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Beagle One

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Everything posted by Beagle One

  1. Seit einem der Updates funktioniert das so nicht mehr. DCS nutzt jetzt ein Versorgungssystem das vorher festlegt wie viel Munition und Treibstoff auf einer Airbase lagert. Das ganze ist abhängig von tatsächlich als statisches Modell vorhandenen Versorgungsfahrzeugen bzw. den Einstellungen bei der Missionserstellung. Ältere MIssionen haben keine Wert gesetzt daher Supply = Null. Sollten die Versorgungsfahrzeuge ausfallen ist Supply ebenfalls null.
  2. The Su-33 tends to explode at the slightes contact of the nozzles with the runway...even at speed less then 150km/h. All other aircrafts in FC3 just have damaged AB after such contact.
  3. The only server that seems to habe 20 players atthe same time more often is 104th. And currently there are more passworded server than public ones. I was not that way in the old DCS:BS and FC2 days.
  4. The problem might be due to the fact that some planes currently have no working ECM control light in the cockpit (Su-33, SU-25T) I have no way to know what status the jammer has.
  5. In fact NO. the old planes from the 60's where by using EMP proofe vaccuum tubes...for the same reason a lot of armies kept old style vaccum tube Radios well into the 90's. The main reason why modern electronics were absent in cold war era machines was EMP...after the cold war and the increase in diametral warfare electronics could make their way. EMP = F-22 ot EF-2000 total blackout. only the old MiG-25 will Keep on flying ;) I can oly say this in General regarrding NUKES... Nukes destroyed the gameplay in ArmA II Warfare Multiplayer because there is nothing you can do, you can not fight it and you can not run...you can just wait for the end of the Mission.
  6. It's niot the region, its the low poly terrain and the facts that trees and forrest are onlly cosmetic and won't do nothing...you can't collide with them and they will only block your sight but neither A.I. sight nor any kind of Fire. that's the main point why the map fails for low flying and that's nothign new.
  7. Ammunition ignition by penetration hits does happen in tanks quite often so there is no reason it cant happen with airplanes.
  8. You have to do nothing it's time related and wil take a few minutes. Plane hs to sit on tarmac not on grass and airfield must be friendly (ground units near or at the airfield)
  9. Are you trying to tell me that I can't use the DVD version of A-10 and I have to buy it again online?
  10. Not only in Brazil. I live in a rural region in Germany and I 'm happy to get 100kb/s sometimes in the nighttime. It tooks me 5 attaempos and a whole day to download DCS:World. I have FC3 comes on a DVD, download games are a no go basically above 1GB if you have just ISDN speed.
  11. Trees do not really exist in this Simulation. It's just a textur layer without any collision model...you can also fly through them without any collision. Im just wondering what keeps Player ground units from driving though those tree ghosts.
  12. ED is known for the most expensive patches since FC2/BS2 came out, that's exactly why im not that overly keen to see a FC3 anymore. In fact I was not even thinking about a official fix but wanted to ask if someone knows a ModMan compatible fix so far like the tree fix for FC1 etc.
  13. So calles TUSK kit for M1A1/A2 can be fitted to do that, T-72 and T-90 had this feature even before western tanks got it albeit more mechanical and less sophisticates (No TI)
  14. So it's been two years and the issue is persistent, any fix official or unofficial so far?
  15. Usually 2 for Deadzone and 33 for Pitch on all axis. This Setting works for me since original LOMAC. Saitek X52 Pro + Pro Flight Pedals Only exception was the Blackshark, in BS all worked at best at defaut.
  16. If you want someone to stay a friend, never try to convince him to anything he does not like by himself. I tried for 10 years, but none of the friends I have left like sim games. On the other hand...they could never convince me to play WoW Aion or Guild Wars.
  17. Strike Fighter Series has evolved a lot, its not much more acade than original Lock O, but semi dynamic Campaigns were much more fun due to limited supply features (you can run out of planes and weapons, and so can the A.I. enemy)
  18. Ich hab drei Coolies am HOTAS benutze aber keinen für die Sichtsteuerung, das mache ich mit der Maus bzw. dem Mausstick am Saitek X52.
  19. It a top buy anyway just considering the amout of support and updates you get for free from BI. Not a naturally thing anymore.
  20. The only "use" for a F-51 in a combat Sim I can see so far is to use it as a substitute for this: Let's hope it comes with modern light attack COIN like textures.
  21. As far as I know preemptive flare deployment does not work in DCS anyway.
  22. No, I would not pay 500$ for a simulation simply because it's over budget which remains for me after rent, food, food for the dog, fuel, insurance and car, going out, club fees, acquisitions and other hobbies are paid.
  23. I use the Saitek X52 Pro and had the X52 before...you can't compare them in quality. The Pro version is definatley PRO. Mine is 3 years old and still works precise. All you need to tweak is to use a lubricant to the centering cone from time to time. I also don't see a lack in buttons or axis with the X52pro...and in case you want more you can add any additional saitek switch pannel to it.
  24. Not only, jet engines, all combustion engines run better and have more power in cool and dry air. That's why the power of a car engine is rated at sealevel and 15°C with 0% humidity...add humidity and tmperature and power output will decrease. E normal car engine can have up to 15% power rate deviation just through climate conditions.
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