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Everything posted by Ahogephilia

  1. I frustrated how DCS World fails to focus on a specific era, instead scattering module ERAs haphazardly. REDFOR doesn’t even have a study-level SU-30, Bluefor get to have the F-35 and the Eurofighter? At the very least, I wish they would release more aircraft at non-clickable PFM level to increase density of each ERA
  2. I'm also more attached to the current analog F-14 myself. can't wait ealry-tomcat to be released.
  3. To reaching Mach 2 quickly, you need to break through Mach 1.5 in the 15,000~18,000 feet range before climbing to higher altitudes. Therefore, first ascend to 20,000 feet, then perform a slight dive to pass Mach 1.5, and subsequently climb to 40,000 feet. Of course, this maneuver results in extreme fuel consumption, so it will be limited to specific intercept missions
  4. I recommend a trackball mouse over handtracking, as lack of physical tactility is very awkward. feel handtracking accurate enough, but I'd rather not use handtracking until "hand signal" are synchronized.
  5. How does MOD work with dynamic slots? Has anyone figured this out exactly? if I loaded NF-104 in MP, How does work on players who don't have Nf-104?
  6. It would be great to be able to instantly create waypoints when you select a slot in MP, and then share those mission waypoints with other players (like in Aces high 2). waypoint template system is a bit cumbersome, it would be nice if each aircraft could at least have multiple templates.
  7. Also I wish Afterbunner detent option like F-4! Thx!
  8. We need NEVADA 2.0 Give me starwars canyon and western ocean.
  9. We will get canopy marking feature, too? I can't wait that!
  10. I really want this feature. Not all players fly only with "friends." Also, I believe different countries and environments have different ways of MP recruiting. At least in my area, even something as simple as "476th target range" is often not available due to need to solicit mods for it. (paid terrain DLC policy also... It may sound silly, but we have often teenage boys in Package flight, and they often don't have access to paid DLC.) As a result, mission design is very restricted
  11. I've been thinking DCS as "(Military) Flight Simulator" for a few years now, so my focus is on the execution of Procedures and Formation flight PVE Mission? The AIs don't understand their mission at all and their behavior in A2A engagements is very disappointing. PVP? The bad notching model shows no sign of being fixed, and AWACS doesn't seem to know any scale other than BRAA. A2G is a bit better, although MP servers end up using only Autolase. As a result, tactics disappear and there is only "Air-Quake" and YouTube contents ...
  12. Thank you for your reply. However, 9a version also script error. Honeycam 2024-04-13 20-24-50.mp4
  13. I get this error when running on a dedicated server regardless of radioenable...
  14. Oculus link is horrible. It's not stable, it's not performance friendly, it's not functional, and the UI is more more more horrible. Use Steamlink or VDXR.
  15. Sand, sand, another Sand again. already bought it, but plz no more sand
  16. Finally. I'm able to do master test in vr. Thanks! I love original cockpit also, but the ARA-63 and MasterTest knobs were always pain.
  17. I'm using "aerobatic option" to formation flight with AI leader... but this means that I can only perform tac-turns in missions of my own design. I'd like more easier and generalized option.
  18. I'm using "aerobatic option" to formation flight with AI leader. but this means that I can only perform tac-turns in missions of my own design. I'd like more easier and generalized option.
  19. QP+SteamLINK+OpenxrEyeTrack+QVFR does it Work? ( SteamVR Quadview Emulation on , Eyetrack App on, OSC on, 9015port seleted openxr-eyetrack 1.2, QVFR 1.13 ) It worked in VDXR and Meta-openxr... but I hasn't succeceeded in SteamLink. I Checked that screen divided QUADView, but Eye-tracking doesn't work. hmm... QuestPro+pimaxMagic4all+SteamLink perfectly work. I don't understanding ------------------------- The cause was Virtual Desktop Streamer! I shut down Streamer tray and everything is fixed. works fine!
  20. I can't waiting that any longer!
  21. I too ended up rolling back to MSAA X2 because of ghost tail. Instead, Qaud-view FFR and VDXR help.
  22. Is it possible to experiance sideslip through simshaker? I would like some assist with coordinated turns
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