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Everything posted by LorenLuke

  1. Basically imagine drift getting so bad, that when you do a patch map of where the target should be, the whole thing has drifted so far that you neither know what you're looking at, nor where to move from that point to actually find the target. If you correct the drift en route to the target, you only have to worry about the drift since the last time you took a fixpoint, rather than the drift from the point when you aligned the INS on the ground; so drift would be relatively minimal by comparison versus doing a correction on some landmark near the target (both of which you now can't even find in your high resolution map).
  2. So, it's unknown to me whether this is accurate behavior, but it seems the way the rockets ripple when in 'Single' firing mode behave strangely. Rockets, when launched singly, alternate pylons. Rockets when launched with a quantity greater than one launch two at a time from a single pod before alternating to the next pod. The Mult setting doesn't seem to do anything to change this behavior. AV-8B Rockets.trk
  3. LorenLuke


    Could you list what comes to mind? I'm not doubting that there is, strictly speaking, I just want to know what you would say there is to do for the gunner, as compared to what I think of when someone says that.
  4. Does it have a particular name that one can search for, readily?
  5. LorenLuke


    I mean, I disagree that it isn't worth dev time for one reason alone- Money. Example: There's the C-130 being made, and I'm certain <X amount> of people will buy it. But if it was specifically the AC-130, I'm certain more than <X amount> would purchase. Why? Because it's cool. The rationale of practicality out the window, given that it'd be shot down in an area that's even moderately contested airspace doesn't matter, you'll get a line around the building to buy for the 'cool'-factor alone. The GSh-30 is a fantastic gun. But giving the Hind even something like the exported GSh-23L turret as something for the gunner to have would 1) be better than the Yak 12.7, given the DCS-ism of lighter arms, 2) the chin gun and the 'coolness' factor that the current Hind lacks. And I believe those two factors would drive sales further than the Mi-24P has.
  6. LorenLuke


    You literally have the explanation as for why in your own post. This reason is the only reason we need.
  7. LorenLuke


    Because I'd like to be useful for something other than firing 4/8 missiles, and then twiddling my thumbs after.
  8. How are these expected to function, and what's the scope of their function? Within a single mission, or somehow having cumulative wear across multiple missions or a campaign? A setting in the ME, perhaps?
  9. Consider though that the Mudhen would have to come out of early access, lose the 20% discount, then be around long enough to THEN go on sale for something more than 20%. I imagine people who want it will weigh the 'eh, it's just eight bucks anyway' and eat the difference rather than wait God-knows-how-long.
  10. But if they don't warn, all the people who'd get it then don't get the 30% discount, but only 20%; RB would make an extra $8 per sale. I don't see why they'd not seize this opportunity for more money.
  11. Alternatively, maybe he asks here because he trusts people to know what he's talking about and answer accordingly, instead of just googling and finding either the same four images repeated everywhere for a niche hobby, or possibly providing him wrong information that he may not trust himself or his knowledge enough to know it's wrong. Those are certainly reasons why I ask people instead of, or in addition to, just going to google like it's a magical library (mind, even if it is, it still has no human librarian to clarify any questions you have).
  12. I don't know if they have their settings to yours, but I can say that my experience was that if you turn SSAA off, it 'fixes' the problem. (You can still see a drastic change of perspective around the monocle, but the perspective within the monocle remains the same as when it's not equipped. Hopefully that serves as a workaround for you.) https://forum.dcs.world/topic/321912-nvg-monacle-fovperspective-broken/#comment-5180801
  13. It appears that this effect is directly tied to the Super Sampled AntiAliasing setting (SSAA). Turning this from 1.5x or 2x to Off/0x eliminated this effect for me. Hopefully this information helps ED fix this issue.
  14. NVG Monacle FOV/Perspective broken since MultiThreading Open Beta Update. Affects all planes. View also offset in CA for all night vision optics (JTAC thermal and visual modes FINE), including gun reticles (gun shoots low and to the right). Run on single monitor, non-VR. DCS Version AV8B Throttle.trk
  15. I believe it's there in the track file. But yes, the laser is armed in both instances. It fires (or it indicates it's firing via symbology, at least) when the button is pressed for the GBU. It does no such thing with Mk82s as the active weapon. To my knowledge, it didn't have this lasing behavior before, so I'm seeing if this changed, or is somehow correct, or was something I just happened to miss.
  16. Except it doesn't do this with regular unguided bombs.
  17. Weapon release button with LGBs fires laser, even if outside release parameters, even if auto lase is set to 0 seconds, and even if the 1st trigger detent is not pressed. F16 Laser Bomb.trk
  18. The ability to buddy lase for other laser guided weapons on Russian hats should be a thing (as should the weapons themselves, particularly the KAB LGBs), including for and by the Ka-50 Black Shark.
  19. So, I could be wrong on this, but the way the datalink was explained to me was that it uses the current position and orientation of the aircraft, as read by the PVI800, and then the angle of the shkval and the laser distance, all to produce some point in 3D space somewhere as the target point. Therefore, as your INU drifts over time, your relative space is going to produce a difference from your actual coordinates, so when you go to uncage the SHKVAL to the target, it's orientating itself to the target point using your PVI800 coords and orientation as the reference. If your actual coordinates are in line with the PVI800 coords, this is fine, but if they're not, there's going to be an off-set from that point, which should be basically equal to the disparity between your PVI800 and actual coordinates.
  20. Yellow indicates a laser of some sort being pointed at you. Red indicates a missile being launched/flying at you. Yellow is only in 90 degree arcs, while the missile is narrower.
  21. Allow mission editor drop-down box for GNSS availability with the following options: Auto- As it is now, requires Russia on coalition Always- Available always regardless of coalition Never- Not available regardless of coalition
  22. For the Vikhrs, the target ring is offset to one side of the center, and can be used to predict, rocket pods are always fired in some multiple of a pair, and for both vikhrs and iglas, it's always the left pylon that fires first. In case of the iglas, it empties the pylon, while for the vikhrs, it alternates. So if you have more than 2 Iglas it's the left side, and if you have an even number of Vikhrs remaining, it's the left-side (or left side first, in the case of salvo mode).
  23. Dropping this here just so I don't have to retype everything.
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