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Everything posted by Machalot

  1. @MYSE1234Does it measure altitude directly below the jet or out in front? It seems to see oncoming hills.
  2. For me it seems to be on the level when in the up position, but the active area doesn't move down with the lever, so it covers the hinge.
  3. Which training mission is that? I ran the Cold Start Procedure, and it ends before you start taxiing. Are you running a different set of training missions?
  4. I can only get the ground collision warning light to shine if I have both the radar altimeter on and the radar in A1 or A2 mode. Can you confirm this? Once I hear back from you I'll submit a bug report.
  5. The beta testers have recently tested a candiate fix for these.
  6. Ok great, thanks for clarifying. I have no idea why someone might try this with cold starts, but if you frequent these forums you'll find users all over the place who don't know the finer details of how to operate the jet (Mav BSGT, NORM align, HMCS align, lasing, etc.). I'm glad in this case it is a well-isolated bug of the radar.
  7. I will not stop asking for clarity. HMCS alignment is directly relevant to understanding the video images -- what part of the offset is radar lag vs misalignment.
  8. This is the answer. In addition to custom MFD profiles, you can set up and share your flight plan with wingmen. And a nice perk is that when you die and respawn, you don't have to retype all your waypoints.
  9. I'm convinced there is an issue. Just to confirm though, is your HMCS aligned properly?
  10. That's strange. I've never had a problem like that in the Viggen. I pay almost exclusively online and mainly fly the Viggen.
  11. Could you possibly have changed the fuel feed settings (or taken damage to a fuel tank) that led to a nose heavy fuel imbalance?
  12. I thought that was donor information, not lock-related.
  13. These posts should be pinned.
  14. This is already reported and tracked!
  15. Yes, this is reported in the bug tracker. Thanks!
  16. Alright! I was able to reproduce it in a very short track exactly as you described, and submitted it to HB's bug tracker. Thanks for figuring this one out @Skyracer. AJS37_rapid_flares.trk
  17. Don't forget the Viggen! QFE is central to most weapon employment. That's target QFE, of course, but the landing navigation mode also uses field QFE to create the HUD symbology, and I think to place the flight directors on the ADI.
  18. One known (and tracked) issue with the Viggen is that it doesn't handle custom cartridges well in the replay, because generally you don't have the same set of custom cartridge files on your hard drive as when the track was recorded.
  19. Sorry, I posted the wrong formula at first. Please see the updated post.
  20. The formula is Tstag = (1 + 0.2 x Mach^2) x T For 287 Kelvin that gives 369.7 K.
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