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Flight Simulators





Found 9 results

  1. Mouse axis can be assigned there, but not HOTAS axis stick, which makes no sense to me as that is basically the same in terms of input, but the game simply blocks this option. I’m aware that there is another pov option that uses discrete inputs, but that works extremely bad comparing to the axis camera control. is there any way to make it works without virtual mouse/tracIR input?
  2. There seems to be a problem with the Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder's default axis in DCS. After launching a custom mission in which the plane starts in the air, it will immediately kick left. Depending on the plane (e.g. most pronounced with F-5E), the plane will then go out of control. It will only regain control once the rudder is moved. Looking into the Axis controls for the rudder, it seems DCS defaults the rudder to the JOY_RZ axis, when the one it should use, and the one I assigned to it should be the JOY_Z axis. This will repeat every time the mission is restarted. I found there is a "default.lua" file which contains axis default values, and there are entries for other market rudders, but none for this TPR. I tried to add this to the Lua file on my own, but was not able to as the exact name of the entry seems to be required from the vendor. Without its own entry in this file, it seems the TPR defaults to the general setting, which has the Rudder assigned to the JOY_RZ Axis, and the Thrust to the JOY_Z Axis, which may be causing the kick left at start, since the throttle may typically be placed in the off or max setting, which may map on the Rudder as "left". This is currently causing a lot of crashes at the start of the mission.
  3. Has anyone ran into this issue where I would love to use a free slider axis on my throttle for a speed brake lever but I guess I cant bind it? Yes, I know its a button IRL so dont yell at me but I feel like regarding controls, giving as many options as possible would be great? If anyone's tried this by writing up their own commands or editing some files let me know how you did it. Thanks!
  4. Hi Everyone, Having a small issue with my VKB Gunfighter Mk.II (Rev. b), w. MCG Pro that I've had for just under a year and a half (delivered early September 2019). What's happening is that when I put in pitch and roll inputs, the brake axis goes from 0-100% for a split second before returning to 0. This usually isn't an issue, but I've set the axis up to not only act as an axis (for aircraft that use a brake leaver) but also as a button for a small amount of travel (for western aircraft that have a paddle switch), the momentary twitch causes said button to activate, which can be especially annoying in aircraft like the Tomcat, whereby it disables the autopilot as well as the pitch and roll SAS. I otherwise don't have any issues with the stick, it calibrates just fine, never has ghost button presses, all axis and buttons work fine (including the brake), it's only this transient 0-100% that it sometimes does with the brake axis with X and Y inputs that's the issue. I've tried reflashing it, recalibrating it, as well as reseating the grip, I've also tried replugging in the connectors on the gimbal. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Hello! I'm newbie DCS player. I want to answer a couple of questions about controls config. I came from War Thunder Sim Mode mainly and Il2 sometimes. I've take my time to optimize my control devices, I'm using TrackIR, Joystick (Logi Extreme 3D) and mouse. Regarding TrackIR, I don´t like to turn too much my head having to move my eyes a lot to see the screen (not comfortable to me). I get an ultra wide monitor and prefer to use TrackIR with 15° max on pitch and yaw angular view changes (the other 3 translational axis as usual) and transfer this movement 1 to 1 into the game. If I want to get 90° or more I use "mouse look" movements (but first translating the mouse movement to a vjoy axis and use that input into the game). As example War Thunder naturally SUM the input from native TrackIR integration and the head view analog axis command (configuring the respective vjoy axis). Finally I get comfortable, fully and precise head view control in the game (to my taste). I tried to do the same trick in DCS but I can't figure out how to achieve this goal. Saw that Head Tracker commands (recognizing TrackIR native integration) don´t allow the use another analog devices input. The only possible option is to use "Absolute Camera..." axis, like I show in the screenshot. But configuring several axis inputs don't sum... the program select or prioritize one or another. The 2 questions.... 1. Exist some hidden configurable command control behavior to sum the input of the several configured axis for the same command? 2. In order to get better response in the game... Exist a "smoothness" setting for a axis command control to avoid source jittering (from different devices qualities)? Thank for you answers or suggestions in advance...
  6. Hello, I have been following the threads associated with the trim in the Apache so before you dismiss my post as not being a bug please read all of it. I have noticed an issue that only seems to be with the rudder pedals when trimming the Apache. I first noticed this when I would come in for a landing, I'd have to put in lots of pedal to compensate for torque and then I'd trim. Then I would watch as the aircraft would spin wildly to the side I trimmed to. At first I thought it was me and just needing to get used to trim. Then I watched Wags video and he suggested pulling up the controls indicator. So I did and noticed some crazy behavior. In forward flight, when I press the pedal where I need it, then press forward on the trim button and recenter, it would work fine and trims exactly where I put it. However, it may work fine for a few trims but eventually it starts this crazy behavior. Once I have it trimmed for forward flight and then start landing, I'll press left pedal to compensate for torque and instead of trimming where I put the pedal, the control indicator jumps all the way to the left and trims there, in some cases all the way to the edge of the control indicator box and not where I put it. I began testing this on the ground and It is especially noticeable when you trim half way to the left or right and then trim half way to the opposite side. I can replicate this on either side of center and it does the same thing. I am using Logitech Pro Rudder Pedals and I have an old pair of Thrustmaster ball crushers that does the exact same thing. I am using Central Position Trimmer Mode, and I have tried different USB plugs, I have double checked that I don't have other controllers bound to the rudder, and I have calibrated the pedals. Maybe this is part of the reason people are having such a hard time trimming. For me it's so frustrating that I am getting to the point I don't even want to fool with the Apache anymore.
  7. In the 2.9 we are now able with three axis to adjust our virtual hands. This only works for the left hand however (bug?). Can you also add additional 3 axis for the right hand? Works really well to help align the virtual hand in game with my simpit in the room. Current workaround is to turn off the right hand. secondly increasing the x axis range for left and right adjustment of the hand is preferred. Increase current range by 1.5. Should be enough.
  8. Hello, I would like to advocate for the unblocking of gunsight mods via IC, scince the stock DCS gunsights on many planes like the Revi16 on Luftwaffe aircraft, just dont feel like an actual Revi sight. The holographic sights feel blocky and unrealistic when compared to irl gunsights. For example here is how the Revi16 looks like irl: Compared to the Revi16 in DCS: This is not only an issue on Lufwaffe Revi sights, but also on allied aircraft (as seen in the following video): Even for modern aircraft like the Mi24 Hind, the gunsight does not look like irl: Some more examples of gunsights irl from various aircraft in ww2: There is various mods for all these gunsights that "fix" this feeling of them being off: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3317324/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/files/3311044/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3317205/ https://forum.dcs.world/topic/257697-mk-viii-gunsight-pattern-mod/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3309745/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3301720/ The mods and posts above are some of the examples, of how these gunsights could be fixed. So I ask ED to please remove gunsight mods from the IC or maybe even improve their stock gunsights to make them feel more real. -Emperor
  9. Loaded into DCS today to fly the F1EE for the first time post-update, and none of my axis commands are working in the jet on my T16000 joystick or throttle. DCS is seeing the controllers correctly, and if I load into the AV-8B both work as normal. Have tried deleting bindings, resetting bindings, clean and repair of the game, and re-install the module, to no avail. Any assistance would be appreciated.
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