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Everything posted by wolle

  1. Hi, thanks for your reply. It's not a solution though, because the next mission to be loaded should be determined by the file list in the server config file. In general, a mission doesn't know what mission is to be played next. Or sometimes, the server doesn't want to play another mission at all...
  2. I've been playing around in the RIO cockpit today. I use the oculus rift VR. On the weapons panel there is a drum selector to select the weapon type. Problem is the lettering on the drum is so tiny that there is simply no way to read it in VR (even zoomed in), it's not even close (I can read all other gauges and labels in all (other) cockpits). What to do?:helpsmilie: Thanks!
  3. I actually had something different in mind. For example, we can have Microsoft speech read a text for us. So, I was wondering if there is a way of starting with a string, e.g. "Hello world" in a lua script, then from the lua script call Microsoft speech (or something similar) in pseudo code "local audio = MicrosoftSpeech('Hello world')", which passes the sound file corresponding to the text back to the lua code that called it, and then I go "trigger.action.outSound(audio)" Hope that makes sense.
  4. Sorry if this has been reported before, but I couldn't find it. Does the F-14 not have wheel chocks? Without wheel chocks operation on a carrier at speed is impossible, can't refuel/rearm because F-14 slides back and forth (ground crew will yell "what are you doing?"), and planes parked next to each other collide due to deck slipping?:helpsmilie:
  5. I have the same problem with the dedicated server. Mission End trigger does nothing.... How am I supposed to end the mission?
  6. I like the recent campaigns that have been developed that make extensive use of voice-overs. However, I much prefer designing dynamic missions, where the radio traffic is not known in advance, but is situation-dependent developing out of the dynamic evolution of the mission. It is of course possible to display text messages generated by the mission script that reflect the dynamic situation at a particular time of the mission. But how about speech output? My question now is: is there a run-time speech synthesizer tool that can be used for that purpose? In principle it should be possible, since I remember from the old Amiga times, you could have the Amiga computer speak a text sentence you fed to the command. Hope that makes sense, and I'm looking forward to suggestions.
  7. Hope heatblur will fix the head position in VR soon. Is there a lua file one can edit?
  8. Last night I played around in the cockpit, but could only find where to set up the UHF radio in the pilot's cockpit. Where is the VFH stuff? Also, where in the file structure can I find the manual?
  9. wolle

    TARAWA issue

    I'm not as well versed as you guys in all things forum, so I simply didn't know it is an ED side bug... I assumed it was a AV-8B specific bug, because I have never had any problem with F/A-18s on the Stennis...
  10. wolle

    TARAWA issue

    That update list is from a long time ago, shocking that it has not yet been fixed, or even just acknowledged by RAZBAM, AFAIK
  11. wolle

    TARAWA issue

    I've been trying to call attention to this issue before. So far, no success. In my opinion that's a blocking bug.
  12. A piece of good news. The latest version of lotATC 1.2.1 fixed the crash issue with options --server --norender:thumbup:
  13. I'm doing some lua scripting in anticipation for the F-14 release. For those who already have access, what is the typeName for the F-14B, i.e. what string will unit:getTypeName() return?
  14. That's BRAA I think Bearing, Range, Altitude and Aspect. But anyway, is there a way of getting altitude info from the SA picture?
  15. Doesn't BRA mean bearing/range/altitude? If so, why no altitude info?
  16. The best way to overcome this problem, and many similar ones, would be for DCS to allow menu items (and texts, sounds, etc) to be unit specific. Atm they can be "to all", "to coalition", "to group", but not "to unit" :mad:
  17. I'm using regular Microsoft edge. But I vaguely remember that I once used either Chrome or Firefox for a short time when there was a problem with Edge, but soon switched to Edge again. Must be a left-over problem from when I once used the other browsers. Is there a way to delete those <br/> in Edge?
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