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Everything posted by Blackeye

  1. Do not try and engage the nose wheel lock, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… there is no nose wheel lock.
  2. Well we know the that with the older 9M19P missile (4km range) the standard doctrine for attacks was low horizontal flight - although hovering was an option. They do mention less accuracy in a hover due to the less stable flight conditions. http://www.nva-flieger.de/index.php/taktik/arfk/angriffsverfahren-gefechtsordnung.html The alignment of sight and helicopter axis seems to be required in order to guarantee that the guidance system can acquire the missile. You can however either aim high, fire and then guide the missile down and/or override the firing constraints but then risk losing the missile (IRL - not sure about in game).
  3. If you do not turn off OBSERV when making (drastic) turns the sight will become misaligned. Only make very gentle attitude adjustments while operating the sights. If the pilot needs to evade or Petrovich throws a fit close it ASAP to protect the sight.
  4. I feel the hover is more stable if I just use the normal AP channels and not the hover-AP. Depending on how well you set it up the helicopter will drift a bit though.
  5. It occurs at 130+ kph which is way above the transition speed from ETL to hover - those effects happen below 40-ish kph.
  6. If you have AP channels enabled it might not be the central trimmer option but rather the AP re-applying their previous offsets after a trim, which some people in the Russian forum have deemed a bug, though I've heard nothing official from ED.
  7. Seems to have more stabilization in this video at least horizontally (5:44 turning away from target)
  8. While that works great IRL and with a proper FFB stick, I find it less than ideal for a centering joystick as my brain gets confused about what was the correction I made and what movement was because of re-centering. As for the Ka-50, I think this is a special case because of the way the autopilots work differently from say the Mi-8 and it is beneficial to hold the button down while moving the stick, although you obviously can do that in smaller steps as well and just hold and release the button repeatedly as you move the stick, as the important part is to prevent the AP from fighting you by holding the button down when moving the stick.
  9. Currently the benefit is that the aircraft is actually trimmed for the attitude you released the trimmer at. If you just click the button after you've established the attitude you want the AP channels (if enabled) will then go ahead and move to a different attitude depending on what kind of correction they've been in before. For example if you were trimmed for a left orbit, then straighten the flight path and then press and release the button you'll find yourself most likely in a right turn now requiring at least one more cycle of trimming (or constantly applying stick pressure). However if you press the button before transitioning to straight and level flight from an orbit and release once you're there the APs will maintain this attitude without the need for further corrections. This appears to be a bug for the Hind but is the way it is supposed to work in Ka-50. This is not to say the you *always* have to hold the trim button while maneuvering, but if you intend to trim after your maneuver then it's beneficial to hold it for the entire time or be forced to re-trim again
  10. No. Lowering the collective will reduce the AoA of the blades thus decreasing the area where the blades are stalling and giving you back control - it is usually the first step of recovering from RBS as you may not be able to recover if you do not lower the collective first. That's the way to do it. See for example https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Retreating_Blade_Stall#Stall_Recovery: Reducing collective pitch. This reduces the angle of attack in the plane of rotation and should be done first. Gently Applying aft cyclic to slow the aircraft. Application of aft cyclic without a reduction in collective pitch will only worsen the stall. An attempt to roll away from the stall can also make the situation worse as it places even higher demand on the stalled blade.
  11. Here's a track of it happening at around 130 kph - I tried to be very smooth and not make corrections during the oscillation and you can see the AP pitch channel starting to pitch up and down without stick input. Ignore the crappy landing part demo2.trk
  12. It might do some stabilization but it won't attempt to hold bank or pitch like it would in normal operation. If you insist on never holding the button down for more that a split second then yes that weird button inversion configuration is probably the alternative that might give you some stabilization without the AP commanding extra motion on trim release. However if you're okay with holding the trim button down for a few seconds while moving the stick (like in the Ka-50) you get stabilized flight with full AP support and no jump after trim release. Not as far as I can tell - it'll simply move the AP channel offset. As to how it is supposed to work or how it is operated in real life: I have no idea and getting that clarified was the purpose of this thread. Unfortunately ED has not commented how it is supposed to work yet.
