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Everything posted by Wingmate

  1. The NATOPS does want right throttle shut off for hot refueling. Overstressing the airframe certainly has consequences in game, great way to break your INS, overweight landings probably do as well though keep in mind that there is a margin of error built in to the max landing weight you are not going break the aircraft if you are a little over it. Demotions and losing points could be a thing maybe but the ED logbook is buggy enough as it is (or last I checked it was) and I think most people ignore it for that reason. The devs have stated that rail weights are modelled but due to the way they are implemented don't show up in the mission editor or loadout screen. I'm not sure if it was here or on discord (probably both) that they stated that and searching on mobile is a pain so you will have to trust me or do your own search for that. And I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade here, but I'm not sure why you use this thread rather than making a bug report if you believe something is wrong. Based on Heatblurs comments in this thread that would be a much more effective way of getting their attention? Lastly trying to be sure of facts is not standing in the way of progress...
  2. I can't find it on mobile, but I am fairly certain Heatblur has said this will be possible in the future. Not sure if it will be a mission editor thing or lua arguments in the skin description lua.
  3. Here is a VF-33 jet with the same wire during desert storm.
  4. From the product page: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/products/terrains/kola_terrain/
  5. This thread may be of help
  6. Use brakes after you slow down, use the spoiler brake and back stick to decelerate a lot first.
  7. You are correct it is throttles above idle retract the spoilers with weight on wheels, I was thinking of throttle above mil retracting the spoilers with DLC armed in flight.
  8. They should retract automatically at mil power iirc, alternatively turn anti skid spoiler brake switch to the off position to disable the dlc with weight on wheels.
  9. All HB aircraft got an update last patch, the changelogs didn't make it in to the changelog posted to the ED site, but were posted on the forums later on.
  10. It looks like it is switching from the Lod3inOne texture to the normal textures
  11. Just to answer this question, the mission Operation Bactria (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/201633/) would no longer work. I don't know if you are familiar with the mission but it aims to replicate realistic CAS in the A-10 using the Caucuses Mountains as a stand in for Afghanistan. There are four different flights of A-10s that get randomized taskings each flight also has a different AO (with some minor overlap) these flights are assigned to different countries (all using US skins though) and use the country trigger so that one groups actions don't overwrite what another group is doing, as would happen with a coalition specific trigger. Affecting country triggers is a side effect that I hadn't thought about until IronMike brought it up. Anyways thanks for updating the mod Rudel, it is something I will continue to use for myself until (if ever) there is a better option implemented I really like the idea of selected countries liveries are filtered at the top of the list.
  12. LALT C is what works despite what the changelog says.
  13. That is strange I am seeing it under special options, two option down from UI Offset.
  14. The first and last phantom skins are not grouped with their respective airforces. The first phantom skin is a USAF separated from the rest of the USAF skins by several counrties. The last skin in the list is labeled as an RF-4EJ and is likely being alphabetically sorted last rather than with the other JASDF paints. Personally I have no issue with knowing which country is which based on their airforces acronym. My issue (and it is relatively minor) is that in making missions I have always used the aircrafts country as a filter to help manage the list of skins, for example maybe I am looking for the Israeli skins for the F-15 if I select Israel as the country, or maybe I am looking for a Finnish F-18 so I select Finland as the country, it makes it really easy to to find the in the mission editor especially if you have a large number of liveries. If I was making a different mission for myself and my friends just to hop in a jet and fly without trying to set up any kind of scenario I would use the Combined Joint Task Force Blue or Red as the country as the have no restrictions on what livery (or plane) you can choose, which I thought had satisfied both use cases and it was on the mission creator to provide that option if people wanted. As it stands for DCS there really is not alot of point for choosing a specific country (in my view at least) aside from it made large lists of liveries a lot more manageable. As I make skins for the phantom I will add country tags to them for my own sanity (what little there is left after staring at photoshop for hours anyways).
  15. I do agree that that particular preview screenshot the area around the runways and taxiways looks much better, as did the developer hence why they said in the text I quoted. With that said it still only seems to be the one screenshot of Olenya with notable differences that people have complained about (possibly I am missing something here but as I was very much looking forward to this map I followed it closely). If there were several airbases that had that happen from development screenshots to release I would be more concerned, but with it only being Olenya and one of the developers acknowledging the issues and looking to fix them I can hardly call it false advertising for trying to make it more realistic even if didn't necessarily turn out that way.
  16. Thank you for this, I always thought if you wanted to use any skin/unit that was what the combined task force factions were for. Removing the country restriction effectively removed the point of countries within DCS and made searching for the right skin a pain.
  17. Personally I think that is a bit silly. If they show something during development that is wrong, they would then be unable to correct it without it being false advertising. As I quoted from their discord, they noticed that the runways were off from reality and made changes accordingly (as well as admit that there is still room for improvement in the concrete). It was also noted by them that there was a loss of grass and dirt detail in the area and they would look into restoring that. There is another screenshot they posted that is noticeably different from what it looked like in release but no one has any issues (or is hinting at it being false advertising) with the changes to the terminal at Bodø it similarly had incorrect colours (and model I think?) but was corrected before release. Early image of the terminal at Bodø. Bodø as it is now,
  18. They did answer this on the discord a long time ago, (sadly everything seems to have a discord these days rather than one area for centralized information). This is what they said in relation to that airport.
  19. It is "Zoom View" under axis commands same as all the other modules I have.
  20. Seems like a case of Phantom rudder,,, sorry I had to.
  21. Cobra commented on that very post https://sh.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/1dbpjyk/comment/l7smv1n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
  22. You would probably have better luck posting this in the OH-58 forum rather than the F-14 forum https://forum.dcs.world/forum/1242-bugs-and-problems/
  23. I think the assumption is based on the fact there are two sound files in the "DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F14\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\Engines" folder that are named with J79 in the title: "J79-17_ENG1_QuietHowl.wav" and "J79-17_ENG2_Reheat.wav"
  24. The C model we have still needs coolant. There is a later variant of the C model that is sealed and does not need coolant however it looks like it was only used in the F-14D. IIRC in the AIM-54 stickied thread there was a discussion about this.
  25. The NATOPS for the F-14 says that HDG hold works by maneuvering the aircraft to the desired heading and then releasing the stick at less than +-5 degrees of bank angle. So my guess is the Heatblur Cat in the other sim is wrong if you are using the heading bug to set your autopilot.
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