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Everything posted by MadTommy

  1. That was my _MODS folder for JSGME... i made a mod and installed it that way. I just compared your hdr to mine and they are identical!! I used UltraCompare. Every line exact match. ???
  2. lol yeah clouds where wtf.. when i went back to the pit and back to F2 view this bug disappeared.. And i did switch the 'comment out' around in the graphic.cfg EDIT: i'll compare your HDR to mine cheers.
  3. Results: I took this is the same location as above SS in OP (same mission) The sun did look a bit crap.. not sure if that was caused by this. But overall much much better. Thanks Mustang as ever. ____________________________________________ As i was taking the screen shots to test this i encountered a odd cloud bug.. coincidence or caused by the above tweak?
  4. LOL If that is all it took ED would have made it years ago.
  5. Play Ka-50 campaign mission; Deployment 08 : The Other Side.. as you turn way-point 2 and climb over the hills.. you will see what i saw in the screen shots. HDR was set to Cold.
  6. I'll try this asap.. just have to watch the world stop while Man U play Madrid! :P
  7. *sigh* This mod just tried to melt my PC.. unfortunately i lost a load of work too..I was a fool for not saving it. I just installed the mod.. after completion i ticked the run now box, and bam! It opened 100s of web browser tabs to paypal causing the PC to lock up due to memory issues. Not very happy about that.. Can you please tell me what lua files it installed so i can remove this asap. Thanks.
  8. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=88365 Similar...
  9. I thought EMC no longer worked.. but i could be mistaken. ( edit: oh i see there is a new version... looks nice..) I've always just set them manually. Its pretty easy. I've always used windowed mode, never minimises for me, but that is likley because i am stretching the game over more than one monitor and hence its not at native resolutions. I also never see a fps hit running in windowed mode.
  10. I should know this.. and i have searched.. and am a little embarrassed to ask.. I want to do a fresh install of DCS World and ALL modules. I want to keep my settings from Saved Games folder and not loose activations. Do i simply delete the DCS World folder and install the 1.2.3 installers in order of World then modules in any order. If i remember correctly this will not loose me any activations or loose my Saved Games folder settings. Is this correct? Thanks
  11. What does not work? Personally I've had issues similar to yours in the past which caused me to not use the Saitek profile editor for much, but others swear it works without fault. I only use it to map the mini mouse buttons and do the rest via the ingame options.
  12. Screenshots work for me.. using default key; print screen. I get *.png when in the menu and *.jpg when ingame/in flight.
  13. Auto repair fixed it. (and it does do a backup of modded files) Cheers.
  14. But you do have a skin right? I have no skins... In \Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Textures i have a Su-27.zip that is new from the date of when i ran the autoupdate. So the file has been updated, if that is the correct file.
  15. Cheers. Auto update from 1.2.2.. should i try a repair? Su-27 was Russian. Thanks p.s does the repair feature backup modded files like the auto update does?
  16. Cant see this reported.. searched.. but I can't be the 1st to notice.. SU-27 has no skin textures in 1.2.3. Tried two different skins from the editor, the default one and another neither where present. Both just displayed the orange missing texture texture. Anyone know if any of them work? (a little surprised after all the work on 1.2.3 that this is the case, bit miffed by that.)
  17. You can use JSGME, pretty similar to ModMan but a generic version for loads of games... but i prefer to just add the files manually. If you add manually just keep a record and backup any files changed. Also when you autoupdate it automatically creates a backup of all your altered files and folder structure.. this is great to keep as a backup and reinstall as needed. I think when you do a repair it does the same.
  18. No worries.. glad you got it working.. a very lucky guess that it was softTH, i didn't actually think it would be the issue, but the less things to trouble shoot the better was my thinking. Its odd that some folks swear full screen gives better fps.. i've never found that to be the case.. its probably affected by hardware and whether you run at native resolutions. SoftTH is rather old and Win8 is rather crap & new.. not a great combo :D
  19. When its done times 100. After the delays to 1.2.3 do you expect any other answer?
  20. Eventually man will leave the solar system, its not a question of "if" but "when". :smartass:
  21. Where has ED announced a 'dynamic campaign' system? or is this just wishful thinking?
  22. Not quite sure you've understood. (or i've understood for that matter) when using a multimonitor setup with a custom lua you have to run in windowed mode. SoftTH overcomes this and allows you to run in full screen. That is how it has always been. Personally i prefer to run without softTh due to it's inability to alt tab, i also notice no difference between running full screen and windowed mode with regards to fps. So i see no advantage with softTH. But back on topic... did you get it running without softTH and did the misalignment go away? If so just dump softTh and run in windowed mode and you're golden! Your last answer was not very clear about where you got to with this..goodluck.
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