  13. Make sure the FFB option in the menu is disabled otherwise trimming won't work for spring centered joysticks
  14. Well what you are doing is basically disabling the AP channels for 99% of the flight, by keeping the trimmer pressed and only shortly release (key down) when you want a new position. It's not really surprising that the AP won't adjust your flight then, but you also won't get the benefits of having the AP channels in the first place. A better option to achieve this is to use the trimmer like you would in the Ka-50, i.e. press the trimmer whenever you move the stick and release once you're done - pretty much the same result just with the AP actually helping you during the flight.
  15. You're welcome - glad that solved it for you, perhaps mark it as solution. And as for thinking about FFB: Trim not working on a non-FFB device is one of the symptoms of having it enabled because with FFB trim enabled there is no software offset to the joystick position for trim since the forces actually move the joystick to that offset. However that offset is required for spring centering joystick as they always center on 0/0, so trimming fails.
  16. Well I took control at the end of your track and could trim just fine, so I'd say you're not doing something wrong but rather have a problem with your controls/settings. Do you have FFB (force feedback) enabled in the (general) options?
  17. That would be my guess ATM as well - however I have no idea how this thing works IRL, so it may be realistic and perhaps the Mi-8 is wrong or just different.
  18. Here's a track: Air start, then trimming for forward flight, then bring the nose onto the horizon, trim and the nose moves further up. After that a similar demonstration just with bank. It seems to work somewhat similar to the Ka-50 in that regard so it may not be a bug, but I was under the impression that it should behave more similar to the Mi-8 where the flight attitude does not change after you trim and put the stick back to zero. Apparently the AP channel corrections are set to 0 when you press down on the trim button, but on release they return to their previous state, commanding that extra pitch or roll or at least it seems to depend on how much offset the AP channel indicators were when you press trim. Track was made with the return to center trimming option but it behaves the same way with the default option. demo.trk
  19. Simplified flight model and avionics game mode are not yet available. Known issues: https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/274181-dcs-mi-24p-early-access-known-issues-please-read-before-posting-issues/?tab=comments#comment-4693672
  20. A radar guided SAM should give you a warning on the RWR most of the time, but obviously it could still be an IR missile. Not sure if you can switch sets mid-operation - but if it works you could drop some chaff, switch sets and drop flares.
  21. You can order him to aim for the spot under your sight - when in CMBT mode long forward (W on the keyboard) will make him fly so that the spot you're aiming at is right in the center of the sights allowing you to fire the missile, i.e. conduct an attack run keeping the target in the sights. I feel the Hind likes to go fast so - it's not meant to hover-attack or creep towards the targets, so I have him fly at least 200kph which helps bringing the nose down and still gives you enough time to aim. Once I've found the target I do "short forward (W)" to line us up with the target, then when I think we're in range I command the attack run with "long forward (W)" and fire once stabilized. I keep guiding the missile until impact, turn off the guidance, lock the servos and order a 180 turn "aft long (S)" - works great most of the time. After that I change back to FLT mode, set egress heading and after we're clear make him turn in for the next attack.
  22. There's a tail rotor countering the torque that the main rotor applies to the fuselage and by doing that pulling it sideways. Generally I'd say you want to be coordinated and correct the heading to compensate for the drift if just for your own comfort but I mean if you have to point your nose at the bad guys....
  23. It's just a picture frame and you can open it and place whatever you want in there - a map, drawing, or a pin-up girl. The marker will move regardless and if the map you put in there is up to scale and you've set the starting position properly it may even tell you roughly where you are.
  24. Use the central trimming option in the Mi-24's special page - that way the trim will only be applied after you've returned the stick to center. However even with that option you will (often) still get permanent over-correction likely to the way the AP channels work - that's what this thread originally was about and unfortunately we haven't gotten clarification yet, if this is the way it should work for the Hind or if it should be more akin to the Mi-8, or if it perhaps the Mi-8 might need modifications.
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