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Everything posted by SilentGun

  1. Great film! +1
  2. Lots of ships can carry helicopters, like the Oliver hazard perry or the Ticonderoga class cruder -SilentGun
  3. Very nice! -SilentGun
  4. I think the biggest difference is the different seasons.
  5. Amazing! you really get an appreciation of how big the aircraft is in the first picture :thumbup:
  6. How much ammo could the 37mm pods hold?
  7. Aww man, I came to this thread to see if there was an update :( -SilentGun
  8. Good thing Cobra isn't a magician :thumbup:
  9. The stream will start in 30 mins right? (33 to be exact)
  10. Thanks for the update! I was dreading coming to this thread because I thought it was an April fools joke :lol: -SilentGun
  11. Nice, the hip is getting nice and slim :D
  12. Oh man.. an F4U vs a Zero... i can see the balance issue complaints already :D
  13. Yea I know that, but the camera stops at the pilots head level. -SilentGun
  14. SilentGun


    What model I-16 is this?
  15. Xstounds, how do you get the camera so close to the ground?
  16. What exactly am i looking for? it dosent look any more rounded in this picture to me :huh:
  17. So... How is this going to work, are you going to give us a release date before you send it out? or is it just going to pop up one day. -SilentGun
  18. Rescuing civilians in a car crash with the Mi-8 using Gospadin's Airmed livery
  19. A remake of an old screenshot i took :thumbup:
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