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Everything posted by Ramrod_45

  1. Same here. Noticed it when trying to adjust JHMCS brightness in the F16. The knob moves at normal rate when using the mouse wheel but with mouse button depressed and the mouse moved with a sliding motion the knob barely moves.
  2. Avira user here. During the latest update download Avira found and quarantined this Drop.Win64.ScoreInject.5475 I didn't have the bin-mt folder in the exclusion list, forgot to add it when the mt switchover happened so it may be a false positive.
  3. From double clicking my MT shortcut to the GUI screen opening 4 minutes and 4 secs. Much, much longer than before the latest update.
  4. So in the real aircraft is it not possible to "latch" the laser on as in some fixed wing airframes.
  5. Anyone else having this problem? When selecting Qeyeballs and using TrackIR to view an object at say 90 degrees to left or right of the aircraft canopy you have to turn your physical head around like an owl to get your virtual head in position.
  6. Maybe we will see some of this in our beloved Hog one day. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/37233/the-a-10-warthog-is-preparing-for-its-biggest-upgrade-in-over-a-decade
  7. +1 No weapon release.
  8. I play in 4K and use scale GUI. I have noticed that when playing back a track I am unable to move my mouse cursor into the map area when using F10. The cursor refuses to move to the map and will only allow me to move it across the icons bar at the top of the screen. Similarly if I restore the cockpit view the same thing happens i.e. the cursor immediately returns to the top left corner of the screen and remains there regardless of what I do with the mouse. The same conditions occur on all maps and with different aircraft. If I turn off scale GUI the cursor behaves correctly. This happens with or without mods and after a repair. Latest Nvidia driver in use and Win10 up to date. Forgive me if this is a known bug but I have searched the forum and other sources and can find no reference to this effect. I guess its just me in the whole DCSosphere.
  9. Anyone interested in the F22 will find this very informative. I realise this is not DCS related (at the moment Ha Ha).
  10. Check this........ Read comments for access to the bubble.
  11. I too have the same problem. I've tried with AI only flights and with a wingman. The AI and wingman abort as they always receive a waveoff. The deck is not foul, no enemy assets anywhere close, SC is at 30 knots into wind.
  12. Everyone stop worrying, its come from China so it will soon break ! :)
  13. Yes I have the same issue.
  14. Try this, locate the Server LUA in your DCS config folder. Make a copy as a backup. Now open the original using Notepad++. Look at line 6 which should read CameraTerrainRestriction = true. Alter the value to false, save and run DCS. You should now be able to drop through the terrain. Use Lctrl + F11 to enable free camera movement. If you have a mod enabler you can use that.
  15. Hi all if you haven't seen this already you may find it interesting....... https://www.mudspike.com/mudspike-ama-with-eagle-dynamics-senior-producer-matt-wagner/
  16. I do not have the "User Theme" option in the modules Icons on the initial opening screen. if this is the same for everyone then obviously you cannot select your own wallpaper.
  17. Thanks mate, I've checked this again after a repair and removing all mods except this one. I have the problem with other aircraft now also but it seems to be only in one of my own missions on the Caucasus map. I set up another bare bones mission with just three aircraft and the problem has not reappeared so it must be a peculiarity of the original mission. Sorry to waste your time mate. Please keep up the good work with mods and your informative mission editor vids.
  18. It may be just me but having this mod installed seems to remove all cockpit shadows in FA18c. Not tried yet with other aircraft.
  19. I am experiencing a freeze on the loading screen. This is on NTTR map with Red ground units and a mixed loadout on the Hornet consisting of Mav F and JSOW>from an air start. No problem with a clean aircraft.
  20. Try copying the LUA and pasting to desktop, then make the alteration and save. Then move the LUA back and let it overwrite the original. Aways works for me.
  21. Eldur, you wouldn't happen to be a Jethro Tull fan would you?
  22. I have the same problem. If jester is used during a flight when replaying the track the Jester menu appears at roughly the same time that it was used during the flight but remains on screen for the duration.
  23. I too am still having problems. I agree with the previous suggestion that the TDC button press could and should be made optional. I can get it working using another button but its not a satisfactory solution.
  24. Many thanks, I like it. Panels don't look as washed out now. But you are correct it will depend on individual gamma settings.
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