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Everything posted by SkipCarey

  1. opinions...............
  2. Well I pulled the trigger on the index need advise on a hassle free install index pros! going from the rift cv1 help me out fellas Thanx in advance..............
  3. Just looking for the pros and cons of both ,I have the CV1 and im looking to be able to read the cockpit instruments............do you have to repurchase steam modules(fa/18,F14) with the index/steamvr?I own a ton of standalone DCS modules and maps.any input/experiences from index owners would be greatly appreciated......I know pretty well what to expect for the rift/s,Really lookin forward to the bump in resolution but the index would be a considerably more expensive option if I have to repurchase the modules. Thanx in advance
  4. Thanks fellas I may give it another go....
  5. yep, even contacted oculus support no joy
  6. I have the CV1 and it works fine ,But when I try and install the new S it wont recognise the S it just hangs searching for the S,Ive bought two thinking I got a bad one but both refuse to install? I plug the CV1 back in it works fine?Anyone else have this happen?
  7. I have a eight year old processor (I7 950 4 cores) on a asus rog extreme mobo top of the line for 2011,wmr will not proceed with the install on my rig so WMR hmds are out!funny thing is when I run valves steam vr test it gives my rig a score above the reccomended specs?so my choices are limited to valve and oculus......
  8. is that the vive lighthouses?
  9. Can you read the the text on the instruments in DCS with the pimax?
  10. I appreciate your response, that thread doesnt help with the current state of the pimax as it iinstalls and runs DCS, most posters on the thread use steam vr which is exactly what I want to avoid since all of my modules are stand alone DCS and I will NOT repurchase steam versions. Im not happy with valves ridiculous 4 month wait for the index either.from what ive got from that thread is that the pimax is not as sharp visually and a PITA to setup and get running.I would love to hear from current pimax owners about their recent experiences with it and DCS.
  11. Is pimax 5k+ viable in DCS or a PIA? and not worth the hassle.....
  12. Im on the fence between pimax and the index. with the pimax you dont have to iinstall steam VR just launch DCS from occulus home inside pitools right?but Ive been reading quite people are having difficulty with pitools and other software related issues ,also I read somewhere that the wider the field of view in pimax degrades the image drastically?I also noticed in that youtube video that the images of the dashboard in the fa 18 over lapped quite a bit.
  13. It quite clearly states in the ED store standalone modules are NOT compatible with steam But im wondering/thinking the maps should not be an issue?
  14. do all the maps function in steam?
  15. Im strongly considering the index but Ive invested quite a bit of money on all the maps are these transferrable to steam? without repurchase? Ive noticed steam see my DCS install so im assuming the maps will be in there but before I buy the index.any help is appreciated...…..
  16. DOA Mine showed up today DOA never could get it to connect (no light in the headset) my old rift always worked flawlessly back to amazon.I even reinstalled the oculus home software and reinstalled nothing helped back to track ir because the rift is undoable for me.
  17. oculus home install? can you just use the rifts old software for the S?
  18. so what youre saying is that you would only need one sensor with the index? Im not so sure that would work given that its basically the same setup as the rift for tracking?
  19. Heres hoping it doesn't kill the Beautiful terrains...………..although I don't see how it could.
  20. Would someone post a linkk to the i nstallation guide for just the RIO My copy works well , but id like to go through installation manual before paying for the extension
  21. Is the new AIRIO for F14 wworking ok ? In the past Ive had isssues(considerable) with this software is it stable? and how much of PITA is it to install?It would be nice to have a clear set of installation instructions as well
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