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Everything posted by Darkbrotherhood7

  1. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2829976&postcount=7
  2. I can only see myself using the F-5E to have fun flying around, but not to combat.
  3. He probably meant the GAU-13/A, which is also the GPU-5/A Gun pod. AFAIK the GAU-12/U is only used by the Harrier.
  4. ASM = Advanced Systems Model PFM = Professional Flight Model. :thumbup:
  5. Thanks for let us know, Prowler. My condolences to your pet. Looking forward to the Harrier! :thumbup:
  6. The newest brazilian plane KC-390 is going to Farnborough: https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/kc-390-confirmed-for-farnborough-debut-426808/ Some pics:
  7. The AV-8B and the A-6 are already in development by Razbam. The Tornado already being made. The F-4E would be amazing!
  8. Very nice manual, but there is a problem with the flight manual(Page 41), Brazil never had the F-5A/B. That was cancelled in 1967, late in 1971 a new competition started, and the F-5E/F was chosen.:thumbup: Should I report it in the F-5E subforum?
  9. The new sounds effects still WIP, it will be fixed/get better at some point.
  10. Thanks Racoon, very nice unit! But do you know what else would be nice? If you show us a P-47 pic.:music_whistling:
  11. As far I know, the AGM-88 will be implemented in the future(F-35 Block 5, probably 2022).
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