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Everything posted by Amarok_73

  1. Some time ago, I created a script that displays STN numbers for all units using a specific number or just for individual players. Now, I would like to extend this functionality to helicopters, allowing any player interested in cooperation to see who has which number and configure the network without needing to request this information over the radio. This is a basic version of the idea. A more advanced implementation would enable automatic management of the DL network based on player connections and disconnections. However, this would require the ability to write information directly to a client helicopter’s avionics, making the implementation significantly more complex than simply reading the data. Combining this with a password-based system—such as the one visible on the Apache display for Datalink-related functions—would create an excellent mechanism for automated DL network management within cooperating groups. If the API provided the ability to read and write DL addresses and access the password, scripting this functionality would be well within reach for an experienced scripter.
  2. ...and there it is, the 8.0.0 version, announced just minute ago to me on Discord by The_Paid_Actor.
  3. @Ladan You have to trim the aircraft precisely to 1G to make him fly more or less horizontaly, but currently it seems to be impossible to trim it so Your vertical velocity will be zero.
  4. I've also received the announcement about the version 8.0.0 on e-mail.
  5. I am old too mate, have a mercy!
  6. Please do cancel Your order, so my Constellation will come faster.
  7. How could it be, that the group located about 10 km from the aiport Marka where it seems to be plenty of streets leading almost straight from the group to target place, instead decides to go for such a roadtrip?
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  8. Looking into the Moose source file as well as into the documentation, in the AI_A2G_DISPATCHER:SetSquadron function I can see, that expected parameter for the airbase is just it's name, as AIRBASE:FindByName is already called from within the function, so try to provide just "LHA" as the airbase parameter without the "AIRBASE:FindByName()".
  9. Can You share the mission here or in private message?
  10. Why don't You try just A2GDispatcher:SetSquadron( "BAI_AV8", AIRBASE:FindByName("ShipUnitNameHere"), { "Atk Harrier BAI" }, 10 )
  11. Another issue I've encountered just yesterday was related to the drawings, that seems to be not copied when selected with this tool. Also, another problem I've noticed, that name of theoreticaly copied drawing was not reflecting the naming convention of the objects that are copied at the same time.
  12. The purpose behind writing this script was to enable all airports on the map to operate in dynamic mode. While this can be easily done using any text editor, I wanted to simplify the process even further. The script modifies only the Dynamic Cargo, Unlimited Aircraft, Dynamic Spawn, and Allow Hot Start parameters, ensuring that the initial values assigned to the aircraft remain untouched. It does not alter the settings in the Liquids and Eqp tabs; however, the relevant entries are included and can be enabled by simply uncommenting them. To use the script, extract the warehouses file from the MIZ archive, place it in the same directory as the script, and run it. If the process completes successfully, a confirmation message will be displayed. Once the modifications are made, reinsert the updated file back into the MIZ archive. A map prepared in this way allows for further adjustments with ease, such as modifying the number of available aircraft using a Lua script, or set the coalition specific planes to non-zero quantities. For this purpose, I recommend getting more familiar with the STORAGE class from the MOOSE function library. SetWarehousesToDynamic.ps1
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  13. How about DCS-CODE-INECTOR? Can't think about anything better when it comes to Lua debugging for DCS...
  14. ...or, You can employ the MOOSE to this job: https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS_DEVELOP/Documentation/Utilities.Utils.html##(UTILS).ClockHeadingString
  15. "We the people" humbly ask for positive consideration of this request to add to the API the ability to obtain information about the current STN of aircraft, and Datalink settings in Apache helicopters. At the moment it is possible to obtain information about the STN of aircraft set as static, however in the era of the progressive transfer to dynamic slots, this possibility is becoming insufficient. In the case of Apache helicopters (and probably others eventually), the ability to obtain this information using Lua would significantly improve the interaction between mission participants, especially on servers where there are many players, not necessarily associated with each other within a virtual squadron.
  16. Hello, I'd like to ask if it is already possible to get with Lua from API the DL address of active Apache helicopters?
  17. I did it about 3 days ago, without any trouble. Observe the ACL display and verify if the DATA comes to You.
  18. I noticed it also in the scenario where the sand storm was set to about 9000 ft.
  19. I completely agree! On real-life aircraft carriers, there’s often the capability to adjust the brightness of selected lighting during operations. It would be fantastic to have a similar option implemented in DCS. Regarding mods, you’re absolutely right that they can be a solution. However, when it comes to LRLL specifically, I’ve been searching for some time and haven’t found anything that fits the bill. Since you seem confident that it’s possible to achieve this with mods, I’m sure you know where to find an example. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could share your knowledge with us. Could you point me toward a resource or provide guidance on the files that might need to be modified to adjust the brightness of the “Laser” to suit my preferences and those of my colleagues? Also, the key question: would such a modification affect compatibility with IC? On another note, I’ve noticed a bit of a “passive-aggressive” tone in many of your comments, which makes for quite the impression. You must really believe you’re the expert here. Keep doing your thing!
  20. Except we're not talking about fixing the lights, because they work, but about adjusting their brightness, which is definitely a matter of preference.
  21. For my colleagues and me, who have been flying carrier operations for over two years, the current setup feels far from ideal. We would prefer the lighting to be as bright as it was in the beginning. It’s hard to understand why such details aren’t left under the control of the server owner or administrator. A better approach would be to delegate this decision to the mission maker by adding a configurable parameter for these attributes in the Carrier unit properties. Hardcoding such features inevitably invites criticism, as there will always be someone dissatisfied with decisions made arbitrarily by the developers.
  22. ...and excerpt from the SC manual: null
  23. I am using in my missions the S-3B tankers for Carrier-Ops and since the Carrier crew update I observe that use of these tankers increase probablity that brown shirts will get stuck with hands in the air, affecting all other awaiting planes that are awaiting the tanker release infinitely. Can anyone confirm my observation?
  24. I observe, that these two guys seems to be prone to catching the jam... null
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