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Everything posted by jaylw314

  1. Running smoothly with a 4080, I've only seen fps drops when I first turn on the AG Radar to longer ranges. If I turn it on at 160 nm, fps will drop for about 5-10 seconds, but then it will return to normal and doesn't happen again, so my experience has been the AG radar issue is not a continuous problem
  2. He's on the Radio 1 UFC page, so we can see Preset 1 is set to 251.000 as well. We don't know if he is correctly using Radio 2 or what its Preset 1 is set to, though. OP has not responded since last week
  3. It is comparable to all the other non-FC3 modules with the exception of the radar, the ground radar can bog down the CPU depending on your settings. Otherwise, if you fly the Hornet, Viper or Hog, it's not going to perform all that differently
  4. That's a fair point. Still, that thing about "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" applies.
  5. FWIW, the brakes can bring the mudhen to a stop from 115 knots in 90F weather from 85,000 lbs weight without risk of damage, although if you have any mechanical empathy, you will be hurting inside
  6. Better yet, drop your log file into the DCS log analyzer discord bot as first step, there's one on the ED discord.
  7. That's true for Radio 2 but not Radio 1 AFAIK, but there are likely other skill issues involved...
  8. I'd have to imagine ORP would always be a little bit later than BAL. I don't know how much of an advantage BAL would be--sure, if there was no laser, the bomb may still hit. But I imagine there are plenty of failure modes with lasers where it would stop early, be intermittent, or off target, and with a ballistic release you might have the energy to recover. And FWIW, @Yurgon did say his altitude was 12k' MSL, and since he was in an A-10, we know the speed was...slow
  9. You are correct, kind sir! It's only when the steerpoint is above the aircraft that you get the CCRP INVALID warning. Learn something new every day!
  10. It says 'CCRP Invalid' in the video because I can see in the lower left of the HUD your SPI is set to STPT, so your fire computer thinks you're trying to bomb your current steerpoint. Waypoint zero is always your initial position, and you started in the air. The fire computer thinks you're trying to bomb a location in the air, so it throws a 'CCRP Invalid' warning when you're in CCRP. If you started the mission on the ground, Waypoint zero would be on the ground at your home base, and you wouldn't get that error. In general, attempting to bomb Waypoint zero is considered bad form TLDR change your steerpoint to an appropriate other waypoint, or change your SPI to a different sensor (such as the TGP), and the warning will go away and you will be given the appropriate CCRP cues Lasing doesn't have anything to do with this, he has not even had a chance to drop yet
  11. More importantly, turn off the afterburner Extended use drains the feeder tanks faster than they can be fed by the others. The most common cause of people asking why "fuel low" (although probably not in OP's case)
  12. Volume up on the intercom panel (and radios)?
  13. As an aside, you can also cycle weapons profiles with the SEL rocker on the UFC. For the super lazy, you can bind this to your HOTAS, and this works even if the HUD is not SOI. I'd also mention a common source of confusion with cycling weapons profiles is that if you happen to be in GUNS Master Mode, DMS left/right and the SEL rocker both cycle your GUNS pipper mode instead, so watch out for that
  14. jaylw314

    Tanker in Mission

    Yup, that's the one, hope it works out for you!
  15. jaylw314

    Tanker in Mission

    So that's the general binding for the comms menu. My understanding is that it does NOT work in the F-15E. You MUST use the bindings in the Settings->Controls->Throttle Grip category labelled "Mic switch FWD" and "Mic Switch AFT" to use Radio 1 and Radio 2, respectively. Hopefully someone corrects me if the words are not 100% accurate since I'm doing this from memory, I also do not know what the default keyboard bindings are for those.
  16. Yes, the wording is not consistent. Thankfully, none of the hat switches on the A-10C stick have a 'depress' function other than the CMS switch, so TMS/DMS 'down' always means TMS 'aft'.
  17. It's a known bug (or features?) in the TPOD, when you're in ATRK or PTRK, designation kills the tracking mode until you move the camera, then it tracks again. So just bump the TDC a tiny bit after you designate and the camera will stay put. IIRC, it's been there since release, so it's not related to any recent update
  18. At least looking at the fuel system schematic in the dash 1, it's not entirely clear why this is the case, since it shows the refueling lines to the CFT's and the external tanks are all just hooked up to the main refueling line, and it notes the refueling valves to the CFT's should be open when the CFT pumps are off. So far, all the SME's I've heard have agreed this should not happen though, so I assume there's something missing in the diagram. Could it be that the tank pressurization in the CFT's is higher than the internal tanks? I couldn't find any reference to those pressures, but that would prevent the external tanks from feeding into the CFT's at any time, even with the CFT refueling valve open
  19. FWIW, it doesn't need to go to the very bottom of the HUD, just far enough down that the computer can reasonably calculate the slant distance. At that point the "x" will be removed from inside the TDC to show it's a valid designation, and it will become ground-stabilized at that point. Technically, I think the TDC (HUD) can be made SPI by pressing TMS Up long at any point, even before moving the TDC, but I have to admit I haven't tried this myself (or used the TDC much at all since the HMCS came out on the A-10C2!)
  20. OP had 4 years to get it to work, I hope he did
  21. jaylw314

    F-15 E

    Comm program? Not sure what you're asking. If you're asking about SRS vs Voice Chat, neither is relevant for AA tankers
  22. jaylw314

    F-15 E

    My guess is you forgot to press the MAN-AM button on the UFC radio menu for the ARC-210, I think it still incorrectly defaults to FM for the VHF-AM and UHF frequencies. Either that, or you selected the wrong tanker on the same frequency, or you called a C-130 or KC-135MPRS. IIRC, caging the velocity vector in NAV and INST MM's has not been implemented yet, even though there's a HOTAS command for it
  23. Is it not China Hat Aft short? I rarely use that, but I think that used to be the LSS binding, but it was changed at some point
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