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Everything posted by KL0083

  1. I wonder if we'll have a Falcon come alone with it.......................
  2. I wonder if it will be come alone with a Falcon..................................
  3. Yeah, plausible! But it was another story as if you finds your HARMs become another whole different creature after just one T/O and landing!
  4. In recent missions,It seems deck crews find their new hobby to pissing you off in launch action.No idea if they're unable or relucant to,yellow shirts looks just happy to lefted you hang on the shuttle salute like carzy helplessly without able to jump out the deck nor taxi back to parking point. I don't know if any newbies find it cool,but it's really a shame to launch aircraft on a CATOBAR carrier in this shape!
  5. Yes,I see it,you're right! Delete the flap-power and the power rumor disappear. Last time was on Tomcat and it ever jam the landing flap! Thanks for answer!
  6. No related to start,but the aircraft was this "cold" when start mission from runway or parking-hot slot. And yes,I did purposely set the battery switch to autopilot mod switch on the Cougar and lefted it "ON" position for cure this rumor, and it's ever automatically press back to OFF when mission restart as seen on video.
  7. No,not MP As mentioned before: online or offline! I've tested many times,just open the take-off quick mission,that's dark and cold the same!
  8. No doubt which switch when you find yourself sit in such a "cold" cockpit when you choose a "hot" slot except there's engine running you can hear, requires you not only press-through the panel like crazy but spent another 10mins struggle for re-align and makes system fine and all the utter is when bandits begins to loop above you!!! see video
  9. Rather then why not reset,offline or online,why this switch at ever ''OFF'' position in hot respawn?
  10. The 2.7 brings back all the same old problem which been previously cured on the last version! wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  11. No,to blame on the current difficulty of Tomcat are,as much as of blame on the "obsolescence" of a 2020 built F-15QA with something like this............. The effective was never the same between Mach2 modern jet and sub-sonic 1950' vintage with even the same radar and missile armed with both aircraft!
  12. No, there was no help in creating Ki-100,I'm sure the latter is simply a temporary measure when Japanese DB engine no longer available.
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