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Everything posted by ALDEGA

  1. After the latest patch (2019-03-22) the position and scale of the Jester wheel is incorrect at 3840x2160 when "Scale GUI" is enabled in the main options screen. When "Scale GUI" is disabled the position and scale are correct. (see attached screenshots) I didn't notice any problems with other resolutions (I tested 1920x1080 and 2560x1440). Those resolutions don't apply GUI scaling as far as I can tell.
  2. I've been saving up for the Hornet since Lomac was released ...
  3. I believe the term was "promise". :P
  4. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade ...
  5. 30hz would imply using HDMI 1.4 (either an "early" 4K computer monitor or 4K TV). DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 2.0 support 60hz at 4K resolution. DisplayPort 1.2 should be available on most 4K monitors, even early/cheaper models.
  6. Higher resolution should help since, in a given scene, the area of interest which occupied 100x100 pixels at 1080p would occupy an area of 200x200 pixels on a 2160p screen (~4K). That's four times as many pixels.
  7. Speak for yourself :D
  8. This should answer your questions: Source: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-faq
  9. And still no canopy rain effect ... :D
  10. I know a guy who got early access to DCS 2.0 about a week ago. I haven't heard from him since. Apparently he hasn't shown up at work either ... ;)
  11. When you log on to this forum, an unsalted md5-hash of your password is included in the HTTP-request. The md5-hash can be intercepted on insecure networks (e.g. public/shared WiFi). vb_login_username=*YOUR-USER-NAME*&vb_login_password=&cookieuser=1&s=&securitytoken=guest&do=login&vb_login_md5password=*MD5-HASH-OF-YOUR-PASSWORD*&vb_login_md5password_utf=*MD5-HASH-OF-YOUR-PASSWORD* The web shop (digitalcombatsimulator.com) uses HTTPS so it isn't affected by this issue directly, but if you use the same password for the web shop and the forums ... Regarding the web shop, it appears to be vulnerable for one known SSL security vulnerability: a man-in-the-middle attack against an encrypted connection. It also still supports RC4 which is considered weak and supports anonymous (insecure) cipher suites. Source: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=digitalcombatsimulator.com
  12. Looks like a DNS issue. Verify that you can resolve 'updates.digitalcombatsimulator.com' by going to the Windows command line and entering nslookup updates.digitalcombatsimulator.com
  13. 1SMVGo0o2DM
  14. That Apache cockpit must be really polished by now, seven years later ... :D
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