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Everything posted by SMN

  1. В ФАКе по многопоточности пишут - Supercarrier. Жезлы регулировщиков и стоп линии не видны. Проверил... жезлы светятся, как обычно.
  2. Вполне такое может быть. У меня были вдруг педали на крене .. (И РУД тоже). Надо внимательно проверить и"почистить" все оси. Ну как минимум начать с такой проверки
  3. I hope that you will inform, when the problems are solved. I don't want to do missions that have execution problems. Too bad, just got carried away with your company and... have to take a break.
  4. M06 Still no solution to this problem ? And how can I complete this mission now?
  5. I think there may be a problem because the terrain.cfg.lua file is now crypted (terrain.cfg.lua.pak.crypt)
  6. The "active pause" is gone. Or I can't find it... Help me out!
  7. Should be SCS depress and during holding depress move SCS towards of the attack format, correct? Or SCS depress and release and then move SCS ?
  8. SCS to the right always, regardless of the active DDI with radar? Or SCS after SCS depress towards the active sensor? For example, I have an active radar on the left DDI, right or left should I SCS ?
  9. I think that the reason is that in real airplanes the deviation of the handle to itself and from itself is different, and on joysticks it is the same on all! So you have to "finesse" it somehow.
  10. Can anyone explain? Why is the Alpha channel parameter 385 in this place now? 23 MDG_materials[MDG_SELF_IDS.HUD] = {2, 255, 20, 385} As I understand it can not be more than 255...
  11. Hmm... I thought (and have read many times) that the ability to display the volume control (Fn+Volume Up/Down) is a simple indicator of whether the application is currently in full screen mode or not. Ok, so how can you quickly tell if an application is in full screen mode or not? Found the information: If you ALT+TAB out of the game and the game minimizes, then its fullscreen (requires another application window in the background). If it stays open, then its borderless window. This is exactly what is happening right now... If this is correct, then DCS starts in full screen mode... Then my claim is not correct, sorry
  12. I'm not talking about Alt+Enter. I'm talking about the real Full Screen mode. I don't have Full Screen when this function is checked in the settings! For example - when running DCS I can now see the volume control on the screen, in Full Screen mode previously I could not see it
  13. Why didn't they remove the "Full Screen" function in the settings, if it's not available now? Strange...
  14. So the "Full Screen" function in the settings is irrelevant? Checked or unchecked, Full Screen is not available right now.
  15. I confirm that after the OB update, fullscreen mode stopped working. DCS Open Beta does not start in Full Screen mode and there is no possibility (as before) to switch to Full Screen mode by pressing Alt+Enter The "full screen" checkbox is checked in the settings. Question - What does the "Full Screen" setting mean now?
  16. It's a similar situation with the roll. Full aileron roll deviation occurs when the stick is not fully deflected When changing the roll saturation Y to 85% stick corresponds to aileron
  17. My Full screen doesn't work at all. The Full Screen option in the settings is checked, but DCS always starts not in full screen mode. And I can't get DCS to work in Full Screen! Before update I could force DCS to Full Screen (ALT+ENTER), but now I can't.
  18. SMN


    Слово "пока" вселяет некую надежду..
  19. Preset "Overcast And Rain 3" Now DCS Open Beta with this mod - there are drops, but it's not raining. Without the mod (stock), on the contrary, it rains, but no drops
  20. SMN


    Нельзя сделать выборочно погоду в определённом месте? Например в каком-то определённом районе (не везде в миссии) - туман.
  21. After DCS the original files included in this mod v18 have been changed... (staticSmoke.lua, clusterShading.hlsl, gunSmoke.fx) Perhaps a new version of the mod is needed?
  22. Before buying this company I want to know - is it necessary to perform AAR in the company's missions or not?
  23. When I turned off hyperthreading, it got even worse. Virtual cores are probably necessary for Windows, I think
  24. А не на SC ACLS и не должно работать. Только показывает, а управляешь сам. Только на суперкариере работает
  25. Похоже, что ACLS на авике включается только тогда, когда ATC даёт заход по Case II или Case III. По Case I не работает.. "...AFAIK, ACLS is not used in Case I, since it's a visual approach."
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