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Dusty Rhodes

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Everything posted by Dusty Rhodes

  1. Mbot,I hope you don't mind but I took you mission and made it into a 4 player MP mission for our group with all the credit to you for making the original mission. Thanks again for your hard work.
  2. Well good to know that. I won't report it as the Emergency Broadcasting System going off in my Black Shark. I was befuddled by it also.
  3. Downloaded and will try later when I get proficient enough to take on combat. Thank you for your efforts.
  4. I am going to give this a whirl in the next few days as I believe this type of mission to be the primary mission and right in the wheel house of the gunship. Wish me luck. If I like it, I will switch it to a MP mission and fly it with the Buddy Boys and the Arctic Knights. Great job on the frag order too.
  5. Good post Pantman. Right on the money. I would add that it is better to make your stick file in game. I tried with Foxy for my Cougar and it didn't work out to well as they use keys that Foxy doesn't even have as an option to press. The in game program works better then any sim I have seen though so use it to program your buttons and commands and such and the AXIS Command section for your stick, throttle, and pedal AXIS'.
  6. I wasn't hot on flying a Russkie bird. But I tell you now that I love the thing. The FM is challenging and feels so realistic for someone who has never actually flown a helicopter. It has the challenges that I have heard Helo pilots talk about. I love the ME and hope some more dynamics can be put into it. The closer we get to a Falcon 4 style (updated of course), real time campaign, the happier I will be, but with what the ME offers, I love creating missions and can't wait to cobble together my first campaign.
  7. I can't help but think it has something to do with sound cards as our systems are the exact same, save you use two sound cards and I use one. I have not had an anomaly yet.
  8. What sound card are you using, Carmelid?
  9. In the missions that came with Black Shark, the mission builder put 99 in the very last box for any mission that is activated by a trigger zone. I don't know what time that last box is, days, months, weeks, whatever, but I use that when I build missions and it has never failed.
  10. I don't know if this has been reported or if this is something that I am doing wrong or it is an actual bug, but the Trigger Zones seem more like Trigger Points. It seems like the Trigger is not triggered until the unit reach the center point of the Trigger Zone. I built a mission where the Black Shark flies into a 1000 meter trigger zone and the troops show up in a town. I flew the mission several times with AI as the Black Shark and each time the troops don't show up until the Helo went across the center of the Trigger Zone. I am pretty sure I have everything set up correctly and my Trigger rules are done properly. Is anyone else having this problem?
  11. I think this has to do with two sound cards using up memory. We have the same setup and I only have the XFI Fatality and I haven't had one anamoly of any sort yet. No freezeups, CTD's, nothing like that.
  12. As usual it is a MINORITY who screw it up for the VAST MAJORITY. Regardless of how many, it happened, and it hurt us, IMHO. Some day it will come about, hopefully.
  13. Trust me when I say, the fligth sim community shot themselves in the foot BIG TIME with HIREVSIMS. Matter of fact they used a shot gun cuz the scatter got both feet. They don't sell to the open market for good reason. Maybe someday though.
  14. Blaze you are talking about Ross McGregor and he is still actively working on Storm which is a dynamic campaign generator for Lock On. Check it out here: http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/news.php Swingkid was working on his own version called Skywars but apparently has real life getting in it's way right now. So there are 2 DC generators in the works technically.
  15. Doesn't interest me. Now ask me about a Dynamic Mission Builder/Campaign and I'll gladly pay $50, easily, for it. If LOMAC had a DMB or DC then it would be the king of flight sims IMHO, above my current favorite Allied Force.
  16. That is an excellent list and jives with what I have also BRD. It should be mentioned that for Arty, there must be an AWACS in the air or they will only fire with Line of Sight (Unless that has changed).
  17. My understanding is the C has a bit shorter range but a bigger warhead and less chance of being spoofed. B has a longer range, smaller warhead, and is spoofed easier. Might be wrong, but that is the way I understand it. I know in Allied Force, the above is true from my experience as it takes 2 B's to down an SU-25 and 1 C. But I have been wrong in the pa............
  18. I think the Dev's operate quite a substantial bit more than here, thus creating much more stir. Look at the posts here from the Dev's. When they post it always raises interest and post counts (with and without substance).
  19. Go to http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/board/index.php?a=forum&f=11 to follow the progress and be involved in the development discussion with SK. He pulls no punches but is entirely open to, and asks for, input and ideers. Thanks to Ross McGregor for the message board for SkyWars.
  20. Hehehe, he is the reason Andy and I are in this thread. http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/board/index.php?a=forum&f=11
  21. You know it has my full support. If nothing else ever came of Lock On, a DC or even a Dynamic Mission Generator is the one thing that would push Lock On and future product over the top! Please make possible ED!
  22. The auto pilot takes you to the waypoint, which is the airfield. The tower gives you headins that put you in the pattern to land. You have to manually exit the mission. They do not automatically end.
  23. The Flaming Cliff's manual will be available in Mid April (most likely) or the Black Shark manual?
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