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Everything posted by ChuckJäger

  1. Bump
  2. Man This is awesome! I cannot load them though - I may be doing something wrong. Your first round of templates worked great for me - but when I load these it will not allow me to save the mission (saves as 0kb) or let me in to "fly mission" in the ME. I've tried different variations of missions, to include new missions entirely, and nothing works. I've even gone and deleted outposts one by one - getting rid of them all and it doesn't fix it. What could I be doing wrong?
  3. It would be so cool to have some strike/cas missions that originate off of a carrier in the North Arabian Sea now that they've expanded the map out that far. I did a test run yesterday and at high altitude you barely notice the undeveloped part of the map... it looks convincing for being over the Desert. I am trying to put something together myself but mission building is not my expertise...
  4. Hello - I just purchased Iraq and I cannot run it. It loads (both CH47 and AH64D aircraft) and then immediately crashes to desktop both on multiplayer and SP instant action missions. I was waiting for it to be a little further along but after a few youtube videos I figured I'd give it a go, now I'm wondering if that was the right decision. dcs.log-20250110-171615.zip dcs.log-20250110-172034.zip dcs.log-20250110-172322.zip dcs.log-20250110-172820.zip
  5. +1000000
  6. I feel like it may be time to wait, I have pre-purchased almost every ED module - After the drama and the game of brinkmanship that's been played with my money between ED and the other developer, I just don't feel comfortable investing more until I see more in the way of ensuring that my investment will be sound in the future. I love ED, ED's product and the capabilities we have with it - I am very, very excited to see where it goes.. but after more than 15 years of using this sim, I am worried given the last year. I know I'll get called a troll, I'd invite anyone who thinks so to read my other posts on this forum. I usually feel like it's best to keep my opinion to myself but the silence here has been deafening.
  7. this thread is going a bit bananas and missing the point. At the end of the day the community needs some reassurance from RB and ED that this matter is moving toward a resolution, end of the story.
  8. I think you are wholesale misrepresenting Early Access. It's 'at your own risk' because you are getting what could be a potentially bugged product - but it's marketed as a working copy of a more complete product down the line. No where in the EA model, to my knowledge, with ED does it say it can just disappear and that is wholly on the buyer.
  9. I worry if asking for a refund at this point (this is only my perspective) makes matters worse. The whole of this issue seems to be based around payment to RAZBAM for a product that they claim they haven't received. If all of us go rushing in to get our money back, then they definitely will not be renumerated for the work they did. This is a mess, and with the recent posts from the youtubers (CASMO, HIP, Spud) who brought me to DCS - I wonder if it's not a glimpse into a significant issue with this model as a whole (DCS.) I have purchased just about every module that has hit the DCS store, and I'm beginning to wonder if I can trust that these purchases were sound as the future for DCS seems a little shaky. To Spud's point - there needs to be some resolution or some joint statement that there is progress being made. This is so unfortunate because it was just getting really good......... I believe they provide a store credit.
  10. Purchased, I am too concerned about the Razbam side of things - just for what it means for this community. With that out of the way - the Spec Ops aspect sounds interesting… I am curious @BIGNEWY when we can expect to see just what that means… will we be inserting/extracting SOF forces behind enemy lines? Does that entail a rework of ground forces at all? Will some element of this be implemented on release day? This opens a whole new, exciting dynamic in DCS that I am absolutely looking forward to!
  11. Having an issue where in the middle of a flight the Foveated rendering suddenly stops working. I've got Quadviews companion running in the background, it works initially and then boom - I have to move my head to see things clearly after a while. Any help would be appreciated!
  12. Honestly I had no idea how much that kneeboard would be utilised. I cannot wait for this feature to show up in other modules. This is truly clutch in VR.
  13. +1 Still hoping for some love on the Tankers.
  14. I've heard it's best to buy the Pimax through amazon. Seems like a safe way to enjoy this headset and save some headache should you want to return it. Switching gears to the positive... I cannot wait for the Kiowa or the Chinook.... DCS is fulfilling all of my helicopter dreams! Looks like some exciting times are ahead for us in the DCS world!
  15. KC10 Tanker bump. Would love to get gas from something other than the ole' KC135......
  16. I think we broke the DCS Store…
  17. can. not. wait.
  18. I haven't noticed this before today's patch - but the TGP model appears to be stuck in a forward looking position - even though it's working fine in (moving) in the cockpit. Sorry, no track file this time.
  19. It must be close, ED's new policy about keeping the hype train on standby until imminent release and all....
  20. A-4 made it in to ED's Autumn DCS sale video... Any thoughts on this? Have they ever included a Mod in a video?
  21. Hello all, Currently I am running a i7-8700k OC'd to 4.7ghz, 64gb of DDR4 3200, 2080Ti with an Odyssey Plus. Everything runs okay for the most part - sometimes I have the sporadic performance issue (with most things maxed out.) I am thinking about possibly upgrading to the PiMax headset and I believe that will require a hardware upgrade, so I am looking for suggestions for butter smooth and maxed out preferences without going above what's needed... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Just found this and thought it might be interesting for everyone...
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  23. @ 22 seconds in - F/A-18 Gun sparks?
  24. At night, when Mono mode is selected on the MPD, if you select the DIG chart on the TSD, it is shown in color. I am not sure if this is as designed - just didn't seem right.
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