jets are my most used modules in DCS.
  4. unknown


    And to be even more fair, zeus stated "...months, not years." So technically everything within 24 months between that statement and the release would be true, only months and not years, clever statement. :thumbup:
  5. No, that's in the "Phase 2 Product Sustainment" https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=241132
  6. unknown


    To be fair it's only been 10 months ago not a whole year, so they have a few months left to stay inside their "...just a few months..." statement. :lol: ;) :music_whistling:
  7. The key thing here is, without a second party telling your aircraft via datalink "hey this thing is hostile" your IFF is telling you "i don't get a friendly response" -> square/yellow/unknown contact. For your aircraft alone you need to be infront or in the back of the plane so NCTR(not IFF) can identify the plane type (Mig/Su/F.../ i think Wags stated somewhere within 20° 12/6 o'clock position). To do so your Radar needs a good look at the engine fan blades, if you look at him at his 3 o'clock your Radar can't see the fan blades -> no identification.
  8. I can't confirm this, my ED account and PayPal is showing me i paid 64,99USD. But i also have 84USD as Bonus points and don't know where to spend them, so....ED you can have my extra Dollar for the F16. ;) Maybe it helps developing the MI-24 :music_whistling:
  9. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3923003&postcount=5
  10. Thank you, done. :D
  11. I never said you where wrong....i never wanted to chime in.... All i wanted to say is there will be no stable patch next week despite the fact it would be the timeslot for one because there is no difference at the moment between both versions and it would'nt be quit logic to bring new features directly to the stable branch without testing it in the OB branch. I think you just interpreted more into my post than i wanted to say, might be a language barrier. :beer:
  12. All you can do is buying it with a discount with the pre-order option. The first time you can fly it is in the planned EA window of autumn 21./22. september to 21./22. december. Be prepared that it can be released in EA stage short before xmas or later if something wents wrong and hope for the best ;)
  13. +1 :thumbup: :beer:
  14. Right now Beta and Stable are at the same version number, so it's unlikely that the next update is for the stable version of dcs because both are the same. Most likely the next patch will be for OB whenever they are fine with it. https://updates.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ You should read and not assume, he is an ordinary forum member like you and me. So stop wacking the torch/pitchfork, this is just a made up statement or to put it in the new fashion, it's fake news from you. ;) Edit: To be constructive, in case you didn't know, there is a "DCS Update Patch Notes Discussion Thread" in the ChitChat section of the forum, the info above quoted by Silver Dragon is from that Thread, you can find it here: https://forums.eagle.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=66
  15. You can right click on the zip file in that list and copy the url to paste it in your new post, if you click it you will download the file. Thats the only way i know.
  16. You open for example the picture in the list and copy the url in the "insert image" button(new post, upper menu), never tried it with other file types("insert link"). Posted this picture here in the first place: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=240555
  17. +1 It's all about the looks. :D I bought the 109 because i love that plane, the 190D9 because there was no 190A model. But i rarely fly them....
  18. Cool, this and HARM's is all i need for AG/SEAD :D Thanks :thumbup:
  19. Hi mvsgas, can i load the tripple racks for MK-82/S on the F16 we will get in DCS?
  20. This will not happen, Wags already posted their plan here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=241132
  21. You're welcome.
  22. Hi RagnarDa, i quote myself from the old thread: I post 2 short quick and dirty videos(should be at least 1440p after YT processing is finished): 1: - shwoing a hot start(doesn't matter if hot or cold) from the runway with an existing flightplan(LS, B1, L1) from the ME(you could also enter the waypoints via the Ck37 - works also) - clicking BX - clicking 8 - works like expected since the Viggen release 2: - using F10 mark points as flightplan(LS,B1,L1) - clicking BX - clicking 8 - problem -> no BX8 aviable to set -> destination indicator showing B2 and no "ring/cross" on radar
  23. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3913788&postcount=1058
  24. Here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/
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