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Everything posted by VTJS17_Fire

  1. Ok, we already have multi-crew, we have datalink for years, we have high detailed ground objects, collision modell for trees and ED optimized their development process for new products to that time, 10 years ago. So please, do a full fidelity DCS tank. If think it's unimportant, wether it is an Abrams, a Leopard or any other tank. You have all the tools to do it and I would wonder, if there's not enough information about any of the modern tanks. Or a Shilka.
  2. Hi folkes, I read, that the SA-3/S-125 missile has two stages and that's (or one of the differences) why it is more agile, than the S-75 (for example). Are these two stages of the rocket motor simulated in DCS? And if yes, does the second stage fire up, when the first one is used or if the missile reaches a minimum speed/acceleration? Thanks in advance and kind regards
  3. I also would like to see the AIM-7 on Iraqi Vipers, as they do carry the Sparrow. At least for the AI, which need player-like avionics and data presentation (HUD etc) at all. Sources: https://www.flightglobal.com/iraq-offered-new-f-16s-with-older-missiles/96044.article https://www.forbes.com/sites/pauliddon/2022/02/15/the-iraqi-air-force-perpetually-between-east-and-west/?sh=37af834f21d3 https://www.dsca.mil/press-media/major-arms-sales/iraq-f-16-aircraft
  4. Thx for the update. I didn't know, that there is another map extension planned. Looking forward and yes, I think it's the most beautiful map in DCS yet, a good mix of water, destern, green valleys and mountains. Maybe with alle these bugs solved, the performance will be increased. Still hope, they put a little energy in the north-westenr Iraq, which would be awesome.
  5. Hi Ugra Media, I wonder, what's the status of the map. I fly for just 3 weeks on this beautiful map, but: - you can't place static objects under some hangars (RAF Akrotiri for example) - In the DCS F/A-18C Hornet, you have only with HSI scale 10NM a map. For other scales, it's just black or light blue in the background. And do you plan to add the Iraqi H3 Southwest airbase? Thanks in advance, kind regards
  6. Seems, there is no update on that topic/bug. 4 perfect HARM hits on a chinese frigate, but no damage to the Radar/antenna.
  7. Multicrew is available for almost 5-6 years with with the L-39 and former Hawk.
  8. Just saw the teaser trailer in my youtube timeline and thought WTF??!?!?!
  9. Hi folks, quite a while off for some months, still waiting for the ADM-141 TALD for the Hornet. One of the weapons, I waited most for. Now, I saw a mission in the user files section with a F-14 and the ADM-141. I checked my DCS, because I thought I missed that update but nope ... no TALD for the Hornet. But for the Tomcat? What's that???
  10. I just got my new X-56 and it's an awesome HOTAS system. I already mapped all the required buttons and axes, except the altimeter setting control knob. I wanted to bind it on the second rotary knob (rotary 4, mode axis) but he didn't work. Then I tried the K1 2-way button but it's to rough for the altimeter. With every click on it, the altimeter jumps 5 to 6 inches up/down. So, where did you bind the altimeter setting knob on your X-56? Thanks in advance, Fire
  11. Could you post a screenshot of that mapping, please?
  12. I loved the Hawk. Its clean cockpit, its overall design and the weapons, you could use for training. And I was sad to read, what VEAO did after all these years of development. My money is also gone, shit happens. Would love to see the T1 again in DCS as dual role trainer.
  13. Yes please, useful in carrier ops, imo.
  14. The new SA-6 modell looks so awesome. But: What is this?
  15. Sollte eigentlich für meinen Insta-Account werden aber bin zu deppert (und faul) zum Hochladen. Daher seit Jahren mal wieder frischer, nennen wir es Content, für den verstaubten YouTube Kanal.
  16. Additional info: It also affects static units. But not all the time. 50/50 inside and outside the shelter.
  17. This map is just beautiful! Thanks for your work, UM! There are ships in the Mediterranean Sea, like in the Persian Gulf, but they are driving. Like that!
  18. I just wanted to place two SCUD units inside an aircraft shelter/housing. But they are set on the roof in the mission. Please fix this. Edit: That's Rayak Airbase in the Libanon.
  19. I'm not in that stage of training with the Hornet but I already thought about some jammer tactics. I flew the Eagle for some years and with the FC jets, it's relatively easy, to jam each some seconds. Since the Hornet has only its ASPJ which comes only online, when I get locked, we have to rethink such methods. One of my ideas was, to fly high and fast with ASPJ on REC and shoot the first Fox 3 at about 28 to 30NM. After being pitbull, I would set the ASPJ to XMIT. If I get locked, the jammer would come online, set my Radar off but with one AMRAMM pitbull, this would'nt be that bad and I should already out of burn through range (23NM, IIRC). Not tested yet ingame, just an idea.
  20. Gibt auch Cloud Lösungen, wo du nur pro Stunde zahlst. Und da sind Windows Server kaum teurer. Hab gerade keinen Anbieter parat aber kann mal nen Kumpel fragen
  21. Very good visual explanation of labeling a picture.
  22. I hope, the focus won't be cloud templates, but a realistic weather panel. Sounds, ED focuses on simplification on that subject, what would be not my favorite choice. We'll see ...
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