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Everything posted by HansRoaming

  1. I ran throgh the procedure and the Mig21 activated, however now when starting DCS again after a reboot I am getting a curobife.x64 application error once more. Is there any way to not have to keep cleaning out DCS and the registry of the Mig21 and then activating each time?
  2. Guys in case you are reading this, I am really looking forward to when you release but do so when you are ready. I really appreciate the work you have done to bring me a fine simulation for a few tens of dollars. Incidentally don't work 24/7 as you don't owe me or anyone else anything and I rather you work at a sustainable pace than burn out. Regards Iain
  3. Westland Lynx, if you want to know why then watch this.
  4. F-86 is a great plane to fly, really enjoy the Milviz F-86 in FSX, also DCS Starfighter would be fun, again realy enjoy the Sim Skunk Works F-104 in FSX, get anywhere fast!
  5. Given the release of the F-86 would like to see the Mig-15 as they would make for perfect partners.
  6. Stunning! Instant buy.
  7. DCS so needed a small fast mover just for the fun of it, but any it also needs a HIND, as one can see the HIND is badass and also begins with H which means that both the HAWK and HIND are needed in DCS ASAP to make it more HOLY SH*T which also begins with H, so it is written. Ok that was a load of rubbish but yeah release the Hawk ASAP and someone make a Hind :)
  8. Thanks to Fudge for letting me fly on the Hawk and then we did some formation flying messing about. All I can say is what a great jet for DCS!!! BTW Hind, it needs to be in DCS, sure you can fly the Nemeth Designs Hind in FSX or Take on Helicopters Hinds but really, needs to be in DCS, one of the most iconic helicopters of all time let alone just Soviet helos. DCS will do it justice.
  9. Just anywhere will do me.
  10. Voted B-52 because it can be used in the modern theatre but would have gone for B-1B if thought they could model it accurately due to confidentiality of an active bomber. F-111 would be fun though.
  11. Hind is an iconic military helicopter and well also just looks so badass!
  12. Thanks very much ED, really appreciate what you do. Now release something to buy! ;)
  13. Why the hostility for click-able pits, as a UX feature it is a godsend when learning and flying an aircraft and FSX had this and that was released in 2006.
  14. Different Reynolds numbers means that aerodynamics will be different for different scales but its the same physics. If computers could use Navier-Stokes equations in real time then RC sims and large aircraft sims would use exactly the same computational fluid dyanmics to work out how they would behave.
  15. Missiles, RC models, Drones and manned aircraft all obey the same laws of physics, just saying.
  16. Environmental effects really add to immersion, for FSX having something like Opus and Accufeel give you wind noise, creaks and also aircraft shake and turbulence that all add up. Normally the wingflex discussions I see are about airliners! :)
  17. It's just a matter of reaching critical mass like FSX has, which even though the product is dead still has new add-ons coming out for it. DCS is looking to be the FSX of the military aviation world which is just awesome, as more planes get released then more developers and people come. BTW The biggest issue for me is maps, I know another one is coming but having multiple theatres would be awesome.
  18. Just to mention for two seat in some aircraft in FSX I use FS2Crew which allows voice recognition to interface with the co pilot. Civilian pilots train to be robots and follow procedures so not how applicable this would be to DCS. Some nice F-4's coming out and one in DCS would compliment the Mig-21
  19. If Coretex's F-18E is equivalent to the VRS F-18E then I'll be happy.
  20. Keep up the good work, it's appreciated.
  21. Sukhoi Su-30MKI would be my dream machine to fly in DCS. Enjoy the Bear Studios SU-30 in FSX but having in DCS would be amazing.
  22. Will these work with the normal DCS so for example one could create new maps to fly in for DCS World?
  23. My 190 is greyed out only get the P51 which already have, but hey, I'll be buying that on day 1!
  24. Nice, looking forward the DCS WWII, is the drool apparent? :)
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