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Everything posted by 104th_Maverick

  1. I've had a few people approach me and ask if we would ban Jester on the 104th server if given the option. No. Jester will never be banned on the 104th if given the functionality to do so. We applaud HBs efforts to keep the Tomcat useable by lone wolves and while we firmly believe a good RIO is going to out do Jester its still important to us that clients with no RIO can still get a piece of the action.
  2. No one can enter your back seat without you allowing them, so as long as none of your friends are a total PITA (we all have one tho, right?) no one is going to be ejecting you out as a troll.
  3. Just join any of the channels below the lobby sir. What is your TS3 name and I'll keep an eye out for you?
  4. DCS F/A-18C | Hornet Highlights | 5 Kills in 3 Minutes
  5. Change channels to any other channel that is open to the public :)
  6. DCS Fuel School | AAR Tutorial | Episode 2 - F-15C DCS Gazelle | STREAM HIGHLIGHTS | DO A BARREL ROLL
  7. In preperation for the F-14 Tomcat release we are moving all Viggen aircraft to the RED side for our East vs West missions... DEFEND THE FLEET!
  8. The hook retract thing... I think this only applies to landing on a runway, while it does mention it in NATOPS its only under the Short Airfield section. I've never seen a video of a Hornet bolter on the boat and raise its hook, but I could be wrong. 1.16
  9. I stand corrected, I calculated the weight with full fuel tanks instead of empty. With 2 empty tanks 4 Phoenix, 2 Sparrow and 2 Aim9, you can still have 3400lbs of fuel and 'just' be under MLW for the carrier. Good call sir!
  10. No mate that's what I meant, having 4 in the tunnel instead of 2 doesn't make a huge difference, they fit very nice and tightly into the aircraft down there :) Only issue is you can't land back on the boat with 4 of Phoenix still on board due to you being over the Maximum Landing Weight, so its a case of 'shoot em if you got em' before heading back to the boat.
  11. No, having 4 in the tunnel apart from the weight makes no real difference to the aircraft. As mentioned before by Turkey there is a massive drag penalty for having the Phoenix on the glove stations.
  12. lol Keep telling yourself what you need too. A crew member with 4000+ hours on a tanker and a real pilot have both told you you’re wrong in your uninformed assumptions but as long as your gamer logic tells you you’re sure then I guess you must be right.
  13. The basket does not act as a brake IRL, it might just look this way from videos etc. Inside the refuelling pod is a system to retract the hose as the receiver makes contact with it to stop the hose whiplashing back down towards the aircraft. It reels the hose in and allows it to roll out as required based on what position the receiver is in. The reworked basket physics that Wags mentioned was in relation to the receiver bow wave pushing the basket up and to the right just before contact.
  14. All the crap I've gotten from randoms over the years for not being creative enough with my callsign choice is finally going to pay off :joystick: :thumbup:
  15. I could tell you .... but then I'd have to kill you ;)
  16. What has this got to do with Community News?
  17. You've totally missed the point. Eastern aircraft get to fly with DL from round 1 and Western aircraft don't get AWACS until DL gets introduced for the F-18 and F-14. Instead we're going to get EWR in a foreign language and no DL (F-15C, M2000) from round 1. Why not just have AWACS available for both sides from Round 1 if the intention is to add AWACS further down the line when Link16 and Link4 come online? Seeing as the Western aircraft cannot get any DL from the EWR sites in game it doesn't make any sense not to have AWACS.
  18. The F-14 only gets data-link from the E-2, the F-18 cannot get DL from EWR as its not L16, also, having only EWR means Russian aircraft get data-link and have no need to verbally communicate with the EWR sites. Western aircraft on the other hand will need to manually select the correct EWR site if there is more than one of them, then have the BRAA information given only in Russian. If there is more than one EWR site they will spam communications to the FC3 aircraft at the same time as each other, overloading the Western Pilots with multiple BRAA calls in Russian, meaning we cannot simply 'listen' out for the calls, every call has to be read by the pilot as most of us can't understand Russian. While Russian aircraft will face the same issue, they have the luxury of data-link and can simply turn off radio reports to their aircraft, so they don't get spammed with Russian comms but do get all the extra SA from DL. Having AWACS instead of EWR is a simple solution to level the playing field. Keeping with SATALs mantra of 'Pilots make events not equipment' both sides need to be fighting each other with two hands. The current set up has Western aircraft fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.
  19. Quick question about one of the rules "- EWR will be active and available for both teams. The EWR for each team will be stationed at various points inside the engagement bubble and will be invincible." Does this mean there will be no AWACS or is the wording a little off? Having no AWACS means datalink for Russian aircraft (from the EWR) but no SA for Western aircraft.
  20. League: Diamond Squadron Name: 104th Phoenix Teamspeak/Discord: ts50.gameservers.com:9132 Contact person: Maverick Aircraft Selection. Su27, F-15C, F/A-18C and F-14B Pilot Roster: 104th_Maverick 104th_MoGas 104th_RIPTIDE 104th_Spade 104th_Mustang 104th_Stuge 104th_Knight 104th_Blaze 104th_Dozer 104th_Blackbird 104th_Fallen 104th_Tiger 104th_Crow 104th_Deboman 104th_Money 104th_Junior 104th_Beef 104cdt_Sharken 104cdt_Bullet
  21. Updates for this weekend... -Added Red SA-6 to Kutaisi, Senaki, Kobuleti, Sukhumi and FARP Gali from round start. -Added Red Russian JTAC on code 1113 to Sochi, Gudauta and Sukhumi. -Added additional SA-15s to all Red airbases and FARP Gali. At the moment its not a priority but if I get time I will get around to this :)
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