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Everything posted by Razorback

  1. Glad to have this kind of information. Would it be possible to get feedback linked on some of the improvements requested? Thanks in advance
  2. I made more test and indeed the Mod is still functional. @Sr.If you have missing parts you have also to add this part :
  3. After the last update I don’t see any visual difference differences with and whitout the mod…I will check again in a different area…
  4. This mod doesn't seem to have worked since the "merged" version of DCS. Bartek, can you confirm this? Can we imagine a "corrective" update? Thxxxxx
  5. Is somebody test this mod with the last update of DCS (merged DCS versions & update Syrian map) ? Thxxxxx
  6. Pour vous donner une petite idée du planning passé et futur à la 06. Depuis la reprise en janvier c'est déjà 02 Inters (ECT-RFV et FOX3). Semaine prochaine c'est opération "Hungry Birds" A partir du mois de mars on débute une campagne d'un mois via Battleground DCS qui sera juste coupée par une troisième Inter avec un nouveau partenaire de jeux
  7. so niiiiice...and quick! Thx a lot for this new bunch of screenshots
  8. Please more screenshots with helos at low level I am already using your current mod (same for other RW pilots of my Virual Squadron) and for sure we are waiting for your next improvments who is just amazing. Caucasus map is reborn ! I hope that te coming Kola Peninsula map will be of the same quality at low altitude... otherwise you know what you'll have to do!
  9. Petit aperçu de notre organisation actuelle... Vous pouvez toujours nous faire un petit coucou sur notre Discord et qui sait on regardera pour vous garder une place au chaud afin d'intégrer notre groupe
  10. Hello @Barthek, any update foresseen in the future in order to have a full compatible mod with the 2.9. @Morpheuslink to correct the bug is no more available. Thxxxxx
  11. News from ED : New units will be available in 2024 that will range from World War II to modern day. Each unit requires thousands of man-hours to create and will be provided as optional packs at their highest levels of detail. I understand that if I want the new 3D models I will have to pay for it, like for the WWII assets pack? This one shot will become a standard in DCS ? We're moving towards a game with two levels of modeling... What can be expext in the future ? You want a better vegetation : you have to pay for ? You want nice new buildings : you have to pay for ? Sorry, and this is my personal opinion, but if confirmed, I'm very disappointed by this kind of policy (even if I totally understand that ED need money to continue the development of our favourite simulation game).
  12. For my part, I really hope to see a fix for flights on multiplayer servers, which are practically impossible to play since the arrival of 2.9. This major issue has been reported and ED has promised to fix it.... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the case in this update.
  13. Nous avons bien étoffé nos effectifs dans le courant de l'année 2023 qui se termine tout doucement. Le 06th MHR ce n'est pas uniquement des hélicos, c'est aussi une escadrille d'appui aérien qui est en partie constituée d'appareils AV-8B. Il reste actuellement quelques places disponibles donc si cela vous dit de travailler en étroite coopération avec des hélicoptères de transport et d'attaque, n'hésitez pas à venir visitez notre Discord et on vous en dira plus...
  14. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the problems with the servers will be resolved quickly. At the moment, this is clearly a major issue for those who fly in virtual squadrons, and our unit is no exception...
  15. Bonjour à tous, Si vous avez envie d'en savoir plus sur notre escadrille virtuelle, le 06th Multirole Helicopter Regiment, on vous propose de venir nous rejoindre le temps d'une soirée pour venir papoter, discuter, échanger et pourquoi pas voler avec nous sur un de nos serveur qui sera accessible pour la soirée. Pour ceux qui ne nous connaissent pas encore, nous volons sur tous les modules officiels Hélicos de DCS et nous disposons également d'une escadrille d'appui aérien sur A-10CII et AV-8B. On vous accueillera donc avec plaisir sur notre Discord le jeudi 30 Novembre à partir de 1900Hr : https://discord.gg/bzDJvQrnTQ Nous avions déjà organisé cela en 2022 et cela avait un beau succès donc on remet cela cette année. On espère vous voir nombreux alors qui sait à très bientôt...
  16. My feeling and the feeling of most of the members of my squadron: ED good job well done! The 2.9 is a real game changer... especially for helicopters. As well as the improved performance and graphics quality, the downwashing and dust effect for the helicopters is just fantastic. There's no shortage of criticism when certain things don't work properly (and I'm not the last to do so), so it's perfectly normal to also say when the work is of a high standard, and clearly that's the case here. We're already looking forward to the rest... Thanks for the work!
  17. No news since a few weeks... Generally no news = good news.....I don't know why but I am afraid on what could be announced in the future... We're keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for more good news...
  18. I don't expect anything new linked to the modules. Some new improvments linked to MT, Vulkan and other things linked to DCS hardcore is more than welcome. However, the resolution of various and multiple bugs that already exist, some of which have been mentioned for several months, is a real hope.
  19. I confirm, no issue anymore with the Kord...thxxxx
  20. QUIZ RECO du 06th MHR c'est partiiiiiiii Vous pouvez participer jusque samedi prochain Bonne chance à tous et bon amusement! https://forms.gle/REWA1LHq2nSatvbX7
  21. So, It seems that a simple roadmap request is to much to ask despite the fact that I don't think it requires an insurmountable amount of work on the part of the developers... Just a few lines of text. We can conclude from this that there is simply no will to communicate such information. A beta module and then for the rest the communication black hole... and then we're surprised that people are criticising ED's way of communicating. @BIGNEWY, thank you for your help... the aim here is clearly not to shoot the messenger!
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