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Everything posted by BigBorner

  1. Is this cruise / perf Page still planned? @uboats
  2. Yeah, but nothing since roughly 2 years. (Or I somehow missed it, which would make me very sorry for spreading misinformation) Latest tidbit of information was in the Nick Grey Interview for the Virtual Airshow 2023. There he said that they are having some issues but the module is still being worked on.
  3. Thank you for the Info! Ill take from that, yes, Hotfixes out of the usual Patch-Schedule are possible to happen in general.
  4. Die F-15 hat keinen KI Piloten oder WSO. Ja, man kann komplett solo fliegen. Was die Zieldesignierung und so angeht, hat der WSO nur ein paar kleine Funktionen auf die der Pilot keinen direkten zugriff hat. (TGP Contrast und Helligkeit, eine weiter Zoomstufe im AG Radar etc.) Aber du kannst Problemlos auf den WSO sitz hüpfen und dort entsprechend Knöppe drücken, während das Flugzeug im Autopilot ist. Allerdings kann man das Flugzeug auch vom Rücksitz aus steuern (Oder faul sein und dem autopiloten im Kurs-folge modus einfach mitgeben welchen kurs man denn jetzt gern fliegen würde.) Die Tomcat in der Tat eine KI auf dem Rücksitz / Pilotenplatz die Dinge tun kann. Ist also ohne menschlichen WSO nutzbar. Aber mehr kann ich dir dazu nicht sagen. Hab das Modul nicht.
  5. I try to do that later. Ah, another thing: If you check my track, youll notive that the CNTL Page setup is also Program dependent. Didnt realize that before either (Thats why i was starting to set up 2 Programs initially but ended up just using one for all of the 4 Targets / pylons / Weapons. Youll never stop learning )
  6. Ive also run a little test. Setup: Singleplayer, Current OB, Used the PP Points Marker on F10 MAP. CEP Was maybe 3m, so looks perfectly reasonable. mind you, i was to lazy to also test GB6 or the smaller LS6 User 1 Weapon Program for the 4 Targets. The little ones are a bit wonky anyway. I`d just laser them in and dont rely on GPS Guidance. LS-6 500 Test.trk
  7. No one knows if we will get stuff like this. There hasnt been an update from or communication with the Devs in Ages.
  8. is there some sort of Hotfix planned or possible for this, or will this also follow the new release schedule? @NineLine @BIGNEWY
  9. Track and (i hope the correct one) log attached. Airstart,SP, Syria, Current Version, just using S2 Right to change between BHT and WHT in CCD. dcs.log WMD7_CCD_WHT_BHT.trk
  10. I am using just the normal hotas commands to change between BHT and WHT, its just that i can change between those modes in CCD and IR. Its always doing that and since many updates, so there are no further steps i could tell you to reproduce the issue. ill post a track tomorrow, if you want.
  11. I have the same issue in 2D, did not try in VR yet. But no reason to believe there will be any difference. Tried it on 2 different MP servers yesterday. Grayflag Syria and something else i forgot. But Caucasus map.
  12. If it’s really just a burnout problem, it should at least work again with a new pod.
  13. Thank you! Yes, that was weird. Luckily it vanished on the second run. Except for having BHOT and WHOT in CCD Mode
  14. yeah, todays update. Freshly downloaded, deleted metashaders and fxo content, repair and the whole stuff.
  15. it looks like the camera is misaligned and youre looking against the TGPs model from the inside sometimes. track attached. BHOT and WHOT in CCD mode is still there. WMD7 broken.trk
  16. Well, best case would be: Nothing for the user. And it means Maintenance and Bugfixing for those weapons goes to ED now.
  17. Nah, its all the same now. There is DCS. And thats it.
  18. Might make sense to have a ambient light sensor there
  19. When this happens, try to cycle through AA weapons and press auto accq. Maybe that helps. If not, it’s probably time to post a track.
  20. Oh okay, yeah seems I did. However, the pod not working in AA anymore isn’t a bug. It was intentionally removed a few updates ago.
  21. Ah come on. I never would have found this videos on my own and it’s interesting.
  22. I mean, it’s chucks guide. He’s just a dude doing that because he likes it and does not have any obligations to update it. It’s up to Deka to provide a proper and updated manual.
  23. The WMD7 was definitely abled to be slaved to AA Radar Targets in AA Master mode. Then they took it away. It’s somewhere in the release notes
  24. BigBorner


    Then we have a discord where there is basically no engagement with the Jeff Community.
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