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Everything posted by jnr4817

  1. done will report back. I saw that, i have it at 30 now.
  2. Still an issue for making cores 0 and or 1 go 100% on amd products. Only way to manage is take 0 and 1 affinity off dcs with PL. Whats wrong with msi afterbruner" I have 9800x3d and use afterburner for OC gpu. I have turned monitoring off as i use another program.
  3. Got a link to angle adapter from qr4rigs?
  4. who is using the j preset over the k and why?
  5. I have the opposite opinion, took a flight out of Bagram in the kiowa and apache. Using vid mode in both mfd still causes fps drops of 10-20fps when looking at and or flying in building heavy areas. The map itself is great and I like it, but performance needs to be improved.
  6. The ability to change the position and size of the NVG in game would drastically improve the usability of NVG's. Each player has there own headset, monitor, using different resolutions and sizes. I use NVG IRL for my full time job, the ability to move the tubes closer or farther away, cant them, etc all increase the usability and its personal preference. I request ED change the code so that we can adjust via a lua script or file, or allow us an api that can work with the hsls and fx files. Several mods exist, but this should be a core function. If i core function is possible, then the modding community will surely create a viable way of doing it. I'd vote for an overlay that allows changing the position, size, etc. It needs to be persistent and across all airframe. Thanks for the consideration
  7. flat screen is a different monster than 8k headsets.
  8. Confirmed, i was able to change dlss preset to k and use latest dlss dll via nvpi. However, the global setting did not work for dcs i had to choose the game to get it to work. confirmed with dlssteaks hud.
  9. excellent, thanks
  10. Excellent, wasnt sure as how it mounted, but it looks like it uses the 4 holes so orientation wont matter. thanks. Anyway I can buy just 1 mount vs the 2 pack, as I only need 1 mfd?
  11. Can this be mounted upside down to work as a 58 mfd? using your mount?
  12. what issues does PL cause, details please? a lot of users use this.
  13. I am working on an overlay that makes changing the nvg size and position, via taz nvg mod for DCS. What i am missing is a glue function or way for the script in saved games to be called by the main dcs folder where the nvg_common.hlsl lives. Any thoughts?
  14. @Baileyis there any way to adjust the radius of the orbit in the file or anyway you could add the ability to adjust it probably in feet or meters. Looking for a way for Brenda to fly a larger orbit or have the ability to click, small medium and large and assign those within the files to let’s say 500 m 1000 m 2000 m etc..
  15. I need to figure what to manage with process lasso, what to put to file and what to make high priority etc. the only thing on my pc is dcs and all its peripherals to okay the game in vr.
  16. I have swapped over to using DLSS quality with PCL with QV and have noticed improvements and have way better experience. No stutters, no mush, no ghosting.
  17. I have PCL, 9800x3d, 4090. Modest OC. 64g ddr5 6200. Using QV with settings that save me 60% of pixels. maxed DCS settings. DLSS Quality. Using 72hz and have set my dcs fps to 75. Runs smooth, no stutters, no ghosting, no smearing. Looks beautiful. If I use DLAA only, with current dcs settings, i get 68-70 fps and have major stutters and dips. I have sharpening at max in qv. My NVCP settings are per VR4DCS blog. I came from a G2. I'm pretty happy with my visual experience.
  18. I've been testing DLAA vs DLSS, and with DLSS quality, I cannot tell a difference. What I can say is with DLSS quality my FPS allows stays above refresh rate and I have been able to max out view distance, textures, shadow, etc. I have not encountered any ghosting.
  19. I just got my CL, coming from a G2. I uninstalled all of the openxr and related apps to use WMR with G@. I uninstalled quadviews and any related stuff. The only thing I kept was WMR incase the CL was broke on arrival. I Dl'd pimax play, redownloaded quad views, and download qv companion. I installed pimax play, the mbuccia quadviews, and then qv companion. I started up pimax play, adjusted some settings, clicked use quad views button and launched dcs. seemed work well. I kept all the same DCS i was using with the G2. Man this game looks good and performs well. Using 72hz and higher render quality with mostly max dcs settings my qv companion settings are pretty liberal. so far pretty happy.
  20. jnr4817

    DLSS "update"

    what left over registry key and how did you diagnose?
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